
Dee (Denise) R gypsycaine at ...
Sun Sep 17 19:35:02 UTC 2000

Connected!  Sending login information...
Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage is on pager
Your buddy angeliquestill is on pager
Your buddy babynick34 is in chat
Your buddy bigeagle75 is on pager
Harry Potter for Grown Ups
You see here:
Your buddy angeliquestill has gone off pager
dee_97527 says, Howdy, Dee
€  babynick34 says, Hi Gypsy
Your buddy angeliquestill is on pager
  gypsycaine says, oh, i see. you guys started without me. lol
dejavu112 says, Hello gypsy
€  babynick34 says, As per usual... here early.
  gypsycaine says, hi Di.
  gypsycaine says, hello folks.
€  babynick34 says, Di, Dee, I get all confused with these
  gypsycaine says, it's ok....grins.
dee_97527 says, It's Diann here
  gypsycaine says, you can call me Denise, or Neicey if you like.
€  babynick34 says, Dennis's other half - is that right Di?
dee_97527 says, Yes
€  babynick34 says, Hey, I'm doing well
  gypsycaine says, wow. did that mean you went to london too?
dee_97527 says, Saw your picture yesterday
dee_97527 says, No, stayed home
  gypsycaine says,  
  gypsycaine says, oh, wow... new icon!
€  babynick34 says, Dennis has got the pics developed then.
dee_97527 says, Yes, we got them yesterday
gypsycaine . o O ( nick, thanks for the king's website. )
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  babynick34 says, King's Website?
You have 2 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
  gypsycaine says, that one where you described the train at 9 3/4
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
  gypsycaine says, I AM RECORDING THIS CHAT>>>
  gypsycaine says, ok... legalities over.
€  babynick34 says, Do you mean the article Neil and I wrote -
at: http://www.dvd-films.freeuk.com/special
€  babynick34 says, Noticed the postings of the other chats... 
Egroups is better than Yahoo in that respect - handles larger posts.
p_dumbledore enters
€  babynick34 says, Hi Dennis
  gypsycaine says, yeppers.
heiditandy enters
  gypsycaine says, how do you and dennis do that, btw, Diann?
heiditandy says, Hi - this is my first time in Chat here.
p_dumbledore says, hello
dee_97527 says, We have 2 computers and 2 phone lines and 2 providers
€  babynick34 says, Their own LAN probably
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  babynick34 says, A LAN would be cheaper Di.
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
p_dumbledore says, Yes, but I can't seem to get the thing to work 
€  babynick34 says, Though I expect you get all you local calls
free -
 or near enough these days
  gypsycaine says, lol.....chuckles.
  gypsycaine says, welcome heidi!
  gypsycaine says, don't worry about strange stuff... if something 
odd happens, and you wonder wth! just ask!
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  babynick34 says, Ah... LAN's are a pain.  With only two
systems, a 
peer to peer would probably be fine.
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
catlady_de_los_angeles enters
€  babynick34 says, Hi Heidi and Catlady
dejavu112 says, Hello everyone I do not know (which is everyone)
p_dumbledore says, Tried WinGate, but couldn't get it to work right.  
Need to spend more time reading the manual I guess
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, everyone
harry_potter00 enters
heiditandy says, Hi all.
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
  gypsycaine says, hey folks.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, scott
dee_97527 says, Howdy all
€  babynick34 says, Hi HP
€  harry_potter00 says, Hiya!
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
heiditandy says, I can't believe I finally made it to a chat - this 
is the 1st time my son has napped at this time!
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Let's see, dee_97527 is Diann and 
gypsycaine is Dee ...
€  babynick34 says, What time is it over there Heidi
dee_97527 says, Right
heiditandy says, 3:02 pm
heiditandy says, east coast summer time
Your buddy angeliquestill is in chat
€  babynick34 says, If he's a toddler, they often nap around that 
time... though you do need to wear them out with lots of exercise!
Your buddy angeliquestill leaves chat
Your buddy angeliquestill is in chat
gypsycaine . o O ( i am recording this chat. )
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, And I'm tyring to understand why 
Cheeta offers a Dog macro and an Owl macro but not any Cat macros, 
not even a Cheetah
catlady_de_los_angeles :      |\___/|         
catlady_de_los_angeles :     / º   º  \       
catlady_de_los_angeles :    /_.~ ~,_\            
catlady_de_los_angeles :       \@/       This is for my friend 
  gypsycaine says, ian's not (lol RITA!)
€  babynick34 says, Yes... strange, you would have thought there 
would be a Cheetah macro.
p_dumbledore says, Does that mean we have to watch our language ?
  gypsycaine says, napping yet
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
  gypsycaine says, Rita, you can make your own macros, and add them 
to the list.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm so new to Cheeta, I don't 
how to edit the macro so it says Moony and Padfoot instead of Silent 
  gypsycaine says, it's very easy (altho don't ask me how--everyone 
else adds them all the time!)
€  harry_potter00 says, So can anyone tell me about the Hallmark 
heiditandy says, he normally naps at 1pm ish instead - and he's a 
toddler - a running, climbing toddler. Thank goodness he hasn't 
figured out how to fly yet!
€  babynick34 says, Hallmark have some stuff available - it's on 
their site.  However they do not have a licence to sell it on the net.
dee_97527 says, At our Hallmark they said it would be October before 
it would be shipped
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, People on the e-group said that
Hallmark Store has to order its HP merchandise by a rapidly 
approaching deadline in order to have it in the store for Xmas 
€  babynick34 says, My boss went to Boston last week... went to
the Hallmark stores she could find, and none of them had the stuff.
€  harry_potter00 says, Really, well would it be a lot of trouble
you could spare the link???
€  babynick34 says, Stores said it was not coming in until
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I saw some pictures back on the 
Hallmark Press Release (don't remember URL: FAQ Committee?) and there 
wasn't anything I wanted, just
heiditandy says, i posted the link on egruops earlier - I'll try to 
find it for you hp00
harry_potter00 sobs.
€  harry_potter00 says, My local Hallmark manager is Anti HP so 
wewont be seeing it! 
€  babynick34 says, Harry Potter : 
€  harry_potter00 says, Thanks!
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, pewter Xmas ornaments and pewter 
€  babynick34 says, Hedwig: 
heiditandy leaves
heiditandy enters
€  babynick34 says, Hermione: 
heiditandy says, actually, I can't give the url because the way the 
site works, it doesn't pop you back to the same place
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
Your buddy brooksindy is in chat
brooksindy enters
€  babynick34 says, Charms: 
heiditandy says, thanks babynick!
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But the Golden Snitch and Harry 
himself are the only things that need to be licensed merchandise ... 
wizards with long white beards, witches, brooms, cauldrons, owls, 
wands are all generic
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  babynick34 says, Those are the links which Hallmark sent me... 
they seem to work.
