>Message: 23 Are there wizarding prep schools? If not, which I am guessing there aren't as nothing has been talked about before, are all wizarding children, whom don't come from muggle families, educated at home? Is that why Mrs. Weasley doesn't have a job, because she has been home >schooling the children? I think perhaps in many ways more emphasis could be placed on learning in non schooling context, and this is purely my opinion. But we have come to place so much emphasis on school as the only site of learning and the wizarding world may not have those same emphases. Although one thing I have been wondering about is higher education. I know JKR has said that there are no wizard Universities but I also know that Charlie Weasley "studies dragons in Romania." Is this just a personal scholarly pursuit? Is he paid my MOM funded grant, or is there an ongoing sort of payment from the Control of Magical Creatures department? I guess it's just hard for us (i.e me)to conceptualize sometimes with our focus on "institutions." I guess I'm just curious about some of the broader range of job opprtunities in the WW, and how they connect to income and supporting yourself and family, especially since class does seem to eb an important issue in the series. Alley