<TITLE>Harry Potter for Grownups - VFAQ</TITLE>
<H1>Harry Potter for Grownups</H1>
<H2>Very Frequently Asked Questions (VFAQ)</H2>
Updated: 06 June 2002
<FONT COLOR="#122ADO" FACE=ARIAL><H3><A NAME="Books">Questions</A> about the Harry Potter Books</H3></FONT>
Apparate to <A HREF="#Fandom">...about Media, JKR & the Fandom</A>; Apparate to <A HREF="#Club">...about HPforGrownups</A>
<TD WIDTH="25%">Question</TD>
<TD WIDTH="45%">Answer</TD>
<TD WIDTH="30%">Notes</TD></FONT></B>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
In Goblet of Fire, did anyone notice that look of triumph in Dumbledores eye? What did it mean?</TD>
Yes, we all saw that. As for the meaning, you can read various opinions on this in the group archives, particularly around the time GoF was released.
<TD>In lieu of a Dumbledore FAQ (which is in progress), see the summary and message numbers in the <A HREF="http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/faq/mysteries.html">Mysteries & Inconsistencies FAQ</A>, under Section 3 of Mysteries: Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire.</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Where is the school motto Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus mentioned in the books?
What does it mean?
The school motto - meaning Never tickle a sleeping dragon - is only found on the front-papers of the UK (and related) editions of the books. The motto is shown under a sketch of the school's coat-of-arms, which combines the coats-of-arms of each of the four school Houses.
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Has anyone calculated the number of students in Harrys year and in Hogwarts in total?</FONT></TD>
<TD>This is one of the most discussed topics on the list. There are various theories on this figure, most of which JKR trashed with an interview comment that there are about a thousand students at Hogwarts (Scholastic.com chat interview, 16 October 2000). Logic would suggest a smaller population.</TD>
<TD>See our <A HREF="http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/faq/hogwarts.html">Hogwarts FAQ</A> for more information.<BR><BR><A HREF="http://www.scholastic.com/harrypotter/author/transcript2.htm">Scholastic chat</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Has anyone wondered whether Snape is vampire?</FONT></TD>
<TD>Er, yes - this has been discussed extensively on the list, if you type in "vampire" and forge through the archives. The consensus is that JKR employed bat-like metaphors to create a feel for the character.<BR><BR>Recent threads have drifted into a half-dead, half-Dementor theme.
<TD>A Snape FAQ is in progress. In the meantime, take a look at the <A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/35299">canon evidence</A> for Snape as a vampire, as assembled by Pippin.</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
In Goblet of Fire, during the fight between Harry and Voldemort, James Potter appears from Voldemorts wand before Lily Potter. Surely Lily should have appeared first if she was killed after James?
<TD>This was an error. The scene was rewritten for later editions of the book. Both Bloomsbury (UK publisher) and Scholastic (US publisher) have confirmed this. </TD>
<TD>View image of altered US text <a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/files/Graphics/Publications/priori-s.tif">here</a>
View image of original US text <a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/files/Graphics/Publications/priori-s.jpg">here</A> and original UK text <a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/files/Graphics/Publications/priori-original.gif">here</A>
See also <A HREF="http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/faq/mysteries.html">Mysteries and Inconsistencies FAQ</A>, under Section 2 of Mysteries: Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire, for a summary of the discussions on this.
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
What is the meaning of the inscription on the Mirror of Erised?
<TD>Oh, come along Read it backwards and youll have the answer. Wonku oyneh wysa esti!</TD>
<TD>"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi."</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
I was wondering about the fact that all the Hogwarts teaching staff appear to be single and childless.
<TD>This observation has come up quite a few times. The lead messages to a couple of typical threads are linked on the right.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/13060">thread one</A>; <A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/18222">thread two</A>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
In Chamber of Secrets Dumbledore says Voldemort is the last surviving ancestor of Salazar Slytherin. How can this be true?</FONT></TD>
<TD>There are later editions in which the word ancestor has been changed to descendent and others that have not been changed. This was an error, but there is mixed views on how this will be handled by the author.</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Has anyone noticed that Arabella Figg of the old crowd is the same Mrs Figg who sometimes looks after Harry?</FONT></TD>
<TD>Yes, this has been spotted, and JKR has confirmed in an interview that they are the same person. This was the oft-quoted chat at Scholastic.com (16 October 2000). JKR was asked: "Is the Mrs. Figg with all the cats in the Dursleys' neighborhood the same Arabella Figg that Dumbledore mentioned at the end of book 4?", to which she replied: "Well spotted!"