€  harry_potter00 says, They look nice, I will be excited to get
this Christmas.
heiditandy says, catlady - that's why so many costume websites have 
great wizard costumes this year - but none in size 2T
€  babynick34 says, department56 have some stuff coming out in 
Oct/Nov.   Secret boxes
p_dumbledore says, Didn't you see mine that I posted in members pics?
brooksindy says, I'm back, dripping
€  babynick34 says, In which group Dennis?
heiditandy says, what is dept 56?
  gypsycaine says, ................
  gypsycaine says, ack
p_dumbledore says, over on egroups FILES section - Sorry about the 
pic of you Nick :-(
  gypsycaine says, never hit the backspace key with the phrase 
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm afraid that my boss/friend
is going to buy me an HP figurine for Xmas, as she knows about but 
does not understand my HP obsession
€  babynick34 says, www.department56.com/home.html  seems to be a 
US/Canada store... I've emailed them about online ordering and 
p_dumbledore says, I was busy scanning all day - got pics back from 
Your buddy brooksindy leaves chat
brooksindy leaves
Your buddy brooksindy is in chat
brooksindy enters
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, department 56 makes
such as little model houses for model railroads and some winged cat 
Xmas tree ornaments that I was given for Xmas two years ago
dejavu112 is away (Auto-Away)
€  harry_potter00 says, Dept 56, is the collectible Houses that 
people set up to make villages at Christmas.  They are sold through 
Novelty stores like Hallmark.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't have an Xmas tree -- not 
because of religion, because of cats 
dejavu112 is back.
dejavu112 says, hey I am what?
harry_potter00 steams in silence.
€  harry_potter00 says, Oops!
heiditandy says, Just checked out the dept 56 site- looks interesting
dejavu112 says, Okay memo to self: Stop being so anti-socal
brooksindy says, Hmm, I resized the window and it appears to have 
logged me out and back in, I just lost the chat transcript before 
that point.
€  babynick34 says, Dennis - my pic does not look too bad
p_dumbledore says, Neal, was unhappy with his.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dejavu112 (hey, it rhymes dejavu
one two) the narrator said you were away and then that you were back. 
Do you want to be called Deja? Javu?
€  harry_potter00 says, As far as costumes I was thinking of
up as Harry to greet the tricker treaters as I am to old to go and 
collect candy myself.
€  babynick34 says, Etoys.com have the glasses in!
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nick, the picture of you wasn't
nice as the one by Hogwarts Express and wasn't as bad as the one you 
used to have in your Yahoo profile.
dejavu112 says, Sure you can call me that
heiditandy says, nick - url?
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  babynick34 says, Pass... have to hunt it down.#
Your buddy angeliquestill leaves chat
heiditandy says, i think I found htem - they're called Nerd Specs, 
€  harry_potter00 says, Right
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The picture of Neil made me
Each picture of Neil looks worse than the last!"
dee_97527 says, Poor Neil
€  harry_potter00 says, Glad he's not here
Your buddy melanie_050269 is on pager
p_dumbledore says, Thanks Dee, maybe I can retouch it ?
€  babynick34 says, Try this: 
€  babynick34 says, Nerd Specs... that's them
heiditandy says, warner bros has "real" harry glasses too
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was just wishing he WAS here,
so I 
could say "He can send that picture to anyone who has been making 
unwanted advances to him"
€  babynick34 says, No size indicator though.
p_dumbledore says, Get some of those really wide German Harry 
Glasses ..ha!
heiditandy says, from GermanEtoys : )
€  babynick34 says, I wish more stores would sell HP stuff.. then
could write some software to compare the prices.
€  babynick34 says, As it is, WBSTORE.COM is about the only place
can get things at the moment.
heiditandy says, or from the sellers at ebay
dee_97527 says, I think that by Christmas more will be out
€  babynick34 says, Though, I think they are having problems...
as my 
order from 10th Aug, still has not arrived.
€  harry_potter00 says, Here's the link to the Dept. 56 product
though HP pic aren't avaliable yet    
p_dumbledore says, Probably got swamped with orders
  gypsycaine says, i placed an order (lol) with my friend for 
christmas for a snitch....
  gypsycaine says, i hope she comes through.....
  gypsycaine winks
blaise_42 enters
heiditandy says, my son got one of the clocks as a birthday present 
earlier this month
€  harry_potter00 says, Hi Blaise
blaise_42 says, hello
p_dumbledore says, Hi Again Blaise
€  babynick34 says, Can't find German eToys... what's the URL?
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, hi, Blaise
  gypsycaine says, hi blaise.
dejavu112 says, I think I read some where there is another place to 
buy hp stuff
heiditandy says, oh, I don't know if there is - I was making a pun. 
€  babynick34 says, oh.... and there I was looking for it!
  gypsycaine throws a pillow at nick. lol
p_dumbledore says, There are some nice graphics at the German 
publishers site
p_dumbledore says, goto  www.carlesn.de
€  harry_potter00 says, Always mess up my type, can you read it???
blaise_42 says, yeah, that's fine
gypsycaine :   /\        /\
gypsycaine :     \ _____\
gypsycaine :       (_)--(_)
gypsycaine :   Puts on her sunglasses for high colors
p_dumbledore says, sorry carlsen.de
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Scott, the beginning Yellos is a 
LITTLE pale, the rest is fine
  gypsycaine says, i think i got folks "cheeta'd" lol.
p_dumbledore says, a nice flying owl with message in its mouth
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I  need to learn how to make my 
colors cycle over each few letters rather than the whole statement   
brooksindy is away (Auto-Away)
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, especially since I  make such
€  harry_potter00 says, This is a bit strange 
€  babynick34 says, Secret Boxes (from dept56) are due Nov.1st.
heiditandy says, the hair on harry on the german site is what I 
imagine Draco's hair in PoU to look like.
  gypsycaine says, I think i need to change colors, rita.
  gypsycaine says, we're too close...
€  harry_potter00 says, Well I think that it is all right
peeves23 enters
  gypsycaine says, ok.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Make the gold darker or the
paler and tell me how to cycle it
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, I will work on my color
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, when I get a chance!
peeves23 says, hello... new member here  
peeves23 waves at Blaise
blaise_42 says, hi, peeves
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am now trying to post replies
to e-
  gypsycaine says, the less colors you have in the mix, the less 
letters that the change goes thru.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Peeves
  gypsycaine says, hi peeves.
€  babynick34 says, Perfect Soluitions are planning to stock the 
secret boxes... I wonder if they will ship internationally?  
  gypsycaine locates an umbrella for the water balloons.
€  babynick34 says, Hi peecwa
  gypsycaine says, secret boxes?
€  babynick34 says, peeves, I meant
dejavu112 says, Hi peeves
peeves23 says, hi
Your buddy bigeagle75 has gone off pager
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, what is this about Locates
-- is 
that an Emotion?
€  babynick34 says, Dee - I'm hunting a picture... found a pic
afternoon, but it's on the work PC.
€  harry_potter00 says, I like this colour combination....
dee_97527 says, How big are the secret boxes?
peeves23 says, I have to say I thought those harry potter model 
thingies sucked
blaise_42 says, what secret boxes?
