rosewisegood wrote: "What of the relationship between MadEye/Barty and Snape? Barty knows which of the Death Eaters were loyal, at least to a degree. He was in a position to test Snape's loyalty. Did Barty at least believe Snape was still loyal? Why then didn't Voldemort use Snape for his ends instead of MadEye/Barty? Barty could have 'owled' V to let him know Snape was there." I don't know that he would have. He seemed to enjoy being the "prized" one--for instance his turning Malfoy into a ferret (obviously because of his disgust at Lucious being set free), and saying that there's nothing he hated more than a DE who was set free. I think he dispised Snape, regarless of where he believed Snape's loyalties to lie. I think that Dumbledore sent Snape off to Voldemort immediately, that's where he went. And he groveled and explained why he couldn't get there when the mark burned. Also, with Igor, he appeared to give no real secrets of which side of the fence he sits. All he did was tell him if he was afraid that he should flee, and that he (Snape) would make his excuses. Rita _________________________________________________________________ Solutions for Your Life Check out the most exciting women's community on the Web