<TD><A HREF="http://www.scholastic.com/harrypotter/author/transcript2.htm">Scholastic chat</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
In the opening chapter of Goblet of Fire, two Riddles and their son are found murdered. Surely the son is Tom Riddle, a.k.a. Lord Voldemort?</FONT></TD>
<TD>No. The murdered parents were Voldemorts grandparents, and the murdered son was Voldemorts father.</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
What does this phrase mean: "Time is short, and unless the few of us who know the truth do not stand united, there is no hope for any us." [Dumbledore, GoF, Chap 36]
<TD>It's a typo, should be "if" not "unless".
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Why could Quirrell touch Harry in the Leaky Cauldron?
<TD>Because Voldemort only invaded him after the failed robbery of Gringotts: "When I
failed to steal the stone from Gringotts, he was most displeased. He
punished me... decided he would have to keep a closer watch on me...." [Chap 17, PS/SS]
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Instead of using the Triwizard Cup, why didn't Moody/Crouch turn just any old thing into a portkey?
<TD>You can read various theories on this apparent plothole in our Magical Devices/Objects FAQ.
<TD><A HREF="http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/faq/devices.html#PORTKEYS">Magical Devices FAQ - Portkeys</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Where does it say that Lily Potter's maiden name is Evans? What Hogwarts House was Lily in?
<TD>We were all very excited to learn that Lily's maiden name was Evans (yeah, we *should* get out more). It came from an online chat between JKR and children, recorded on the Scholastic website on 16 October 2000. In the same chat, JKR confirmed that Lily was in Gryffindor.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://www.scholastic.com/harrypotter/author/transcript2.htm">Scholastic chat</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
In which year was Hermione born?
<TD>JKR revealed in an October 2000 chat that Hermione's birthday is 19 September. Members have debated whether Hermione is 10 months older or 2 months younger than Harry (born 31 July 1980).
<TD>See the <A HREF="http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/faq/hermione.html">Hermione Granger FAQ</A> for a brief note on this topic. The <A HREF="http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/faq/hogwarts.html">Hogwarts FAQ</A> addresses the issue of whether children must already be 11 to receive a Hogwarts letter.<BR><BR>See also, these recent threads: <A HREF=" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/26771">thread one</A>; <A HREF=" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/28940">thread two</A>; <A HREF=" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/29679">thread three</A></TD>
<FONT COLOR="#122ADO" FACE=ARIAL><H3><A NAME="Fandom">Questions</A> about Harry Potter media, JK Rowling and the general fandom</H3></FONT>
Apparate to <A HREF="#Books">...about the Books</A>; Apparate to <A HREF="#Club">...about HPforGrownups</A>
<TD WIDTH="25%">Question</TD>
<TD WIDTH="45%">Answer</TD>
<TD WIDTH="30%">Notes</TD></FONT></B>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
When will Book 5 be available?</FONT></TD>
<TD>The wait is pure torture, isnt it? <BR><BR>JKR announced the title of the book in interview on the Today Show, when she said it would "probably" be called Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix. The book's UK publisher, Bloomsbury, reports on its website that it wont be available until autumn 2002.<BR><BR>It's recently been suggested that Scholastic (US publisher) does not have the publishing rights for all seven books, which may be connnected to the delay.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://www.magicalharrypotter.com/TodayShow.html">Today Show transcript</A><BR><BR><A HREF="http://www.bloomsburymagazine.com/harrypotter/">Bloomsbury's Harry Potter pages</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Are there differences between the US and UK editions of the books?</FONT></TD>
<TD>Scholastic changed some British terms to American equivalents for the sake of understanding (e.g. fringe to bangs), but our members have also spotted some significant differences in the text.
<TD>See <A HREF="http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/help.html">comparison phrase lists</A> on the Harry Potter Lexicon (about halfway down the page).</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Im outside the UK and want to buy the British editions of the books. Where can I get hold of the books online?</FONT></TD>
<TD>Amazon's UK website is your best bet for deliveries outside the UK, but check out books.co.uk, a portal to British online booksellers. The site usually displays the top ten book vendors and the cheapest price for a number of bestsellers.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://www.amazon.co.uk/">amazon.co.uk</A><BR><BR><A HREF="http://www.books.co.uk/">books.co.uk</A> portal.</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Ive seen a reference to adult versions of the books in the UK and elsewhere. Is the content different to that of the regular books?</FONT></TD>
<TD>Apart from the covers, the books are exactly the same as the 'regular' editions, in each case. In the UK, Bloomsbury released all the books with photoreal black and white covers, aimed at adult readers and ran a poster campaign that proclaimed: "It's not just for kids!". Some other countries, such as Germany, have also used different covers in an attempt to attract adult readers.</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Who are the characters on the front of the US edition of Goblet of Fire?