€  harry_potter00 says, and you can read it...
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I *think( they mean Department 56 
boxes with secret compartments
brooksindy is back.
€  babynick34 says, Yes... secret boxes are by Dept56
blaise_42 says, sorry to sound ignorant - what's Dept56?
dejavu112 says, Its a online store I believe
blaise_42 says, aha
€  babynick34 says, Dennis - I like the picture of the Alley... 
chaging the name was a nice touch
€  harry_potter00 says, Ok it is an american company that sells
p_dumbledore says, Changing the name... I don't understand  
€  babynick34 says, US/Canada supplier of 'things' to use a
word.  Colectable items.  They have a website, but don't mention 
about International Shipping
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Not glass, ceramic
€  babynick34 says, Of the pub sign
€  harry_potter00 says, oops yes well I MEANT that...
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Little model houses for model 
railroads and Xmas village displaysl
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I thought you were making a joke 
about glass houses (in which one should not throw stones)
p_dumbledore says, Oh, I didn't change it..  wink wink nudge nudge
€  harry_potter00 says, The Christmas villages...I have things
like a 
starbuck coffee and a Big Ben tower
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Especially since you posted a msg 
about having great ideas when off-line and not being able to remember 
them when you get to the PC
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Which I really believe you are
young to experience!
€  harry_potter00 says, That would have been clever...oh well
brooksindy says, people who live in glass houses should change 
clothes in the basement
blaise_42 says, hehe
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Or have very nice figures and
that they are proud of
  gypsycaine says, that's why you buy the screen, brooks.
€  harry_potter00 says, and never underestimate the poorness of
  gypsycaine grins.
brooksindy says, And then there is the story of the African tribal 
chief and his hut
€  babynick34 says, LAG TEST
brooksindy says, H bought a big fancy throne and put it on the upper 
brooksindy says, but it fell through, proving that
p_dumbledore says, There were StarBucks all over London !!
peeves23 says, lol
€  babynick34 says, Ok... so my post with the URL didn't come 
through.   Here it is again:  
€  babynick34 says, Secret boxes can be seen at that location
brooksindy says, peole who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones
€  harry_potter00 says, I was suprised about that to P
but at least I could still get a Frapuchino,  
peeves23 says, lol... my dad used to tell us that when I was 3...
€  harry_potter00 says, Which I horribly misspelled
jenP_97 enters
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  harry_potter00 says, HI
badgerskin enters
jenP_97 says, Hi, everyone
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Jen, Hi, Hufflepuff
Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage has gone off pager
blaise_42 says, hi
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
dejavu112 says, Hello
  gypsycaine says, hi!
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  babynick34 says, Hi to all who entered recently
p_dumbledore says, Yes, Neal and I stopped in one -  Go all the way 
from Nortwest to London and stop in a Starbucks..
€  harry_potter00 says, Ironic isn't it....
peeves23 says, those secret boxes are quite hoopy
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  babynick34 says, Nearest Starbucks to me is near Windsor
badgerskin says, Hello - we ended up on Yahoo after all!
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
You have 2 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
  gypsycaine says, i hate egroups chat...that was horrid.
  gypsycaine says, it had the worst lag i have ever seen at yahoo.
jenP_97 says, Oh, so you guys actually tried egroups chat first?
blaise_42 says, yeah
€  harry_potter00 says, Do you know that last week we were all 
grumbling about that possible HP, Gabriel and this week we are quite 
happy about the cast....what a relief.
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
peeves23 says, I have to go and "cook" my food... back in a bit
peeves23 is away (out to lunch)
€  harry_potter00 says, Bym
€  harry_potter00 says, Bye
heiditandy says, I haven't decided what to do about the figurines - 
my husband is a comic book collector & has so many action figures I 
don't think we want more in the house, no matter how cute/goofy they 
brooksindy says, The egroups chat didn't even launch in Netscape on a 
Mac - several Applets not found
dee_97527 is away (Auto-Away)
jenP_97 says, Call me dense, but I just assumed that we'd come here.
  gypsycaine says, no no... i am Den(i)se
jenP_97 says, Since other people were complaining for a while.
  gypsycaine says, lol.
jenP_97 says, (hehe)
€  harry_potter00 says, I like Yahoo chat, and Penny, or someone
said this is where we would be.
p_dumbledore says, Diann did you look at the Fiddlesticks stuff.. 
Maybe Eric can pick them up - they are out on Beltline Road in Dallas
€  harry_potter00 says, I think
harry_potter00 :     /\ /\  
harry_potter00 :   ((oVo)) 
harry_potter00 :    ():::() 
harry_potter00 :     VVV     WHOOOO.....WHOOOOO
€  harry_potter00 says, Oh dear what is this??? 
  gypsycaine says, i love that owl...
  gypsycaine says, lol
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
jenP_97 says, oh, that's supposed to be an owl.
€  harry_potter00 says, Right I souldn't see it at first.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But they don't have a Cat macro!
should have several!
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cat sleeping
dee_97527 is back.
dee_97527 says, No, I didn't  we can tell him that's what we want for 
  gypsycaine says, there's a slight problem with the ears.
p_dumbledore says, I liked the Gringots cart ride
  gypsycaine says, edit macros Rita, see "SETTINGS" EDIT MACROS
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cat arching its back and hissing
€  babynick34 says, If anyone lives near Brookings SD... can I
fiddlesticks to mail you some stuff - so I can collect it in November?
jenP_97 says, I can't see it at all... all I see is 30m /\ /\ 30m and 
  gypsycaine says, Copy and paste on of your husbands into it.
€  harry_potter00 says, My cat does nothing but sleep...
p_dumbledore says, I don't think ANYONE lives near there Nick !!   
blaise_42 says, I can't see the owl either... do you have to have 
Cheeta to see it?
€  babynick34 says, True dennis... it is a bit out of the way!
jenP_97 says, How many people live in SD..... 4?
jenP_97 says, total?
  gypsycaine says, yahoo sometimes scrabbles macros.
dee_97527 says, Were in S Dakota is it?
  gypsycaine says, can you see this one?
gypsycaine :   /\        /\
gypsycaine :     \ _____\
gypsycaine :       (_)--(_)
gypsycaine :   Puts on her sunglasses for high colors
jenP_97 says, Maybe 3 in Bismanrk right?
€  harry_potter00 says, Well you might, since I'm in Cheeta..
€  babynick34 says, More than 4... our factory must employ around
jenP_97 says, -n
jenP_97 says, ack... wait.
jenP_97 says, Bismarck is in ND, isn't it.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, "Our" factory?
jenP_97 says, -c
p_dumbledore says, They commute from North Dakota
€  harry_potter00 says, Factory?
blaise_42 says, nope, I can see some stuff that says '30m ^^ 30m...'
jenP_97 just sits back and does nothing for a while - that should be 
dejavu112 says, Ditto
€  babynick34 says, Don't think I have a picture of it... not a
exciting place... company I work for has a factory out there.
