Somewhere in all of these e-mails someone said that the uncut version of the movie is 4 hours. I don't have a problem with that! WHo has a problem with that?! Intermissions? Sure, for the whimps. How about one screen has intermissiona dn it's the "kid" theatre and the other has no intermissions and is the "grown-ups" theatre. They could at least release an uncut version onto video when the time comes! Won't THAT day be heaven?! My 6 year old: "Mommy, what's on TV?" Me: "What do you think? It's Harry Potter, kid! All day everyday! Get used to it ok?!!!!" I plan to to go to the movie as early as possible on November 16-no kids, but as many grown ups (true fans)that I can get together. I'll take my daughter on the 17th. Then if she has to potty she won't have to go in the popcorn container! =0P Kitty, only 143 e-mails to go woohoo! On Sat, 08 September 2001, "Saitaina" wrote: > > It would be stupid to cut any Norbert scene as that's where Harry, Herm, and > Neville lose all those house points which nearly guarantee's Slytherin for > the house cup thus the giant celebrating moment at the end when Dumbledore > awards them house points for their actions regarding Quirll. While not a > critical scene it is important to fans and it would be horrible to see all > that go away. > > I vote they keep every scene and have an intermission ever hour for the kids > to run around during. Who's with me? > Saitaina > ***** > "I should go help," Willow said. "Or Giles is liable to speak English and no > one will understand him."-Willow,"Master of Puppets", by Saber > ShadowKitten-Buffy the Vampire Slayer-fanfic > > "I'm not listening to you. I am at one. I am at peace with all living things > and if you break my concintration, I will break your legs."-Angel, "The > Florida Vacation"-Buffy the Vampire Slayer-fanfiction > > "That's allright, Harry." said Dumbledore cheerfully. "We'll give you > another two years and then we'll feed you to a balisk."-Dumbledore,"Draco > Dormiens, by Cassandra Claire-Harry Potter-fanfic > > > > > > _______ADMIN________HPFGU_______ADMIN__________ > > Attention everyone! Before posting, you must read our netiquette tips at > > > You should also read the Very Frequently Asked Questions file (VFAQ) at > and check out our FAQ-based essays at: > > For more details or help, contact your personal List Elf or the Moderator Team at > > Want to leave this list? Email > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!