On Fri, 22 February 2002, HPforGrownups@yahoogroups.com wrote: > > Message: 2 > Subject: Re: Sirius and the Dark Mark > > help Sirius to clear his name at the end of GoF. If he was a DE and > carried the Mark it should have returned as it did for Snape and > Karkaroff. > Unless Fudge isn't interested of course. I agree with the suggestion > that he may have had his reasons to see Sirius framed. > > Holly. I think that if Sirius were a spy, he would not have joined the dark side, he would merely have transformed into Padfoot and hung out listening! The only one who would have recognized him would be Pettigrew! Could be that Sirius recognized Pettigrew at a DeathEater hangout at too late a point to rat him out (sorry, just had to put it that way)! Perhaps Sirius followed Peter around after the fidelious charm to keep an eye on him... Also, I think that Voldemort probably was trying to catch up with the Potters for about a year since there IS *something* about Harry that Voldemort knew needed to be squelched, and soon! That would explain the low # of kids in Harry's year. Perhaps Voldy didn't know which baby had something special about him, but knew the child had been born (or was about to be born) and went around killing babies & pregnant women to try to make sure he got the child! Peter being a spy for Voldy would have reported back to Voldy what he observed in the Potter child & it was deduced that that THIS is the the one! Great deal was made to the Deatheaters that we must get the Potter child no matter what! Severus reports this news to Dummbledore and then, fidelius fiasco, Sirius finds out truth about Peter too late (perhaps Peter was coming to DE meetings as Scabbers so as to stay incognito to Severus) and we all kind of know how it goes after that! > Message: 3 > If I've understood correctly, the problem with the timeline under > the Life Debt theory is the assumption that a very short time > passed between Voldemort's decision to kill the Potters, Snape's > alerting Dumbledore to it, the Potters casting the Fidelius charm > and their deaths a week later. Thus Snape's conversion comes too > close to Voldemort's fall. I've always assumed, though, that in fact > the Potters' deaths were preceeded by a very long period of playing > cat and mouse - constantly one step ahead of Voldemort's assassins. and now another post... > Message: 15 > Subject: Re: Impossible Timetables (Really Long and > I can't remember which book it's in, but there is mention of > a "Charms Corridor", which makes you think that there might be a > Charms department, rather than just one teacher. I guess I've always felt that there was a department for each of their courses. Afterall, in PoA there's that female teacher (can't think of her name, book is upstairs somewhere in 7 y/o's room) who steps in to teach Care of Magical Creatures after Buckbeak's "accident" and Hagrid is wallowing, etc. There's probably "associate" professors around who are studying to someday become professors and currently assist the master instructors. Probably more like Teaching Assistants-kind a of a masters program. There you go! Hogwarts does have advanced education offerings! The TA's probably prepare the classrooms for the days lessons, inventory supplies, substitute when needed, maybe even tutor if needed! Perhaps that's how Fleur will show up, as a TA! The idea of Associate Professors did not just come to me however. For several months I have presented myself as "Kitty", with my full HP persona as "Kitty Felini, Associate Professor of Herbology". Lots of reasons for going into my area of study ;)! I do animag into a cat (my old boyfriend Sirius taught me that-but alas, we got on like, well cats & dogs & I must state for the record *I* broke it off! I'm no Florence LaStrange!), run a newsletter (website) titled "The Whomping Willow Treehouse" (Sirius taught me another trick, and perfect for a cat), and favorite herb to "experiment" with is well, Catnip, of course! Oops! Went into roleplaying rant! Sorry all! BTW, where beside OT can we indulge our roleplaying desires? Would LOVE a convention! Already have the robe and hat! Ok, done. Back to lurking like the true cat that I am! Kitty Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping! http://www.shopping.altavista.com