<TD>Its the Four Champions in the Triwizard Tournament.</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
What is that small insect-like creature on the back of the US edition of Goblet of Fire?</FONT></TD>
<TD>Its supposed to be a Blast-Ended Skrewt, but doesnt look much like one. No, its not Rita Skeeter.</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Ive heard that JKR has revealed a list of the students in Harrys year with information on their magical prowess.<BR><BR>Let me see! let me see!</FONT></TD>
<TD>During a BBC television documentary, "Harry Potter and Me," JKR showed her notebooks to the camera, revealing details of the students, their houses and their magical abilities. There are various thoughts on what the symbols might mean. HPFGU member Muridae kindly posted some screen grabs to our Photos section (see link, right).</TD>
<A HREF="http://photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/hpforgrownups/lst?.dir=/Harry+Potter+%26+Me&.src=gr&.order=&.view=t&.done=http%3a//photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/hpforgrownups/lst%3f.dir=/Harry%2bPotter%2b%2526%2bMe%26.src=gr%26.view=t">Screen grabs from "Harry Potter and Me"</A>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Where can I find information on the Harry Potter movie(s)?</FONT></TD>
<TD>Harry Potter and the Philosophers/Sorcerers Stone was released on 16 November 2001 in the UK/US, but later in other countries, staggered right through to May 2002. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is due for UK/US release in November 2002.</TD>
<TD>Join our sister list <A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPFGU-Movie">HPfGU-Movie</A> for discussion of the Harry Potter films.<BR><BR>
See the latest news on the <A HREF="http://filmforce.ign.com/harrypotter">IGN Filmforce website</A> or check out the <A HREF="http://harrypotter.warnerbros.com/web/home.jsp">Warner Brothers' website</A><BR><BR>
We also recommend <A HREF="http://www.hpgalleries.com/">The Harry Potter Galleries</A> [site down 28 Apr 2002] for HP movie information, including a comprehensive list of release dates, worldwide. Its affiliated site, <A HREF="http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org">The Leaky Cauldron</A> provides excellent newsfeed on everything in the Potterverse.</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Im interested in finding out more about Harry Potter fanfiction. Where can I find the best stories?<BR><BR>I've written some fanfic and want to know where I can post it.<BR><BR>I need a beta reader for my fanfic story.</FONT></TD>
<TD>FictionAlley.org is a major website housing some of the best HP fanfiction available, with a writers' support system and message boards. Schnoogle.org is the location for novel-length fics, and there are three other sections: AstronomyTower.org (romances), TheDarkArts.org (action/adventure and mystery
fics) and Riddikulus.org (humour).<BR><BR>For other sources of good HP fanfic writing, please refer to the recommendations in our Portkey.</TD>
<TD>Check out <A HREF="http://www.fictionalley.org/">FictionAlley</A><BR><BR>Authors looking for a piece of the action should check the details <A HREF="http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/fictionalleywriters/">here</A><BR><BR>View the <A HREF="http://www.hpfgu.org.uk">Portkey</A></TD>
<FONT COLOR="#122ADO" FACE=ARIAL><H3><A NAME="Club">Questions</A> about Harry Potter for Grownups (HPfGU)</H3></FONT>
Apparate to <A HREF="#Books">...about the Books</A>; Apparate to <A HREF="#Fandom">...about Media, JKR & the Fandom</A>
<TD WIDTH="25%">Question</TD>
<TD WIDTH="45%">Answer</TD>
<TD WIDTH="30%">Notes</TD></FONT></B>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Im confused by all the sister clubs associated with HPforGrownups.</FONT></TD>
<TD>Thats understandable - were often confused and we created them.
<BR><BR>The details and scope of all our YahooGroups lists are included in the Humongous Bigfile and you can find a list of links to all of them at The Portkey. If you're still unsure where to post something, please contact your List Elf, if you have one, or the team of Moderators, Elves and Geists (MEG Team).
