On Tue, 16 October 2001, "Eric Oppen" wrote: > > You know, one set of people that we almost don't get to see, but for whom I > have the profoundest respect, is the Doctors Granger---Hermione's parents. > Or _is_ it impossible for them to visit? ...come to it, weren't Moaning Myrtle's > parents Muggles? In the flashback in CoS, Dumbledore mentions that they'd > be arriving for their daughter's body...> These are some points I tried to spark conversation on several weeks ago. And we DID get some pretty goog stuff going! Someone had e-mailed me about their fanfic "The Letter", which was supposed to touch on muggle parents, but I never DID read it and would LOVE to! hint hint I can't believe Myrtle's parents didn't go ape-sh_t about their daughter being murdered while attending this "foriegn" school! I'd probably be ready expose them to the muggle world! What kind of memory charm would they have to do to make them forget about the circumstances of their daughter's death?!!! Do you suppose the Weasley parents correspond with the Grangers about what goes on at Hogwarts? Just thinking... Kitty Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping! http://www.shopping.altavista.com