€  harry_potter00 says, Oh
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rainbow Play Systems?
€  babynick34 says, Catlady - you know it?
p_dumbledore says, They do have a nice web page, Nick..  went and 
looked at it whenI got back to USA
€  babynick34 says, Saw the logo perhaps on the pic Dennis took!
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, No. You used to have an @dress
on some old postings
€  babynick34 says, Ah yes.. and with egroups, that will probably 
come back again, as I can post from the work address to egroups.
gypsycaine   gypsycaine says, ok...
  gypsycaine says, grr.
  gypsycaine says, did that come up rita?
gypsycaine   gypsycaine says, .
jenP_97 says, what's that supposed to be?
p_dumbledore says, Those pictures don't show up on this end..  What 
was it ?
gypsycaine €  harry_potter00 says, Yes what is it a picture of?
  gypsycaine says, i am not getting that at all.
  gypsycaine says, sighs.
blaise_42 says, none of those pictures showed up on my screen either, 
  gypsycaine says, It's rita's cat.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, I see little pictures of a
with wings
€  harry_potter00 says, That's a cat??
blaise_42 says, it looks like all the symbols in rita's cat in a 
straight line
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Last week someone said they are 
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Blaise, it is supposed to look
like a 
  gypsycaine says, i cut and pasted it straight off the email.
brooksindy says, Well, it may be a geek code for a cat....
  gypsycaine says, it shows up on "EDIT MACROS" as a cat.
  gypsycaine sighs.
blaise_42 says, well, I'll imagine a lovely cat
jenP_97 says, hehe... geek code for a cat.
€  harry_potter00 says, Look a bit like a Gargolye to me.
  gypsycaine says, i get nothing...
  gypsycaine says, just space.
p_dumbledore says, Or one of those chinese dragons..
badgerskin is away (Auto-Away)
gypsycaine                      ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
gypsycaine                      `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
gypsycaine                      (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
gypsycaine                     _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,'
gypsycaine                    ((('   (((-(((''  ((((
  gypsycaine says, there we go!
  gypsycaine says, the spaces killed it!
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There it is!!!
jenP_97 says, (oh yah, that's much better)
€  harry_potter00 says, Is that a lion or a cat.
jenP_97 says,  
blaise_42 says, ah well, still looks like a line of symbols to me ... 
never mind
p_dumbledore says, Looks like a worm to me, here !  or a snake !
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Scott, figure out how to add a
to it and you have your Gryff lion
dejavu112 says, Yeah I am having the same problem as blaise_42
gypsycaine          Zz
gypsycaine           zZ
gypsycaine        |\ z    _,,,---,,_
gypsycaine        /,`.-'`'    _   ;-;;,_
gypsycaine       |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-'
gypsycaine      '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)
heiditandy says, I think I need this Cheeta Stuff, Where do I get it?
peeves23 says, me too
  gypsycaine says, www.cheetachat.com
peeves23 is back.
€  harry_potter00 says, I was thinking a lioness....
harry_potter00 :         ~,       .-.            ^^
harry_potter00 :           /| -=  (   )  =-         ^^
harry_potter00 :  ~^~ /_|\ ^~~-^~~-sunrise on a new day
harry_potter00 :   ~^~ ~^~^~^~^ sunset on the old 
peeves23 says, The man that invented the microwave deserves a medal
€  harry_potter00 says, Now I can't tell what I just did...
gypsycaine . o O ( lol... that's how i feel, peeves! )
brooksindy says, Microwave ovens were developed and commercialized by 
my employer, raytheon
jenP_97 says, haha... my sister works for raytheon.
€  babynick34 says, Time to do some virtual shopping at the 
MallofAmerica.  Will be visiting there in November, so hope they have 
some stores which sell HP stuff
peeves23 says, All the nutrition of some cardboard, in just 8 minutes
  gypsycaine says, kewl.
brooksindy says, Guy walked by a radar in a lab and chocolate bar in 
his pocket melted.
  gypsycaine says, ohhhhh lightning.  kewl.
€  harry_potter00 says, I think that  you will find something
  gypsycaine says, hey, rita,
badgerskin leaves
Your buddy damianablume is on pager
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maybe he will get lost in Mall of 
America and never found
  gypsycaine says, have you edited your cheeta chat to save the whole 
chat yet?
p_dumbledore says, How long you there Nick?
Your buddy damianablume has gone off pager
peeves23 says, I saw this massive dog when I went running
peeves23 says, and I lokoed away and looked back, and it was gone
dee_97527 says, Was it black
peeves23 says, a massive black dog...
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, No. I can't scroll back pass the 
peeves23 says, yep
€  harry_potter00 says, Oh dear it's a Grim, better be careful!
  gypsycaine says, that's not how.
  gypsycaine says, chuckles.
  gypsycaine says, settings.
€  babynick34 says, No idea... entire trip is less than a week
and at 
least two days will be in Brookings, so don't expect to be in MoA 
long - thus why locating stores now
peeves23 says, it might have just been sirius though
  gypsycaine says, preferences
  gypsycaine says, general
p_dumbledore says, Can always FED-X overnight stuff to you
harry_potter00 snivels pathetically.
  gypsycaine says, buffer up to Unlimited in the menu
peeves23 says, watchign out for me
catlady_de_los_angeles :      |\___/|         
catlady_de_los_angeles :     / º   º  \       
catlady_de_los_angeles :    /_.~ ~,_\            
catlady_de_los_angeles :       \@/       This is for my friend 
€  babynick34 says, Expensive... DHL Worldmail is better... don't 
even mind waiting for USPS Air Post.
gypsycaine          Zz
gypsycaine           zZ
gypsycaine        |\ z    _,,,---,,_
gypsycaine        /,`.-'`'    _   ;-;;,_
gypsycaine       |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-'
gypsycaine      '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)
dee_97527 says, Fed X to S Dakota
peeves23 says, er, thanks
peeves23 says, I think
peeves23 says,  
dee_97527 says, to Motel
peeves23 says, its very nice...
peeves23 says, what is it?
€  babynick34 says, Hmm.. not bad idea.  Can't be many motels in
heiditandy says, I'll be back in a moment - gotta install that cheeta!
heiditandy leaves
harry_potter00 ºººººººººººººººººººº
peeves23 spent longer trying to get this blasted rice packet open 
that i did cooking the damn thing
jenP_97 says, yah, I can't help it.  I'm downloading cheeta, too.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But the macro cat should be
enough to sleep only when we are boring
  gypsycaine says, i started something, lol.
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, does Cheetah pay you a 
jenP_97 says,  
  gypsycaine says, i just edited it for you dear
p_dumbledore says, Anything good Peeves?
  gypsycaine says, lol
€  harry_potter00 says, Well I've never careed for the microwave.
gypsycaine          Zz
gypsycaine           zZ
gypsycaine        |\ z    _,,,---,,_
gypsycaine        /,`.-'`'    _   ;-;;,_
gypsycaine       |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-'
gypsycaine      '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)
gypsycaine This is for my friend Rita, da Catlady_de_los_angeles
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
peeves23 says, neither have I
peeves23 says, but I can't actually cook (apart from bacon! i can 
cook bacon!)
peeves23 says, and my parents are away
peeves23 says, and my brothers got friends round
€  babynick34 says, LOL peeves... don't you just love it.  
