Dee (Denise) R
gypsycaine at ...
Sun Sep 24 21:15:39 UTC 2000
Connected! Sending login information...
Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage is on pager
Your buddy marshall_cross is on pager
Your buddy nightfall06 is on pager
Your buddy sage_ofthe_ironfangs is on pager
Your buddy tria_andromeda_blade is on pager
You have 4 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
Harry Potter for Grown Ups
You see here:
gypsycaine <<<<<<<<<<<<I AM SAVING THIS CHAT>>>>>
gypsycaine (ok, ok, this is a macro, and it's annoying,
but I'm
gypsycaine covering my butt just in case of trouble!)
gypsycaine is away (mentally gone, without a trace)
nightfall06 is now away.
nightfall06 is back.
Your buddy nikii_16 is on pager
You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( )
Your buddy brujah_rant_room_gm is on pager
Your buddy marshall_cross has gone off pager
nightfall06 is now away.
p_dumbledore enters
+ p_dumbledore says, hello, a good day to you!
p_dumbledore leaves
Your buddy siriusgeologist is on pager
Your buddy burkheart_loft is on pager
gypsycaine says, ack!
gypsycaine is back.
Your buddy burkheart_loft has gone off pager
gypsycaine is away (Auto-Away)
nightfall06 is back.
Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage is on pager
Your buddy tremere_meerlinda is on pager
Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage has gone off pager
gypsycaine says, sighs.... it's 3.06 eastern
gypsycaine is back.
Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage is on pager
Your buddy brooksindy is in chat
brooksindy enters
gypsycaine says, hi!
brooksindy says, OK, how come all sorts of people show up on the
Yahoo page as being online, but onlly you show u in the chat?
brooksindy says, up
gypsycaine says, i don't know.
gypsycaine says, i don't show up as being online, though, lol
brooksindy says, Trez brassiere, man.
brooksindy says, or bizzare, or some word like that.
gypsycaine says, ah
Your buddy nikii_16 has gone off pager
gypsycaine says, i wasn't too worried. Just typing a Hermes
Christ figure chapter from a book out to discussion in an egroup I am
gypsycaine says, of course, i am the only member of the egroup
far, lol.
brooksindy says, so is there a chat going on that we aren;t seeing?
I looked at the Yahoo page about 1pm my toime and saw you were only
one there.
gypsycaine says, hmm.
gypsycaine says, don't know.
gypsycaine says, Rita can't make it, but Dennis popped his
head in
gypsycaine says, I missed him by that much (was on the other
brooksindy says, Following show up in home window right now: Penny,
SiriusGe, Roxanne,, Jferer
gypsycaine says, hmmm. I noticed carol was on.
brooksindy says, more....
Your buddy p_dumbledore is in chat
p_dumbledore enters
+ p_dumbledore says, Hello, hope both of you are well !
brooksindy leaves
Your buddy brooksindy leaves chat
gypsycaine says, hi!
gypsycaine says, i was typing in word, earlier.
gypsycaine says, i keep popping (alt-tabbing) windows back and
gypsycaine says, and missed you by prolly two minutes.
+ p_dumbledore says, no problem, was just looking to see what was
happening. Lunch time here, and trying to get the mustard out.. ha!
Your buddy brooksindy is in chat
brooksindy enters
Your buddy brooksindy leaves chat
brooksindy leaves
Your buddy brooksindy is in chat
brooksindy enters
gypsycaine says, i have a bowl of potpies.
gypsycaine says, wb
+ p_dumbledore says, I have a veggie burger on a roll
gypsycaine says, i think yours is healthier.
gypsycaine says, mine is domestic (full of chemically, prolly)
brooksindy says, That was accidental - i opened the home list is a
second window, clkicked on see-all-online and it closed chat and
wrote the list of onlines in the same window as chat., Fr
brooksindy says, Fr is beginning of frames suck.
gypsycaine says, oh, ack.
+ p_dumbledore says, The pot pie sounds good, I gave up meat over a
year ago. All those poor little cows and other animals.
gypsycaine says, we have to get you cheetachat.
gypsycaine says, i try not to think about it Dennis.
gypsycaine says, I am not good with bow and arrow, and I use
chicken more than beef, but still....
