On Thu, 01 November 2001, dfrankiswork@netscape.net wrote: > Of all the things stated by JKR outside of the books, I think the Hogwarts Quill has the most implications for things we discuss here. > > 2) Neville. If his family had known that Neville's name was in the book, they needn't have gone to the trouble of dropping him out of a window, etc. This implies that the names in the list are kept confidential, or at least, no effort is made to let people know. (There is a possibility that Neville's parents were told before they went mad, but I can't imagine his formidable gran not insisting on her rights as guardian with McGonagall.) > Huh?! I'm sorry. Is ther something I'm forgetting, didn't catch in regard to Neville? I don't follow this paragraph at all! Vicky, trying to verrry carefuly delurk for a bit & stay out of trouboe while doing so Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping! http://www.shopping.altavista.com