Rice I have here takes 2 mins, and is so hot when it comes out that 
it takes longer than that before you can even attempt to open it.
jenP_97 says, bacon is important.
peeves23 says, and i'm huuungry...
€  harry_potter00 says, But it works in a pinch,
  gypsycaine says, i cook almost all our meals nukingly.
p_dumbledore says, Don't you know what that does to the food ?
€  harry_potter00 says, Silly way off our subject question
peeves23 chuckles
€  babynick34 says, Must be a lot of stores at MofA... still 
downloading the store list!
peeves23 says, it makes it full of healthy radiation
jenP_97 says, blah blah blah... when JKR comes waltzing in, that will 
be important, Dee...  
peeves23 says, you need your daily intake of alpha and beta 
particles, after all
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
  gypsycaine chuckles...
peeves23 says, (anyone read Robert Rankin's Snuff Fiction)
brooksindy says, Hmmmph.  microwaves just make the atoms vibrate.  (<-
physics major)
peeves23 says, brooks: someone said they nuked their food...
p_dumbledore says, Right, Microwaves and the Flash!
€  harry_potter00 says, In HP one The first Gryff. password is
Draconis....I know caput is latin for head but Draconis???
  gypsycaine says, it's a joke.
blaise_42 says, head of the dragon
brooksindy says, Dee, i think the chat in msgs may not be good idea, 
it really enlarged teh digest.  Consider putting in files.
jenP_97 says, dragon?
  gypsycaine says, i always say "nuke"
peeves23 says, yes, i know
heiditandy enters
peeves23 sighs, testily ;-)
blaise_42 says, draconis is genitive of draco (<classicist)
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  harry_potter00 says, Gee, Blaise you're sharp in your Latin....
heiditandy says, what is this room # for cheeta?
  gypsycaine says, it's not a room number.
  gypsycaine says, it's under clubs. 
brooksindy says, Yeh, nuke is a nickname for microwave, but it is bad 
sciecne which ...peeve me.  
heiditandy says, thanks gypsy
heiditandy leaves
peeves23 says, oh, right
heiditandy enters
heiditandy leaves
  gypsycaine crosses fingers...
heiditandy enters
€  babynick34 says, I wonder if the motto will ever be used in
books - other than for the inner cover of the UK editions.
€  heiditandy says, oh good! I found it!
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Caput Draconis is a star or 
peeves23 says, I thought whoever it was was just kidding, not asyin 
that he/she microwaved all his/her food
€  harry_potter00 says, and the most complicated think I can say
Puellae bonam aquam portant.  But I've only had the class for two 
brooksindy says, Heidi is apparating....
  gypsycaine says, lol
jenP_97 says, I wonder if they'll ever even put it in the US editions.
blaise_42 says, really, rita?  where is it?
  gypsycaine says, there used to be a macro called circles.
€  babynick34 says, When they do... we know it will be important
the plot.
gypsycaine ()¸.·´¯`·»Sup!«·´¯`·.¸()
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Scott: something abaout a Good
blaise_42 says, the girl carries good water
blaise_42 says, the girls, even
dejavu112 is away (Auto-Away)
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Blaise: I'm terrible at astronomy
I would have to go check Astronomy Web sites to find where is Caput 
blaise_42 says, don't worry about it, then
dejavu112 is back.
dejavu112 says, grrrr
  gypsycaine says, you used circles, to go enter, leaves, enter, 
leaves, enter leaves, enter, leaves....lol
€  harry_potter00 says, Right. really complicated I
€  babynick34 says, Hey - they have a Dept56 at MofA.
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
blaise_42 says, hey, if you've only been taking it for 2 weeks that's 
not bad at all, Scott
dee_97527 says, There you go Nick
  gypsycaine says, we're on filch this week, then, and Mrs. Figgs?
jenP_97 says, no...
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Speaking of Astronomy, which is a 
heavily required subject at Hogwarts,
€  heiditandy says, Gypsy, you say that as if there were 2 people 
named Mrs Figg!
jenP_97 says, I'm doing chapter 8 and Bagman starting tomorrow.
Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage is on pager
€  harry_potter00 says, WelI can say a bit more but I know I will 
enjoy it.
blaise_42 says, Astronomy is cool!  I need to learn more about it
  gypsycaine says, well, technically.....
  gypsycaine shrugs.
peeves23 says, what is all this talk of doing things? have I missed 
jenP_97 says, that's what I thought anyway.  did we cahnge it?
jenP_97 says, er, change
€  harry_potter00 says, Bagman....Wait..... Ok Ludo means play in 
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and Harry wants to buy a move of
whole moving galaxy, and Dumbledore's watch shows the planets in real 
€  heiditandy says, bagman is someone in a gambling ring who
the $$, or pounds, too I guess.
peeves23 says, its also the name of a board game
  gypsycaine says, i am just going by what i saw in the club calendar.
jferer enters
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ludo means 'play' or 'game' in
and it is possible that the 'vic' ending of Ludovic is not merely a 
reference to Clovis, but to victory
peeves23 says, bagman.. isn't that the name for... can't remember; 
either something to do with circuses, or a thug, or something?
  gypsycaine says, that's funny heidi.
peeves23 says, anyone got an OED handy?
  gypsycaine says, esp with his "ahem" goblin addictiion?
€  harry_potter00 says, OED
  gypsycaine says, oed?
blaise_42 says, yeah, but bagman wasn't in it, I don't think
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Bagman carries the cash for a 
criminal enterprise. In protection racket, the bagman goes around to 
little stores to collect their monthly payments
peeves23 says, oxford english dictionary - gives very precise 
definition of lots of words, plus where it came from...
peeves23 says, aha
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, In bribery, he carries the money
the rich businessman to the politician
brooksindy says, There is a Brit history author named Ludovic Kennedy.
blaise_42 says, here we go, bagman b. One who collects or administers 
the collection of money obtained by racketeering and other dishonest 
means. slang (orig. and chiefly U.S.).
€  babynick34 says, Bagman = dishonest official; a person who 
collects, carries, or distributes illegal payoff money. 
blaise_42 says, which is what Rita just said
€  harry_potter00 says, He hehe... Yes well I'm trying to get my 
hands on a Brit Ed,. of the Dic.
p_dumbledore says, I wonder if the Quidditch pitch /now the Maze is 
under the control of the protection around Hogworts, this might 
account for why the port key worked and you might be able to apperate 
in the same area?