<TD><A HREF="http://www.hpfgu.org.uk/">The Portkey - links to all the lists</A>
<BR><BR><A HREF="mailto:hpforgrownups-owner@yahoogroups.com">Contact the Moderators, Elves and Geists</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Im not sure whats allowed and whats not allowed when posting to HPforGrownups or the related lists.<BR><BR>I'm not sure which list is appropriate for my message.</FONT></TD>
<TD>Don't panic! Take another look at the netiquette guidelines and general list policy in the Humongous Bigfile. If in doubt, contact your List Elf or the Moderator Team.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/files/Admin%20Files/hbfile.html#2">Humongous Bigfile - Section 2
</A><BR><BR><A HREF="mailto:mods@hpfgu.org.uk">Contact the Moderators</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
What are the prefixes (FF:, TBAY:, SHIP:) I've seen on the titles of some messages and when should I use these?
<TD>The Humongous Bigfile explains the prefixes currently in use.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/files/Admin%20Files/hbfile.html#25">HBFile note on prefixing</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Are any discussion topics completely banned?
<TD>Yes. We've tried to avoid declaring an outright ban on anything, but a few topics have caused problems on the list in the past and we feel it's best to avoid them. See the Humongous Bigfile for further information.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/files/Admin%20Files/hbfile.html#28">HBFile note on banned topics</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Ive seen mention of substantive FAQ essays on various HP characters and topics, but I cant find them. What are they and where are they?
<TD>In mid-2000 a group of us began analysing all the messages posted to the club and sorting them into topical categories, such as Hermione Granger, Charms & Spells, Wizarding World: Geography and Recommended Reading. A smaller group of us then began work on in-depth FAQs or essays based on the messages. Several of these essays are now available to view. Check out the link on the right.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/faq/">Apparate to the FAQ essays</A> (a.k.a. "Fantastic Posts and Where To Find Them")</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
I have something on my mind, but Im not sure if its been discussed before. How can I find out?
<TD><B>Very Frequently Asked Questions</B><BR><BR>
Some of the most frequently-asked questions are included in this file. Please see the table at the top of this file.<BR><BR>
<B>Fantastic Posts and Where To Find Them</B><BR><BR>
Your next port of call should be the FAQ-based essays mentioned above.<BR><BR>
<B>Yahoos Not Very Good Search Facility</B><BR><BR>
Another option you have is to run a search of the messages on the main list and in the Archive of messages from the original Yahoo club. Once you have logged in and selected Messages, look for the Search Archive box at the top of the message board. This feature has its limitations (e.g., you need to search the list in chunks by hitting 'next'; you won't get all the matches on the first pass), but it is useful for checking that something hasnt been discussed just before you joined the list.
<TD><A HREF="http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/faq/">Read the club's FAQ-based essays</A><BR><BR>
<A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/messages">Search messages in the main HPfGU list</A><BR><BR>
<A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups-Archives/messages"> Search messages archived from our old Yahoo club (Sep 1999 - Aug 2000)</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
I need to check some factual information from the books. Is there anywhere I can look for it without actually leafing through the pages?<BR><BR></FONT></TD>
<TD>The Harry Potter Lexicon is an incredible resource of Harry Potter information, which has earned the right to call itself "The Ultimate Harry Potter Reference". Steve, the webmaster, is careful to include only information from the Harry Potter books (including the Schoolbooks) and from JKR's own lips. It's a very comprehensive site and useful beyond measure.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/">Harry Potter Lexicon</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
I heard that JKR said ____________ in an interview. Is there anywhere I can check that?<BR><BR></FONT></TD>
<TD>JKR has let slip very few juicy facts in the many interviews she's done, but it's still worth checking out her responses in less guarded moment. We recommend an excellent database of JKR interviews and chats created by member Aberforth's Goat.
<TD><A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/aberforths_goat/">JK Rowling's Interviews - A Search Engine</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Why is there a delay before my messages appear on the list?<BR><BR>
Why did I get a message saying my post was rejected?
