<<<<>>>> (Rohit) ::darts out, glances quickly around for anyone in authority -- seing nobody, Weaver trots out her own attempt:: I suggest that Ginny and Neville's potential has been largely I.G.N.O.R.E.D: (Inevitably, Ginny + Neville's Opposition = Riddle's Evil Destroyed) ::sees Tabouli approaching and gulps:: I didn't mean it! It just happened! Apologies to the Masters of T.A.B.O.U.L.I... (Torturing Acronyms By Opening Up Linguistic Intricacies) ::grins wickedly:: Hey, this could get to be a habit... <<<<>>>> ::looks scared:: I didn't mean that bit Siriusly! ...just trying to warm over a cold, dry post... besides, the idea amused me. Sorry to confuse you! <<<<>>>> (Grey Wolf) ::sheepish look:: That possibility never crossed my mind. ::kicks self:: I'll definitely take that theory home and stick it in the pot to brew -- thanks heaps! <<<<<>>>> (GulPlum) Oh... but that's so mundane... (even though undoubtedly correct - ::grins::) But wait. Are you trying to imply that the Potterverse is NOT REAL? That it's just a figment of JKR's IMAGINATION??? You must be crazy! ::anxious face:: It *is* real, right? ...right?!? >>>>>RE: the Grey Lady Theory (multiple authors)<<<<< I don't know about her being Dumbledore's mother. I don't think there *is* any canon to support, so this is all just my own opinions -- The Grey Lady is The Ravenclaw Ghost, right? If she's only a hundred to a hundred-and-fifty years dead, wouldn't that make her too "young" for the position? I was under the impression that the House Ghosts had a very long history of association with their Houses before assuming the official title... I don't really know why, though... I know Nearly Headless Nick is only 500 (or 400, depending) years dead, and I'd sort of assumed he was the "youngest" of the ghosts who were House Ghosts. BUT... I don't think there's enough canonical evidence to support any theorising on the origins of the ghosts, so I'll just leave this topic now and hide my head in the sand ... before Tabouli and Grey Wolf catch up with me for unauthorised T.A.B.O.U.L.I... ---Weaver: whose brother tells her she is a R.A.P.I.S.T. (Refusing All Propaganda from Inveterate Shipping Termagants) ... but who would prefer to consider herself an A.S.S.E.T. (Anti-Shipper Seeking Elusive Truth). ::feeling very daring ... and a wee bit guilty... at inventing acronyms, even with her brother's complicity, and as a result would be very happy if one of the 'real' people would adjust her offerings...???:: ------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.schnoogle.com - part of the FictionAlley community novel length fanfics - 7 sickles an ounce --------------------------------------------------------------------- Express yourself with a super cool email address from BigMailBox.com. Hundreds of choices. It's free! http://www.bigmailbox.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------