Hi, All! charisjulia wrote: "Now, * now* I've got * cabbage*! You've given me * cabbage*! I mean, it's * cabbage*, and Mrs Figg * smells* of it. She smells of cabbage, and we all know that, it's stated in * Canon* and obviously, * obviously* this is important. It's way important. It's huge, astounding, momentous. It's Cabbage." Would you like more canon, charisjulia? Would you like more huge, astounding, momentous cabbage? Well, here you go. And do hold on to your seat, because this SHIP is about to make wake! Because of some cosmic memory of a connection between your now beloved cabbage and a certain potion, I looked up in a .pdf file of Chamber of Secrets, what I think is pg. 216 in order to find you this: "Pinching his nose, Harry drank the potion down in two large gulps. It tasted like overcooked cabbage." Ten points to anyone who knows what potion he's drinking! Oh, what the heck, I can't stand the suspense. It polyjuice potion! Hmmmmm............ maybe Mrs. A. Figg is in actuality a young, beautiful, and much-beloved-by-Snape protectress of Harry under the influence of polyjuice potion (now backed by canon?), much in the same prolonged way as Crouch Jr. I will allow space here for your many "Aha!"s, applause, and the throwing of trinkets of your affection (chocolate is best). More canon, I think, may be needed to back up the Snape-as-a-slave-to-his-libido bit (but, then, why else would he be such a nasty git?). Maybe I should break out my Freud costume and go psychoanalytic on his butt.... just a suggestion.... Sometimes a dark and brooding bat persona, is just a dark and brooding bat persona.... *grin* I do, however, sincerely think that there is some connection between the mysterious Mrs. Figg smelling like cabbage, and the polyjuice postion tasting like it. Maybe it seeps into your whole system with prolonged use (longer than Crouch/Moody used it, it would seem), ultimately exiting in a witch or wizard's perspiration. *Yuck* Oh well, maybe Tabouli can attack the whole cabbage revelation. Having an acronym (a Tabouli original, none the less) will help spread the word! L. Terrell Gould, III vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit. ------------------------------------------------------------- Sign up for ICQmail at http://www.icq.com/icqmail/signup.html