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"Karen Lewellen" wrote:<br>
> As for movie verses cannon, consider that JKR has disputed
some movie details...your discussion of the astronomy tower battle
is just one.<br>
> Bella's devotion to Voldemort clearly over road any ahem duty
to her husband. I do resonate with your theory that Bella likely
lived at the Manner,<br>
> if not full time since1982, certainly post prison escape. My
own confusion though comes in Delphi's explanation as to how she
learned about her heritage.<br>
> She claims Bella's husband told her after he returned from
prison...when exactly? I cannot imagine him ever reaching the<br>
> outside world again after Voldemort's downfall, so wonder
just when this took place? Kare<br>
Rodolphus seems to have a pretty low profile in the last two years
before Voldemort's final defeat, so perhaps he was able to
plea-bargain his way out of Azkaban, like Kakaroff before him...?<br>
Speaking of making bargains, and since you bring up the film's
Astronomy Tower scene -- Looking at Bella's big, pyromaniacal
presence in the sixth film, I can't help wondering if Helen
Bonham-Carter lobbied for a bigger role in it, over JKR's
objections...? (Just a hypothesis.)<br>
My big problem with Voldemort and Bella having a kid (aside from
the obvious "Eww" aspect) is that you'd think V would have deemed
it too risky. In his own mind, he's literally immortal, so no
need to "immortalize" oneself with an heir. So why risk siring a
potential future rival?<br>
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