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But I wonder if JKR was thinking 
of 'left holding the bag' -- that is the bag the cat was let out of?
jenP_97 says, brb
gypsycaine . o O ( wonders if there's a website with OED on it? )
jferer leaves
€  harry_potter00 says, and the woman at B&N must of thought me
to ask her if they had one...
peeves23 says, maybe its because the portkey was enchanted inside 
  gypsycaine says, that is a question Dennis.
  gypsycaine says, I thought about that, with the 200 slythie fans.
peeves23 says, and so it's not subject to the usual restrictions
€  babynick34 says, . o O (wonders what OED is?)
peeves23 says, (in which case you'd expect to be able to apparate out 
from H, but never mind)
blaise_42 says, OED is Oxford English Dictionary
Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage is in chat
€  heiditandy says, gotta go - baby is awake - bye all!
heiditandy leaves
  gypsycaine says, if not all of them are students, then the field 
might be the only non area at Hogwarts, or only during matches, and 
stuff, like a defensive shield on StarTrek?
€  babynick34 says, There is a CD-ROM version I think.
€  harry_potter00 says, Portkeys have raised a lot of questions.
jenP_97 says, 80% done with cheetachat download
blaise_42 says, yeah, there is
Your buddy angeliquestill has gone off pager
jenP_97 says, the cdrom of the oed is about 650 dollars (US)
  gypsycaine wonders if that made sense?
peeves23 says, it did
  gypsycaine chokes at that price.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cluthdovicus -- Clovis the Great,
Ludwig the Insane -- Louis of France -- Ludovic -- all the same name
jenP_97 says, and honestly, it's not that great.  The print version 
is MUCH more user friendly.
€  harry_potter00 says, Like why can't the students just Portkey
Hogwarts instead of riding the train...
peeves23 says, I worry that JKR has actually got loads of plot holes
peeves23 says, for instance, why bother with the portkey at all?
p_dumbledore says, Nothing has been said about the protective area 
around Hogworts as far as I know.
brooksindy says, Peeves, so does Star Trek and the fans stay loyal....
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Portkeying must be more expensive 
than the train, and the train is available, so use it
peeves23 says, why not have Moody grab harry, Stupefy him, and escape 
under the Invisibility Cloak
€  babynick34 says, www.oed.com (in case anyone was looking for
peeves23 says, at any time
  gypsycaine says, i wonder when i think of these things, am I just 
thinking too much, and not taking the book?
  gypsycaine says, thanks Nick!
€  harry_potter00 says, I see what you mean...
irene8888 enters
€  harry_potter00 says, Hi
irene8888 says, hello room
jenP_97 says, well, except for the veritaserum, nobody knew that 
moody was a sp[y...
jenP_97 says, er, spy.
p_dumbledore says, I'm sure that not all the students come in from 
Kings Cross, would seem strange for a student from Scotland to go all 
the way to London.
peeves23 says, do we know its in scotland?
brooksindy says, Hiya.
jenP_97 says, so, in theory, if the portkey plan had WORKED (and hp 
had died), then moody could have still been a spy in hogwarts... 
  gypsycaine says, how about the irish students?
peeves23 says, true
peeves23 says, except he wasnt staying
  gypsycaine says, ok here's a thought.
blaise_42 says, they have to fly over Peebles to get there
jenP_97 says, faux moody, that is.
€  harry_potter00 says, Hmmm, well I'm righting Fanfic and I
figure out how to explain the wizards going from NYC to London, 
  gypsycaine says, isn't there a chimney at Hogwarts?
  gypsycaine says, why not use floo powder?
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maybe they add an extra car at
station just before Hogwarts? A car with the students whose parents 
drove them there?
peeves23 says, why not apparate
p_dumbledore says, No, but it would be like flying from Michigan to 
Dallas to get to chicago
jenP_97 says, well, hell, crouch jr could have snuck off with some 
hair from someone else then.    I didn't say this was a bulletproof 
€  babynick34 says, OED is a bit pricey... 250 UKPounds+vat for
ROM version.  Stick with the book version I think.
irene8888 says, the only time i saw floo powder used was when the 
adult Weasleys were around
peeves23 says, (that was to H_P00)
blaise_42 says, the book version is pricey too
peeves23 says, floo powder strikes me as a bit of a nasty way to 
travel, really - not very pleasant
irene8888 says, is floo powder a 'for adults only' product?
€  harry_potter00 says, I'll stick with the book ...
peeves23 says, but presumably quite cheap...
  gypsycaine says, not too cheap.
p_dumbledore says, Maybe with foo powder you can't carry alot of 
trunks and stuff with you
  gypsycaine says, Molly seemed a bit worried.
€  harry_potter00 says, I don't thin that floo powder is for the 
dejavu112 says, Maybe Floo powder is not something the "higher 
classes" use
jenP_97 says, they took hp's trunk with them to the weasley's house...
  gypsycaine says, all Harry had he carried thru the Dursley's fire.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, it's something like Floo Powder
Snape threw in his fireplace and said "Lupin! I want a word with 
jenP_97 says, by floo pouder.
jenP_97 says, ack.  powder.
blaise_42 says, well, they talked about teh Floo Network, with all 
the wizard fires hooked up to it
brooksindy says, OMG. I just got it.  Floo powder = flue powder -
through the chimney flues.
€  harry_potter00 says, Everyone, we seem to be having a bit of
weather and I must leave the computer...
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Plus "flew
jenP_97 says, and Sirius talked to Harry via the face-only floo 
irene8888 says, well...if Hogwarts has a chimney...then the teachers 
just gloo in then
blaise_42 says, Scott, if they travel by floo powder they'll have to 
connect the chimney in NYC
irene8888 says, floo
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, By, Scott
  gypsycaine says, you must be close to us...bye scott.
€  harry_potter00 says, Bye
brooksindy says, bye
harry_potter00 leaves
jenP_97 says, bye
p_dumbledore says, bye
€  babynick34 says, Ok... HP... tornado coming is there
jenP_97 says, er, shoot.
jenP_97 says, okay, gotta go install cheetachat.
jenP_97 says, be back in a few.
peeves23 says, eek
  gypsycaine says, Nick, where is he?
jenP_97 leaves
irene8888 says, are there people chatting in the egroups chatroom?
€  babynick34 says, It snowed here in the UK this week - very 
strange... weatherforcasters said it was hail, not snow.
€  babynick34 says, No idea Dee
blaise_42 says, which bit of the uk are you in?
peeves23 says, it didn't here  
p_dumbledore says, two tornado's over there too
€  babynick34 says, South... it snowed up in Hull
blaise_42 says, well, no snow here in Kent
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The teachers can Apparate (or 
whatever) to Hogwarts train station or to Hogmeade. The school can 
send a carriage to pick them up there ... it has at least 100 
peeves23 says, pissed down earlier, for about 10 minutes... just as 
my brother was about to have a barbecue
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is in chat
€  babynick34 says, Blaise - no the snow was only in Hull... very 
issolated.  Did you not see it on the news earlier this week.
  gypsycaine says, OH is having thunderstorms (have surge protector)
blaise_42 says, I read something about heavy hail somewhere...
  gypsycaine says, here comes neil.
  gypsycaine says, going to embarass him again... lol
brooksindy says, I think the no apparation area may extend into 
Hogsmeade buyt just outside is OK
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia leaves chat
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Neil, we were eariler pitying
for the pciture Dennis posted
p_dumbledore says, They had a tornado area, and the big thunder head 
pulled up the rain and formed tiny hail pellets.. snow like
peeves23 hasnt read the papers or watched the news in, ooh, two 
weeks... i love the holidays
  gypsycaine says, ...test...
irene8888 says, hello??????????