+ p_dumbledore says, ha ha!! Doctor recommended it, alternate to
heart surgery. Diann still loves them steaks..
gypsycaine says, the american vegetables aren't much better.
brooksindy says, Yeah but we wouldn't be so smart if we weren't at
least omnivores. Why bother evolving intelligence to sneak up on a
gypsycaine says, (hence Kraft recall)
gypsycaine says, lol
gypsycaine says, well, we know that HP folks are omni's.
gypsycaine says, we know their dinner selections...
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes, but I wonder if it hurts the leaves when I
yank them out of the ground.. Arrggh!! Things can get carried away
brooksindy says, Still, health/heart reasons are good excuse
gypsycaine says, yes. I am lucky, my cholesterol scared my
doctor. He looked at my diet (horrid) then at the levels (low) and
then looked again. I should have horrid cholesterol and high bp
(low, btw)
foxdancer16 enters
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes, I still get my quanties of adulterated no
fat, no colesterol, and other chemicals to keep me happy. Love those
NO FAT pudding cups.
foxdancer16 says, hi
+ p_dumbledore says, Hi Fox
brooksindy says, Hi. We are wondering why lots of people are online
but few in chat. maybe yahoo is not letting 'em in.
foxdancer16 says, maybe they're busy?
gypsycaine says, another advantage of Cheetachat!
+ p_dumbledore says, They may be reading messages, there sure have
been a bunch of them..
foxdancer16 says, I'm actually going to be idle a lot...stupid
English homework...
gypsycaine says, what's up with it, fire?
foxdancer16 says, btw, I'm Firebolt...just for the record. I know
that Dee knows me...
foxdancer16 says, 1500 word analysis on a poem. Due Tuesday.
gypsycaine says, ooooh what poem... (eyes light up)
foxdancer16 says, Actually, right now, I'm doing Math, but then I'm
working on English.
foxdancer16 says, er...
foxdancer16 says, 'The Lost Heritage', by Heather Buck
gypsycaine says, haven't heard of it.
foxdancer16 says, me neither
+ p_dumbledore says, Eating and writing a manual here.. as well as
checking the chat channel.. YES, chetta Chat is nice for this.
gypsycaine says, send me a copy of your assignment?
gypsycaine says, (the finished product?)
gypsycaine : try CheetaChat - the best chat software for Yahoo - With
text blends, custom avatars, and more, you won't be sorry! -
foxdancer16 says, sure, when it's done
brooksindy says, ditto, 20th Century?
foxdancer16 says, I mean, if you really WANT to read the blathering
of a clueless teenager...^_^
gypsycaine says, you don't blather...
gypsycaine says, look at the good job you did with Raistlin.
foxdancer16 :bows:: Thank you.
foxdancer16 says, I said that his twin brother was 'Caimon'. That was
embarrassing. Well, not really, I read the books about two years ago.
*** User c_harrypotterforgrownups:1 isn't online right now.
gypsycaine says, i haven't read them since I left Akron, which
at least June 98.
gypsycaine says, It's ok.
gypsycaine says, I don't know if my Caramon is right either!
foxdancer16 says, yes, it is
foxdancer16 says, I checked.
gypsycaine says, i do see alot of parallels between the two,
gypsycaine says, Snape and Raist.
Your buddy brooksindy is on pager
gypsycaine says, let's see.
gypsycaine says, first things first.
gypsycaine <<<<<<<<<<<<I AM SAVING THIS CHAT>>>>>
gypsycaine (ok, ok, this is a macro, and it's annoying,
but I'm
gypsycaine covering my butt just in case of trouble!)
gypsycaine says, ok, that over....
gypsycaine says, I guess we should be talking about chapter 11.
gypsycaine says, The reaction of Draco to the robes is exactly
I think Molly should have de-laced the robes.
foxdancer16 says, yes
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes, a simple de-lacing charm
gypsycaine says, if you can peel potatoes with a charm,
then "unsewing" should be a snap. If not, I own a seam ripper.
foxdancer16 says, agreed
gypsycaine says, what is your view on the pig?
foxdancer16 says, on the pig?
foxdancer16 says, sorry, am feeling stupid this fine night.
gypsycaine says, on pig.
gypsycaine says, Ron's owl.
Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage has gone off pager
Your buddy burkheart_loft is on pager
foxdancer16 says, okay, that's what I thought
foxdancer16 says, Pig is very cool.
jferer enters
gypsycaine says, i think that owl needs Ritalin.
foxdancer16 says, He's fluffy, cute, easily portable, loyal, a good
worker, and has a personality
foxdancer16 says, what's Ritalin?
gypsycaine says, a drug given to hyperactive children
foxdancer16 says, aha...but most of the hyperactive children today
aren't hyperactive...
foxdancer16 says, hi, Jim, btw...
gypsycaine says, hi
gypsycaine says, he snuck in
jferer says, Hi, fox.
jferer says, Hi, Dee.
brooksindy is away (Auto-Away)
gypsycaine says, you remember firebolt.
foxdancer16 says, he does?
gypsycaine says, didn't you too meet last time?
foxdancer16 says, I don't think so...did we?
gypsycaine says, so, Jim, what's your opinion?
gypsycaine says, is Pig hyperactive?
brooksindy is back.
brooksindy says, Hyperactive - yes and no - it is apparently real, as
real cases have differnt brain actibiy in brainscans. overdiganosed -
brooksindy says, activity
foxdancer16 says, that's what I meant, yeah.
foxdancer16 says, Pig is hyperactive, though, I agree.
+ p_dumbledore says, It's todays replacement for Paragoric (tinture
of Opium) used back in the 40's and 50's calms down those kiddies.
gypsycaine says, he reminds me of a rubber ball thrown against
wall that just bounces too and from.
gypsycaine says, opium?
foxdancer16 says, a squash ball, maybe - same size, and bounds across
the room
gypsycaine says, raquetball, here
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes.. opium!
jferer says, I was gone for a minute, missed it.
foxdancer16 says, btw, Dee, you won't want to read my English
assignment - I don't get this poem.
jferer says, Oh! Hyperactive!
brooksindy says, He reminds me of a golden snitch!
gypsycaine says, lol
gypsycaine says, perhaps Harry can practice with him... smiles.
brooksindy says, I remember paregoric....
Your buddy marshall_cross is on pager
jferer says, My six year old is like that doesn't serve
her well, but I think she will overcome it.
gypsycaine says, i never was on any meds for it, although i
to be.
jferer says, The energy may serve her well in later life.
brooksindy says, I know a kid who could use ritalin, yes....
gypsycaine says, do you think Hermione is hyperactive?
foxdancer16 says, no
foxdancer16 says, overly singleminded, perhaps...
+ p_dumbledore says, No just very curious about everything.
jferer says, Hermione is not hyperactive, no. She's energetic, no
more, but she has control of herself.
Your buddy saadiira is on pager
gypsycaine says, (is thinking CoS)
foxdancer16 says, Professor, you're just gave me a very
zany fic idea
+ p_dumbledore says, Oh?
jferer says, tell us.
gypsycaine listens.
jferer says, I'm away for a while, cya all.
foxdancer16 says, how many people here have read the Just So Stories?
gypsycaine says, not I.
gypsycaine says, bye, Jim!
+ p_dumbledore says, Fortunately for Hermonies parents, she has found
that books provide a source for answers.
foxdancer16 says, more specifically, 'How the Elephant Got Its
Trunk', or whatever the title was?
brooksindy says, Of course. Kipling. Yep.
gypsycaine says, been awhile...
Your buddy marshall_cross has gone off pager
Your buddy burkheart_loft has gone off pager
foxdancer16 says, ugh...I don't know where I got this from,
know, the elephant was described as being instatiably curious
foxdancer16 says, *insatiably
foxdancer16 :shrugs:: Dunno if I can find a way to make it work, but
the mental imagery'd be worth it.
triner2001 enters
gypsycaine says, hi!
+ p_dumbledore says, Hi triner
brooksindy says, aloha
triner2001 says, Hey, y'all
triner2001 says, What's up today?
gypsycaine says, hperactivity and owls, or Hermione.
+ p_dumbledore says, Your choice!
dee_97527 enters
+ p_dumbledore says, Hi Diann..
triner2001 says, Hyperactivity? Perchance were you chatting about
Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage is on pager
dee_97527 says, Howdy all
gypsycaine says, HI
foxdancer16 says, Hi everyone who's joined while I wasn't looking...
gypsycaine says, yep.
gypsycaine says, due to the robe in ch. 11
brooksindy says, Good deduction.
foxdancer16 says, I wonder...are owls the only trained carrier birds?
