"If you were Severus Snape, once and future spy for Dumbledore within the DE's, wouldn't you think it prudent to prefer the DE's kids over all others in the school?" Oh, yes, absolutely! It is definately in his best interest to remain invisible or on the good side of these kids' parents. Imagine Draco going home on holiday, just spewing good stuff about dear ole Snape and how he really let that stinky Potter boy have it again. Lucius would look up from his paper and give a smile and then let it all pass. OTOH, if Draco were ever mistreated by Snape or, ::cough:: given actual fair and impartial treatment, lol, then Draco would have a fit and daddy would hear the whole tantrum and go storming to the school wondering what the heck was going on, why would his old buddy be treating his son like that? Better for Snape to play favorites and keep a low profile. I'm sure Dumbledore is aware of this conflict too. Speaking of which--about the DADA position. I think that Snape knows he'll never get it (and really, the only way we've heard that he wants it is through students) for the same reason. It would definately raise eyebrows in the DE circles if Snape, who they believe to be a DE is teaching *defense against* the dark arts. I think they'd really question his loyalties then--unless he were specifically put there by Voldemort as Quirrel was (but I guess none of the DE's knew that Voldemort had done that--but we don't know when V. and Quirell met up, either, do we? Had he been a DE with the others???). Anyway, I think that Snape would understand it would also be in his best interest to remain in potions and away from *any* position or action which might draw any attention from the DE's. Rita _________________________________________________________________ iVillage.com: Solutions for Your Life Check out the most exciting women's community on the Web http://www.ivillage.com