On Fri, 23 March 2001, "Celeste Chang" wrote: > > > > >
> > > > My point being, if Harry had been female, I don't think it'd
> have
> > made
> > > > any
> > > > difference, as long as she had the same adventures et al that
> > Harry
> > > > has.
> Actually, I have to disagree slightly... some things may have changed.
> As a boy, Harry tends to keep things more quiet and to repress
> emotions. Males in general tend to bottle up emotion, and rarely just
> sit and have a nice talk. A girl usually will. As a girl, Harr-ieta
> (haha) might be more open about confessing certain things. And
> besides, as a girl, she might develop some cozy feelings for Draco
> once those hormones get flowing...
> Speaking of Draco, certain confrontations might not quite play out the
> way they did in canon if Harry were a girl. I don't know whether Draco
> is the kind of boy who will strike a girl, but he didn't strike me (no
> pun intended) as that type- Hermione struck him in third year and he
> didn't retaliate physically- or even verbally, even though no teachers
> were around. Even though Harry and Ron were there, he's done nasty
> things to Herm while the boys were around (calling her Mudblood). Of
> course, the lack of retaliation could have been due to shock, but...
> - Celeste Chang
Of course, in that scenario, we could also have Hermione striking Dracoline (ok, you figure out a name I'm at a loss). Dracoline strikes back. They grab each other's hair and end up having a good old fashioned cat-fight. (sorry) I would think, though, that a lot of the characters/scenes would change if there were a female protagonist. I don't see Dudley & his friends getting any satisfacton tracking down/beating up a scrawny girl. Since she wouldn't be direct competition for Dudley, would Aunt Petunia be more inclined to treat her as the daughter she never had? Would Harr-ieta have been "the spitting image of her mom, but with her dad's eyes"? Or simply a female James with Lily's eyes? Also in PoA people would have had to assume SB was after Ron - otherwise he would have broken in to the girl's dormitory to get Harr-ieta. Would Myrtle have watched/talked to her in the bath? (GoF) I'm done rambling for now. I just don't see everything else being able to remain the same with Harry as a girl. a. _________________________________________________________________ iVillage.com: Solutions for Your Life Check out the most exciting women's community on the Web http://www.ivillage.com