<TD>All new members of the list are placed on moderated status. Although we have a large admin team, there will be times when pending messages cannot be reviewed right away. If your message is rejected, we will usually give you advice on what needs changing and you can resubmit the message when thats been addressed.<BR><BR> Another occasional cause of temporary delays is Yahoo itself, in which case the situation may be out of the control of the list administrators.</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
I keep seeing shorthand terms like these in peoples posts. What do they mean?</FONT></TD>
<TD>Weve prepared a list of all these terms, which includes general internet acronyms and buzzwords, and terms relating to Harry Potter, HP fanfiction, Shipping (romance pairings) and other topics. See link to the file on the right.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/files/Admin%20Files/hbfile.html#4">Shorthand Terms</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Okay, what's all this Theory Bay stuff? L.O.L.L.I.P.O.P.S.? Big Bang? G.I.A.N.T. C.U.S.H.I.O.N.? Fourth Man? Are you are all completely mad?<BR><BR>
<TD>Hmmm. Let's pass on the madness question. Theory Bay is concept for naming theories about Harry Potter canon. Some of them have names and some of them have acronyms, but they all relate to speculation on characters and situations in the books. If you want to know more, make your way to Hypothetic Alley for a full glossary and wildly entertaining history prepared by some of the leading Theory Bayers.<BR><BR>In addition to Hypothetic Alley, there is also a database of all the acronyms proposed on the list: check out Inish Alley for that.<BR><BR>The titles of all Theory Bay posts should be prefixed TBAY: </TD>
<TD>For Hypothetic Alley, click on the fish: <A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/files/Admin%20Files/hypotheticalley.htm"><"((><
<A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/database?method=reportRows&tbl=13">Inish Alley</A>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Whats all this Ive heard about a Harry Potter conference/convention?</FONT></TD>
<TD>HPfGU is tentatively planning its first conference for the summer of 2003 (or possibly 2004), in Canada's capital, Ottawa. The event will include discussion of the Harry Potter books and suitably Potterised social events.<BR><BR>There is a list for discussion and planning, which all are welcome to join.<BR><BR>Sheryll Townsend is the Convenor.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPFGU-Convention/">HPFGU-Convention</TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
I would like to meet up with other HP fans in my area.</FONT></TD>
<TD>Please check the Regional Groups bookmarks on the main list. If there isnt a group local to you, you might want to consider setting one up. If you do that, please drop us a line to let us know and add a link to the bookmarks.<BR><BR>
You can also check out the Regional database to see if there are any individual members living in your area.</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/links/Regional_HPfGU_Lists_000999973547/">Regional Groups bookmarks</A><BR><BR><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/database?method=reportRows&tbl=8">Regional database (individual members)</A><BR><BR><A HREF="mailto:mods@hpfgu.org.uk">Contact the Moderators</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
Is there a regular chat session associated with HPforGrownups? Where can I find the chatroom?
<TD>The HPforGrownups chat room can be found in the east wing of Hexquarters, just behind the statue of the boggle-eyed hag (alternatively, you can click the link on the right). Come along on Sundays between roughly 2pm
and 9pm, US Eastern (7pm-2am, UK BST) and join a throng of
people from HPFGU and across the Harry Potter fandom. There's no set topic - it's usually *off*-topic, in fact!
<TD><A HREF="http://www.hpfgu.org.uk/chat">HPfGU Chatroom</A><BR><BR> If you're having difficulties entering the Java
chat room, here are some suggestions:
1) Quit and reopen your web browser;<BR>
2) Try a different web browser (newer if there's one available);<BR>
3) Check out the help files at <A HREF="http://support.raidersoft.com/freechat.html">Freechat</A>;<BR>
4) Mail the Mods at <A HREF="mailto:mods@hpfgu.org.uk">mods@hpfgu.org.uk</A>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
I want change my delivery options.<BR><BR>I'm getting far too many individual emails. Is there an alternative way of viewing the messages?</FONT></TD>
<TD>Please go to the list home page at YahooGroups, check the link marked Delivery Options, and make your choice. You can read about the different option in the Humongous Bigfile (see right).</TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups">HPfGU Homepage</A><BR><BR>
<A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/files/Admin%20Files/hbfile.html#13">Humongous Bigfile note on delivery options</A></TD>
<TD><FONT COLOR="#990074">
I want to unsubscribe from the list(s).<BR><BR></FONT></TD>
<TD>Please send a blank email to <A HREF="mailto:HPforGrownups-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com">HPforGrownups-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com</A> to unsub from the main list. Use the same convention for other lists (adding '-unsubscribe' to the posting address). If in doubt, visit the online homepage and the information is shown right at the bottom of the page.
<TD><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups">HPfGU Homepage</A></TD>
<A HREF="#Books">Go back to top of page</A>
Maintained by <A HREF="mailto:neilward@dircon.co.uk">Flying Ford Anglia</A>
Any questions or suggestions? Email us at <A HREF="mailto:hpforgrownups-owner@yahoogroups.com">MEG Team</A>