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Irene
p_dumbledore says, Hi Irene
peeves23 says, hi
irene8888 says, major lag
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, No, they were carried away by a 
  gypsycaine says, as silence crawls across the land...
brooksindy says, Is Neil actually here?  Does not show up on my 
chatters window also I think it was not lag, just nobody could think 
of anythiing to say
irene8888 says, so is anyone at the egroups chatroom?
p_dumbledore says, He apparated out of the chat
dejavu112 says, I just checked, no one is in there
€  babynick34 says, Snow in Summer - 
brooksindy says, He never showed up at all & I did not get a *** has 
joined the room.
jenP_97 enters
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, About Astronomy, which is a
required subject at Hogwarts, and Harry wanted to buy a real-time 
model of the whole moving galaxy, and Dumbledore's watch shows this 
solar system's planets in real time
  gypsycaine says, i didn't get the joined, just the fact he was "in 
€  jenP_97 says, tadaaaaa
brooksindy says, WB, J.
€  babynick34 says, Yes... Dumbledore does have a watch like that 
doesn't he.
blaise_42 says, they're better at astronomy than muggles are
gypsycaine «æ¥æ»HELLO«æ¥æ»
brooksindy says, But not better than the Centaurs...
€  jenP_97 says, now what do I do?
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I had been thinking that the 
Astronomy was for astrological purposes: the spell is affected by the 
planetary influences at the time it is cast
irene8888 says, do about cheetachat?
blaise_42 says, It might well be
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But Astrology is taught under 
Professor Trelawney's Divination
blaise_42 says, though they do seem to study astrology in divination, 
and JKR doesn't think highly of it
€  jenP_97 says, hmmm... I'll be right back.
gypsycaine . o O ( welp, to fiddle with colors, click on the paint 
palate at the top )
dee_97527 leaves
€  babynick34 says, It was a very odd watch. It had twelve hands
no numbers; instead, little planets were moving around the edge. 
€  babynick34 says, First metioned in PS/SS
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think the hands were pushing
little planets around
brooksindy says, was it ever mentioned again?
gypsycaine . o O ( oh, that's weird. )
irene8888 says, no one really seems to have the conventional clock or 
watch..except for HP himself..his muggle watch
gypsycaine . o O ( since i have cheeta open, it won't let me open 
egroups chat room )
€  babynick34 says, Mentioned again in GoF I think
blaise_42 says, yes, there was that interesting clock in the 
Weasley's house
  gypsycaine says, the twins have watches.
peeves23 says, ps
peeves23 says, that clock rules
peeves23 says, and those mirrors...
p_dumbledore says, Does it still work (HP's watch) didn't it get 
wiped out from water
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It reminds of a very odd Muggle
I saw in a store  ; black face with no numbers or anything, and 
blacks hands but a shining dot on the tip of each hand seemed to be 
circling on its own
  gypsycaine says, they glanced at them before pulling percy to the 
family table... (For once you're going to sit with us)
irene8888 says, what sort of watch did they have?
€  babynick34 says, centaur , in Greek mythology, creature, half
and half horse. 
blaise_42 says, yes, that's right
blaise_42 says, and they're supposed to be very wise
  gypsycaine says, the centaurs depended on astonomy a bit too much.
brooksindy says, One taught Hercules.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Chiron, the wisest of centaurs,
to Heracles and a bunch of smarter people
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  babynick34 says, Chiron taught Hercules
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
brooksindy says, GC: Astronomy Dominie?
  gypsycaine says, i learned the pronounciation of that and almost 
  gypsycaine says, Chiron - sharon!
€  babynick34 says, bunch of smart people were: Achilles, Jason,
brooksindy says, Hmmm.  Achilles was Hermione's first husband.
€  babynick34 says, Chiron is now the constellation Sagittarius
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The other centaurs are shown as 
uneducated, altho' I think we only see them when they get drunk and 
start raping the other party guests
peeves23 says, I've heard of the others, but not Asclepius
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is in chat
€  babynick34 says, ?  Hermione's first husband?
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil, why did you pop in and out
  gypsycaine says, the other.
  gypsycaine says, neil's not in yet.
brooksindy says, Asclepius was first physician, i think?
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Not the Hermione in the
  gypsycaine says, no, he wasn't the first ...
  gypsycaine says, the staff is named after him.
brooksindy says, Hermione the daughter of Helen of Troy
karob_7 enters
  gypsycaine says, (I think)
Your buddy angeliquestill is on pager
brooksindy says, Definitely right.  But snakes, why does it have to 
be snakes!
  gypsycaine says, wish I could recall what the staff is called?
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia leaves chat
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Karob
dee_97527 enters
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, cadeucus
aberforths_goat enters
€  babynick34 says, There is also a constellation Centaurus. 
blaise_42 says, that's the one
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Diann
  gypsycaine says, wb Diann
  gypsycaine says, thank you.
p_dumbledore says, Hi mike
peeves23 says, anyone know how to check your profile? i've just 
realised I've no idea what mine says
  gypsycaine says, then there's the oath.
dee_97527 says, Howdy all
  gypsycaine says, which profile peeves?
peeves23 says, yahoo one
blaise_42 says, the oath is Hippocrates, not Aslepius
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is in chat
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The cadeucus is the staff of
sign that he is messenger of the Olympians, and used when he leads 
dead souls to the next world.
  gypsycaine says, you are good!
irene8888 says, you can check your profile right here
  gypsycaine says, go Rita!
€  babynick34 says, Where did the Snakes bit come from... I'm
irene8888 says, click on your name
blaise_42 says, there are snakes on the caduceus
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia leaves chat
brooksindy says, Oath is hippocratic after hippocratus.  (I grew up 
around hospitals)
irene8888 says, right clilck on your name
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The cadeucus with two snakes is a 
picture of when the sage Tiresias saw two snakes mating and separated 
them with a stick, as punishment he was turned into a woman
peeves23 says, never knew that Hermes lead the dead souls into the 
next world?
blaise_42 says, he doesn't always.  Iris takes Dido down
  gypsycaine says, i know disney's overrate, but I did like their 
version of Hermes...
