>I once again state my agreement with Naama. I replied to this point >earlier, Echo. I will repeat the last point that I made then: we can >disagree with each other while remaining agreeable. Nobody is making >a personal attack, so please don't feel offended. You are causing >yourself unnecessary grief. > >Haggridd > I don't believe you understand what I'm saying, Haggridd. As you yourself said, people can disagree without arguing, without becoming enemies. I never said I didn't want other people's opinions. I rather enjoy seeing what other people have to say. But people can have different opinions on a subject without arguing about it, and without telling each other they're wrong. I respect everyone elses opinion, but NOT when it's shoved down my throat. That's insulting and rude. THAT'S what I'm offended by, not people having an opinion that differs from mine. ~Echo _____________________________________________________________ Get your free mail --> http://www.gundamwing.org Comprehensive GW info, official info, galleries, translations, doujinshi, fanfics, multimedia, music and much much more!