i really don't think thta the use of alcohol is protrayed as all that negatively in Potterverse! Yes, Hagrid overdoes from time to time! Hey, thta's part of life, some people do that. It's also shown that it gets him into trouble when he loses control. I think that adults (and sometimes the kids) drinkin alcoholic beverages is casually presented and probably unotice to many -especially unaware kids. It's presented as not a big deal until you overdue, which correct!! If we could just adopt that attitude in the U.S.!!! My parents were al hush, hush and almost prohibitionist about it when I was a kids and still raise their eyebrows at how much i drink at social functions (I am 32 with 2 children). I don't get drunk (usually)and kknow how to pace myself, etc. That WAS NOT the case in high school and college. My parents made alcohol so mystical and taboo, I just went nutso when I got the chance to have some! I am very casual about it in front of my kids. If my 6 y/o askswhy shecan't have any, I'm upfront and honest! I don't tell her "not until you're 21", it's "when you're bigger and understand consequences ,etc. at risk of going OT, I'll wrap up with, JKR does an excellant job of presenting the REALITY of alcohol use in term appropriate for kids! Kitt/Vicky who wants desperately to move to UK because she has a more Euroean attitude, but loves the US, so... > > You see, Eric, I wasn't aware of that difference when I asked the question about alcoholic drinks in the books. For me, it is so natural to see young people the age of HRH drink a glass of beer or wine at mealtimes that I really found it strange that in the Potterverse alcohol has so clearly negative connotations. In Austria or Italy (which are the european countries known best to me), HRH and Ginny would have had their glass of Elderflower wine as well, at dinner before the QWC. > > Speaking of pre-or rather pre-enlightenment conceptions of children as small adults rather than "innocents", which in less educated levels of society persisted until the beginning of the 20th century, did you know that it was pefectly normal to give babies "pacifiers" that were pieces of linen soaked with beer or schnapps? > > Thouhg even this might be preferable to pumpkin juice which I imagine must be quite horrible... > > Susanna/pigwidgeon37 > > Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping! http://www.shopping.altavista.com