I agree completely. In each of the 4 current books, it states at least once that Harry is short and skinny for his age. It also points out clearly that Ron is a bit taller, gangly with long limbs. I too am displeased with the movie version of Draco. In the one still I've seen of him, he just doesn't look evil enough. He looks like a baby doll in my opinion. Isn't Draco suppose to have a pointed face? The actor playing him certainly doesn't, at least not in the picture I saw. I suppose we'll see how their acting abilities are. Also another thing that bothered me, is that I heard somewhere that in the movie, Harry's "lightning" scar is supposedly at his temple, and not his forehead. If true, that just irks me. ~Echo --- Sarah Rose > wrote: >First off, the movie. Am I the only one bothered by >the fact that Ron is shorter than Harry? In the >books, wasn't he taller? Maybe I'm just remembering >wrong, somebody has my SS book, but I am pretty sure >Ron was taller. In the picture located here : >http://www.hpgalleries.com/mgallery31.htm Ron's >noticably shorter. I was just wondering if I'm the >only one with this problem. As well, I'm not too >happy with the casting of Draco. He doesn't really >remind me of him. I always pictured Draco as an evil >Aaron Carter with blue eyes, but maybe it's just me. _____________________________________________________________ Get your free mail --> http://www.gundamwing.org Comprehensive GW info, official info, galleries, translations, doujinshi, fanfics, multimedia, music and much much more!