Also another thing that bothered me, is that I heard somewhere that >in the movie, Harry's "lightning" scar is supposedly at his temple, >and not his forehead. If true, that just irks me. >> ~Echo > >Whoa, wait, where did you hear that? Is that the reason those people >replaying stills over and over again haven't spotted it yet? But why >would they change it in any case- Harry's scar on his forehead has >become so well know. I regret to say that I can't remember exactly where I heard it, but I do know that I've heard from several people who have apparently seen stills of Harry(from the movie) with his hair parted, and no scar can be seen. If I remember correctly, I haven't talked to anyone that -has- seen a scar at all. ~Echo _____________________________________________________________ Get your free mail --> Comprehensive GW info, official info, galleries, translations, doujinshi, fanfics, multimedia, music and much much more!