>Amanda, I think it's a great as well as a chilling theory. The only=20 >flaw I can see in it is the fact that Dumbledore, for one, has said=20 >flat-out that Voldemort can't be killed (PS/SS 17). But I still see=20 >wiggle room there; there might be some way he could be=20 >all-but-destroyed, as he was before. When Dumbledore said Voldemort couldn't be killed, wasn't he referring to Voldemort's current state(not human enough to be killed or whatever it was?*too tired to go look exact quote up*)? If so, wouldn't it be possible now to kill him because he's once again in a human body? >I interpret JKR's comment differently. Giving her hero glasses is a=20 >metaphorical way of saying that he is human, flawed, and vulnerable.=20=20 >For an illustrator to leave them out is like drawing Harry with big=20 >biceps. His vulnerability is essential to who he is I agree whole heartedly on that point. To put it simply(in my opinion), Harry's glasses are the physical manifestation of his vulnerability, his weakness, his humanity, his -mortality-. I love how human JKR makes him; all of her characters, really. He's not perfect, he's not the strongest person in the world, he's a tad clumsy at times, not the greatest with some magic, etc. He's flawed, he has weaknesses, he's a human being and she makes that apparent. She doesn't put him up on a pedastool of perfection. ~Echo _____________________________________________________________ Get your free mail --> http://www.gundamwing.org Comprehensive GW info, official info, galleries, translations, doujinshi, fanfics, multimedia, music and much much more!