rowwwwwrrrwww (that was my tummy after reading that post!) Thank you so much for this rundown on HP food! It will be tremenous help in planning my party for friends to come over after going to the movie on th 16th! Anyhoo, I've ponderered this general question several times myself-why aren't wizards fat with those awful diets. One exception to the "there are no fat wizards" thing is : Aren't Crabbe & Goyle fat, or are they just big boned? Maybe the magic universe has mastered the art of keeping thin (as in the Sar Trek universe)? If they have and aren't sharing with theh muggles, I'll be quite upset! Just THINKING about all those foods has caused my hips to swell! They don't seem to concern themselves iwth exercise either! I suppose all those stairs at Hogwarts and then I suppose Quiddich....but VERY FEW students actually play quiddich? HEY-Mrs. Weasley is plump! Maybe Lockhart will make a comeback by leading a Wizard fitness craze? He's just vain enough! Of course Molly won't buy the book! If it's true that wizards don't get fat, then there goes my theory about Dudley having gotten a Hogwarts acceptance letter a few weeks before Harry! And I am firm in my belief that Petunia is a squib, this helps to support THAT! Maybe can't do magic, but still benefits from the "magic fat-blocker"?!hmmmmm Just my 2 knuts, Kitty/Vicky Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!