I would think that crows or ravens would be capable of the job...
gypsycaine says, i have been calling him the Pig, but I got
guys confused.
+ p_dumbledore says, Oh, Legend on SciFi right now.
gypsycaine says, legend, as in Tom Cruise?
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes, and as in Unicorns
gypsycaine . o O ( have that on tape, no commercials.. )
Your buddy siriusgeologist has gone off pager
saadiira is now away.
brooksindy says, Even when I had cable, my wretched service had so
scifi channel
foxdancer16 says, what movie is that?
brooksindy says, *no* scifi channel
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes, I wish we had comedy channel.. Arrggh!
foxdancer16 says, what characters are being presented for chapter 11?
+ p_dumbledore says, Speaking of movies, noticed that StarWars II has
finished filming.
triner2001 says, I miss my Turner Classic Movies...
gypsycaine says, has it?
dee_97527 says, Only in the first location
+ p_dumbledore says, No, I read it today, they were done, now just
the SFX
triner2001 says, When is it supposed to be finishe?
jferer is away (Auto-Away)
triner2001 says, finished
+ p_dumbledore says, I'm checkin on release date
brooksindy says, Legend, 185, Ridley Scott
brooksindy says, 185 Tom Cruise, Mia Sara, Tim Curry
gypsycaine says, not certain. One second, I will check the
brooksindy says, Billy Barty (!),.Robert Picardo (!)
gypsycaine says, wasn't he Meg?
foxdancer16 :lightbulb goes on over head:: Hey, I think I'm beginning
to understand this poem...
triner2001 says, Has Mia Sara just completely dropped off the planet?
What has she done lately?
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes, and I miss her! ha!
triner2001 says, +
foxdancer16 says, while we're talking aout dropping off planets,
anyone here read Discworld?
brooksindy says, Lost the page at IMDB, have to reload.
brooksindy says, Yeah, the rincewind ones anyway.
gypsycaine says, (love it) And no names listed after Filch
and co.
foxdancer16 says, how many Rincewind books are there? I've read two...
gypsycaine says, i want the luggage.
triner2001 says, Sorry about the +, the Dudley dinkums has decided to
help me type
foxdancer16 says, yes, the Luggage is very funny.
brooksindy says, OK< got it back, Picardo was Meg yes.
triner2001 is confused. Luggage??
gypsycaine says, Discworld.
foxdancer16 says, uhm, a Discworld 'character'
+ p_dumbledore says, Is that like always carry a towel?
gypsycaine says, the book is called the "Colour of Magic"
foxdancer16 says, a chest made of sapient pearwood.
triner2001 says, Haven't read it
gypsycaine says, and available for about $4 from Amazon.
foxdancer16 says, good books. Very funny.
gypsycaine says, that's it! Thanks firebolt!
foxdancer16 says, hehe, you're welcome
gypsycaine . o O ( couldn't recall the wood name )
foxdancer16 says, Hogfather and Mort are my favorites of the ones
I've read, though...
gypsycaine says, There are two to start with -- CoM and
the Light Fantastic
foxdancer16 says, the second book is just The light Fantastic
gypsycaine says, what's the name of the tourist? (Lost the
ages ago)
foxdancer16 says, the third book is Equal Rites, the fourth is Mort
foxdancer16 says, Twoflower
brooksindy says,,+Mia
gypsycaine says, it's like someone is making fun of every sf
out there.
gypsycaine says, it's a wonderful series.
foxdancer16 says, yes
gypsycaine says, like the Monty Python version.
brooksindy says, Looks like she did two movies or so a year in early
90's anmd one a year in late 90's
brooksindy says, I've met pratchett, he's funny in real life too.
foxdancer16 says, really? wow
gypsycaine says, i knew she did 20,000 leagues.
triner2001 says, Hey, after Ferris Bueller, what else is there to do?
dee_97527 is away (Auto-Away)
brooksindy says, Well, i go to science fiction conventions and he was
at the one Worldcon in 2
triner2001 says,
brooksindy says, Also met Douglas Adams
brooksindy says, 92
foxdancer16 says, you lucky dog...Hitchhiker's Guide is such a funny
brooksindy says, You should hear him do readings from it.
gypsycaine says, Trina, if you like HG, you'll like Discworld.
