>I've known people who grew up in materially deprived circumstances, but >hungering after the material things they saw other people have, and as >grown-ups in more prosperous circumstances, they went kind of crazy on >the expensive toys -- big TV, big stereo, Ford Excursion, lots of >clothes -- the one among them to whom I am closest got way overextended >on credit cards and other things and declared bankruptcy and got way >overextended again, but bankruptcy is only allowed once per seven years, >so she attempted suicide.... I stand by NONETHELESS. We must know different people, and be different people. My best friend grew up like that, and he's the least materliastic person I know. He now has the opportunity to buy himself nice things, but instead he saves his money and only buys the neccessities. Do you always insist on being right? It is -my- opinion, and -my- statement. "Therefore" is the correct word because I used it intentionally, as my opinion. Don't tear down my opinion and say I'm wrong. It's opinion, not fact. Yours included. >Stick around for a while. You'll eventually see me nitpick EVERYONE. With your rude attitude towards me, I'm not sure if I -want- to stick around for a while. I'm stating my opinion, not ensuing a fight to see who knows the most terminalogy and who's the biggest know-it-all. I never claimed to know everything, but I do know that I have a right to my own opinion, and for my opinion not to be trashed. >Btw, nitpicking is named after a disgusting medieval custom: when people >liked each other, they would take turns picking lice out of each other's >hair and searching for lice eggs (called nits) to remove. We do this >nowdays to our cats and dogs with Flea Combs (very fine-toothed combs). Yes, I know exactly what nitpicking is, I learned it when I was working for a Midieval fair a few years back. I find nitpicking to be a very acceptable word for what you're doing. I feel you're picking apart every word I type to make yourself look superior, and to make me seem like an unintelligent fool. I'm not, in the least. ~Echo *insulted and defensive* _____________________________________________________________ Get your free mail --> http://www.gundamwing.org Comprehensive GW info, official info, galleries, translations, doujinshi, fanfics, multimedia, music and much much more!