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<div dir="ltr"><span style="font-family:Arial"></span>
<div><span style="font-family:Arial">We actually onlyhave
Dumbledore's word that Harry needed to be therebecause of
the blood magic. Considering how Dumbledore twisted the
truth in other ways, I find it quite possible he would also
have told half-truths to keep Harry there. And after
Voldemort's resurrection, having Harry's blood would have
let him personally through those wards so keeping him there
makes no sense.</span><br>
<div><span style="font-family:Arial"><br>
<div><font face="Arial">I wonder what would have happened if
Neville'sparents hadn't been driven insane by Bellatrix and
another death eater. For they were named as godparents and
would have legally been his guardians. In fact, from what I
recall (which could be flawed), they were killed a week
after Harry's parents. How was it that Dumbledore just
walked in and took a child for whom he did not have
Now, that brings up a couple of interesting questions. However,
it is pretty well established that DD does not tell lies unless he
has a strong reason for doing so. Being brought up by the Dursley's
resulted in an empathy on the part of Harry for the persecuted, but
people who are brought up with abusers more often repeat the pattern
of abuse, with a "Now that I have power, I'm going to get revenge!"
I have brought up before in this group the inherent unfairness of
the laws against minors using magic at home, because it can only be
enforced by those who live in Muggle households. It is true that DD
did not want Harry to grow up with a swelled head, but the Dursley's
upbringing was every bit as dangerous.<br>
I know of nothing in the text which even implies that the
Longbottom's might have been named as Harry's godparents. When the
Potter's were murdered, Sirius Black was implicated and would not
deny that he was involved, the WW (in Britain, at least) was in a
mess, and Morty's backstory implies that Hogwarts was authorized to
take charge of wizard children without guardians. Essentially, there
was pretty much nobody around to protest except people who were
loyal to and trusted DD (Maggie the Cat, Figgy, Hagrid, etc.).<br>