--- Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer > wrote: > > >Hi --
>Star wrote:
>> Does everyone, H/H shippers, R/H shippers, no-shippers, H/G shippers,
>> D/H shippers etc. etc. all think that it's completely ovious that Ron
>> likes Hermione?
>I do think it's pretty obvious he likes her, but being the devout H/H
>shipper that I am, I'm sure open to hearing your counter-arguments,
>Star. Please let us in on it before you end up computerless! :--)
I guess I shoud have posted that a long time ago sense I've been sitting on comment for awhile and now I don't have a computer :( (I'm on a friends right now) but I'll give a little insight to my thinking: People always talk about the dance when supporting ROn likes Hermione saying Ron was mad b/c he liked Hermione and she didn't break off her date to go with him, I don't see this. Ron thought of Hermione as a last resort, if he liked her why didn't he ask her before hand, he could have 'pretended' he wanted to go as friends but no, he didn't even think of her till it was too late. Also, Ron didn't seem mad that she was going with some one else before the dance at all, if it would have been just another student I don't think ROn would have gotten mad. I think Ron got mad b/c he was jealous not of not going with Hermione but b/c Hermione got to go with his 'hero'. Ron couldn't believe that Hermion went with Krum and she wouldn't even tell him, this is the guy he wanted an autograph from and here his friend his going to the dance with Krum and didn't even tell him. I see Ron's anger and jealousy coming not from like for Hermione but his like (hero type peoples) of Krum. ROn wante to meet Krum and talk with him but he didn't get to but Hermione did. Ron get's jealous at Harry for being the star and I think that he gets a little jealous of Hermion too, her being so smart and now gets to know Krum really well and this his his first blow-out showing jealousy of Hermione like his recent blow-out of jealousy at Harry. This is just part of an argument at one sense that is used for supporting ROn likes Hermione. I have a lot of arguments against this I suppose b/c I've been in this type of thing with a guy friend of mind. He acts towards me just like ROn acts towards Hermione and I know he doesn't have a crush one me for a fact so I suppose that tends to reflect my views. If you have questions and want further evidence on my views name certain reasons why you think Ron likes Hermione and I'll tell you a different way to interpret that 'evidence' but righ tnow I got to be going. ~Star~ _____________________________________________________________ Sign up for a Free, Web-Based email account at: The Home of Wicca on the Web.