Who is Harry's "big fan" that's gonna kick it? Hmmmm..... Well The biggest fan I can think of his... Hagrid. Now. Wait. Not the "biggest" as in "most involved", but as in "largest", and, being half giant, he most certainly is large. Of course, what if it is someone else who is "big" as in "large". Hmmm..... a theory emerges. What if the "big=large" fan is Hagrid's mum, who he found while trying to get the exiled giants to come over to the side of Dumbledore and crew and brought back to Hogwarts to live in the forest? That would be a terrible death to write simply b/c Hagrid would have just found her again, and to lose her so terribly! What a painful thing for Hagrid, Harry, and JKR! It fits all of the criteria! Yeah me! Angst! Bang! BOOM! I like it!!!! Angstfully Yours, L. Terrell Gould, III PS Is that big bang destroyer still around? I may want to join! "Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head; And this our life exempt from public haunt Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones and good in every thing. I would not change it." - Shakespeare - As You Like It, Scene One ------------------------------------------------------------- Sign up for ICQmail at http://www.icq.com/icqmail/signup.html