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is in chat
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Seven years later, he saw snakes 
making again and strategically separated them with another stick in 
order to be turned back into a man
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia leaves chat
  gypsycaine tosses a "D" up there.
peeves23 says, aha, I've found it
aberforths_goat says, Hi everyone!
dejavu112 is away (Auto-Away)
blaise_42 says, hi
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is in chat
  gypsycaine says, hey, it's mike the goat!
flying_ford_anglia enters
irene8888 says, aaahhhhhh Beatrice
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hermes leaves dead souls under
title 'psychopompos' whch means 'leader of souls' 
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
brooksindy says, He's here at last!!!
jenP_97 leaves
jenP_97 enters
flying_ford_anglia leaves
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia leaves chat
gypsycaine ¡!¡°¨¨°¡!¡°¨¨°¡!¡ HELLO Room
gypsycaine ·º°º·.·º°º·Hello Room!!! ·º°º·.·º°º·
gypsycaine enters,(¯`·._(¯`·._(¯`·._(Hugging_All!
p_dumbledore says, No, it's the goat sometimes known as Mike..ha!!
plinsenmayer enters
gypsycaine enters, Handing out roses @---}---}---
irene8888 says, your colors are wild
  gypsycaine says, enough with the greetings.
brooksindy says, can't read the yellow.
peeves23 says, gypsycaine, that yellow is unreadable  
aberforths_goat says, Where are these wild colors coming from??
dee_97527 says, Howdy Penny
irene8888 says, cheetachat
  gypsycaine says, macros.
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But I've seen gardening books 
that Iris lead the souls of women while Hermes led the souls of men, 
therefoe iris flowers were shown on women;s tombstones
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
You have 2 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Blaise, is there any truth to
were there even tombstones?
€  jenP_97 says, ack.... finally
brooksindy says, Japanese robot aircraft?  (Macros)
p_dumbledore says, Mike, I was surprised to find that you were a 
Maganimal  ??  That is a bit of a wizarding trick
blaise_42 says, I don't know, hang on a sec and I'll look it up
€  jenP_97 says, sorry - my computer is throwing up at me.
aberforths_goat says, Actually, it's an animal trick.
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is on pager
brooksindy says, She needs a bit bucket and a memory wipe
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, the 'hugging all 'goes with 
Tigger's bounce bounce bounce
€  jenP_97 says, that's not too far off, brooks.
plinsenmayer says, hi!  Did anyone try the egroups chat or did we 
blow it off?
blaise_42 says, well, it doesn't say anything about leading women's 
souls down, and I've not heard of it before.  Iris is the messenger 
of the gods and she's symbolised by the rainbow.
brooksindy says, And the most fortunate thing about Tiggers is he's 
the only one.
blaise_42 says, or rather, one of the messengers of the gods
blaise_42 says, but there were definitely tombstones because I've 
seen them
gypsycaine enters,(¯`·._(¯`·._(¯`·._(Hugging_All!
irene8888 says, no one's in the egroup chatroom..i just checked
  gypsycaine says, I sent out a post about it Penny.
peeves23 says, i was tehre earlier
€  jenP_97 says, I think I heard it was bad.
peeves23 says, its a bit cack, to be honest
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, As far as I can tell, it was the 
Hellenes who named the iris flower (said to be native to Turkey) 
after their rainbow goddess?
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Not a modern invention?
plinsenmayer says, Ok, so we want to stick with the Yahoo chat then?
peeves23 says, good move, I think
irene8888 says, i think yahoo chat is better
 angeliquestill is now away.
aberforths_goat says, Seems like a good idea to me.
  gypsycaine says, it's like a step backwards in technology.
blaise_42 says, I'm not sure when the flower was named
irene8888 says, plus cheetachat doesn't work on egroups
€  babynick34 says, Yahoo is better, can use Cheeta with it
brooksindy says, Penny, the Egroups chat would not even start up for 
us mac users.
  gypsycaine says, esp with everyone getting cheeta... grins. 
aberforths_goat says, What in the name of a name is cheetachat?
  gypsycaine says, www.cheetachat.com
blaise_42 says, but tombstones are ancient.  their inscriptions are 
really useful if you're an archaeologist
dejavu112 is back.
dejavu112 says, And we can't not have cheetachat
irene8888 says, chat software
  gypsycaine says, the best thing on earth, mike for chatters!
gypsycaine :     /\ /\  
gypsycaine :   ((oVo)) 
gypsycaine :    ():::() 
gypsycaine :     VVV     WHOOOO.....WHOOOOO
  gypsycaine says, it lets me do neat things like
gypsycaine :     /\ /\  
gypsycaine :   ((oVo)) 
gypsycaine :    ():::() 
gypsycaine :     VVV     WHOOOO.....WHOOOOO
gypsycaine :       \@|@/       If You Got It!!!!!!
gypsycaine :    @\@|@/@   Strut It!!!!!!!
gypsycaine :  @\@\ð/@/@
gypsycaine :  @\@\O/@/@
gypsycaine :     ,.--.     ,.--.
gypsycaine :   //  \  \  //  \  \
gypsycaine :    \\   \ /   \\  \ /
gypsycaine :     `'--'      `'--'    Who needs some aspirin....
dejavu112 says, Alas I can't see them
  gypsycaine says, and i shall stop now.
aberforths_goat says, Err, is this something I really want to do?
€  jenP_97 says, Ah hah!  It finally looks like something.
brooksindy says, How many OWLs does she think she is going to get, 
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
  gypsycaine says, how many do you want, brook?
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia has gone off pager
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is on pager
brooksindy says, I'm plural, remember?
  gypsycaine tosses a "s' up there.
brooksindy says, catches it.
  gypsycaine says, how about m&ms?
gypsycaine Drops M&M's all in the room... (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
  gypsycaine says, that one should work...grins.
brooksindy says, Plain or peanut?
dejavu112 says, Mmm m&ms
dejavu112 says, Don't forget crispy
  gypsycaine says, alas, allergic to peanuts... but i love them.
brooksindy says, And plain is no loner plain
€  babynick34 says, Back to Chap7.  In case anyone was wondering,
Axminster is: a machine-made carpet having a cut pile and an 
intricate design of many colors.
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
brooksindy says, longer
peeves23 says, chapter 7 of what?
blaise_42 says, GoF
€  babynick34 says, GoDF
  gypsycaine bonks peeve.
peeves23 says, ohright
€  babynick34 says, where did that D come from!
peeves23 says, hey! stop that
  gypsycaine tosses an s up there, too.
You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com )
irene8888 says, what is this 's' all about?
€  jenP_97 says, can you guys read this?
irene8888 says, barely
peeves23 says, yes, jen
karob_7 is away (Auto-Away)
dejavu112 says, Yep
blaise_42 says, I can read it, jen
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia has gone off pager
  gypsycaine says, hit bold jen.
irene8888 says, bold it jen
  gypsycaine says, it helps.
€  jenP_97 says, bold.
Your buddy damianablume is on pager
€  jenP_97 says, I don't like these colors.  brb
€  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I got PM from Neil. He can't get
the chat under flying_ford_anglia OR his other ID.  He told me to 
apologize to you all for his absence.
  gypsycaine says, i sorta like the smoked grape look.
aberforths_goat leaves
  gypsycaine says,   poor neil!
  gypsycaine says, tell him to go get cheeta.
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is on 

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