Melanie Wrote "I personally find Draco to be a very tragic character in HP, why? I feel sorry for the guy. I mean it's obvious that his father is a horrible man who in many ways is abusing his son, or it's definitely implied as such." I totally agree that Draco has a very sad life. From what I took from the scene in Knockturn Alley, I gather that poor old Draco is trying very hard to sqeeze an ounce of fatherly love from his pops, but to no avail. It just seems like he has devoted his whole life to doing what he thinks will please Lucius (terrorizing mudbloods, being heinously evil, being a snot to HRH, picking on poor old Neville, you know, being a true Slytherin). I truly feel sorry for him, because I don't think that it will ever work, and he will spend his whole life trying to educe something from his father's heart that isn't there.... love and pride for his son. Speaking of characters I feel sorry for, and I just have to say this, possibly the most emotional parts of the books for me are these: The Mirror of Erised scenario. How could you not have an emotional reaction to this scene? Harry is the closest he has ever been to his parents, but they are still separated. So close, so far away. And the description of Lilly and James, with pride and yet pain in their eyes, that just kills me. Second, I always dread reading the part of PoA from the point Harry is asked by Sirius to come and live with him, through when Sirius is captured, and then has to flee. How horrible! Yet again, we see a great joy hanging right before our hero's eyes, and then it gets snatched away. These passages always get me all choked up! They are so emotionally toturous! I love JK Rowling! LTG,3 ------------------------------------------------------------- Sign up for ICQmail at