Yes, I feel that there must be an internal floo system at Hogarts with a great deal of restictions! Special floo powder, only teachers, not linked externally, invite only as mentioned below...After all, why wouldn't Sirius just floo into the Gryff common room? Although, how *does* Sirius do the head in the fireplace thing? Clearly it's not the same,but he wasn't even within Hogwarts! Must be quite complicated & hope we learn more & see more interesting uses... Vicky/Kitty > > > > > Clearly, they can travel by floo! In PoA Snape calls Lupin to > his > > office via floo powder. Since most every room has a fireplace, > this > > would be pretty good way to get around> > > I doubt we'll see a whole lot of travel by Floo Powder at Hogwarts. > It would defeat the whole purpose of having passwords for access to > common rooms. And imagine the security concerns if > students could just Floo out of the school straight to Hogsmead > Hogwarts is probably not connected to the Floo > Network. > > BTW, has anyone ever figured out how that "head in the fireplace" > business Is that Floo > powder, or a charm, or a potion, or a form of apparating, or what > exactly? > > Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!