On Tue, 09 October 2001, "Christina Davis" wrote: > Good question. It's been my least favorite book since I read all four but I > had no idea that was also the popular opinion. I don't know why this is...I > believe it's the shortest book (I don't have my books on me so I could be > quite wrong)...for me I think it comes down to it has the least meat of all > the books...CoS does have Tom Riddle, the confirmation of Harry as a > Parselmouth, the Gryfinndor sword and a few other important canon items but > it still seems lacking. The other three books all emotionally grabbed me, > kept me glued to my seat until I was finished with the book and left me > speechless, the second did none of these. > > > Christy Yes, CoS has been my least favorite. I blew through it pretty fast the first time because i had heard how awesome PoA is and was anxious to get there! The reasons, I think, we that care for CoS the least (but still love it), is that Book 1 is all new and sooo "magical" us and we're so happy to see harry get out of his horrible situationa t teh Dursley's; Book 3 has Sirius and Lupin, Hogsmeade is new, the Marauder's map is great new element, just great plot twists-lots of new & wonderful stuff; Book 4, well more of Sirius is always a good thing , Rita Skeeter brings in alot of fun, loads of new characters and kind of a review of everything Harry has learned! Book 2 just didn't bring in many new characters, Hermione was out of so much of it, they didn't really go anywhere new except the girls loo and the chamber itself...a bit thin. Nontheless, I am thoroughly enjoying reading it to my 6 year old and she's diggin it! I'll go back to lurking now... Vicky AKA Kitty Felini, Assoc Professor of Herbology and designer of the The Whompining Willow Treehouse Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping! http://www.shopping.altavista.com