+ p_dumbledore says, Yes, Douglas, seems like such a neat guy and
foxdancer16 says, I still say 'For Bob's sake' sometimes
foxdancer16 says, did you guys know there's a translation website
called babelfish?
+ p_dumbledore says, I have all Adams books on tape, he reads them
all and does a fantastic job.
dee_97527 is back.
dee_97527 says, Yes, I have been to babelfish
brooksindy says, http://us/ is legend
brooksindy says, I use it for German sites - but the translations can
be pretty hilarious sometimes
Your buddy nikii_16 is on pager
Your buddy nikii_16 has gone off pager
Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage is in chat
foxdancer16 says, yes, very
foxdancer16 says, like, once I translated the first page of into French, and Harry Potter became 'Potier de Harry'
gypsycaine <<<<<<<<<<<<I AM SAVING THIS CHAT>>>>>
gypsycaine (ok, ok, this is a macro, and it's annoying,
but I'm
gypsycaine covering my butt just in case of trouble!)
foxdancer16 says, okay.
Your buddy tria_andromeda_blade is on pager
triner2001 says, How funny! (The HP name translation, not the saving
chat thing)
gypsycaine says, Professor Sprout
foxdancer16 says, btw, anyone here read the French translations?
gypsycaine says, dang it...
gypsycaine says, there are breaks in there.
foxdancer16 says, what's the matter, Dee?
+ p_dumbledore says, I've noticed a number of comments about Harry
getting killed off in book 7.. So have been thinking of ways to
bring him back in book 8 !
foxdancer16 says, I think it's too cliche if he dies.
+ p_dumbledore says, How about book 7 is just a dream (ala Dallas)
foxdancer16 :laughing groan:: That's even more cliche...
+ p_dumbledore says, ha!
gypsycaine says, Madam Pomfrey Professor Flitwick Professor
Madam Hooch Professor Sinistra Professor Vector Professor Sprout any
other minor professors
gypsycaine says, there!
gypsycaine says, whew.
foxdancer16 says, what happened?
triner2001 says, I would hate to have invested seven years of loving
this series just to have him die in the end
gypsycaine says, someone asked who we were discussing this
brooksindy says, I liked the 'loses powers, must be common mortal'
sacrifice better. than dying. Good point -0 worse sacrifice.
foxdancer16 says, I did
triner2001 says, Way too much of a cliche
gypsycaine says, Melanie put breaks <BR> between the names,
they didn't want to copy and paste well.
gypsycaine says,
foxdancer16 says, how about he's an owl Animagus, and gets stuck as
one for the rest of his life, and therefore decides to marry Hedwig
and have lotsa little owlets who carry messages for Ron and Hermione.
That's not cliche, that's just odd.
gypsycaine says, lol
Your buddy goddess_of_love6969 is on pager
brooksindy says, think JKR already said harry won't be an animagus -
he might get turned into a critter for a bit though
brooksindy says, Like something that would hunt ferrets.
gypsycaine says, that's Crookshanks.
jferer is back.
jferer says, And think about Cho as he regurgitates a ferret skeleton.
brooksindy says, I think a ferret and a cat would be too een a match,
even a big one.
foxdancer16 says, yes
brooksindy says, even, not een
foxdancer16 says, althoughI agree that if Harry ends up as any sort
of critter, he'll be feline
foxdancer16 says, like Draco's white ferret fits him perfectly
triner2001 says, The amazing bouncing ferret--like Ron I enjoyed that
image hugely
brooksindy says, Hmmm I can see it now - in the movie when Sirius is
on in canine form, teh background music is Led Zeppelin's "Black dog"
foxdancer16 says, I really need to go to bed now - wish me luck on
the poetry analysis, guys
brooksindy says, good luck with poetry analysis.
dee_97527 leaves
foxdancer16 :grins:: Thanks! See you next Sunday, with luck
gypsycaine says, +night night fire!
foxdancer16 leaves
triner2001 says, I'm gonna go finish my housecleaning -- see y'all
gypsycaine says, bb trina!
+ p_dumbledore says, bye
triner2001 leaves
brooksindy says, I need to go start this manuscript review so I will
only be ona few more minutes as well.
gypsycaine says, i understand that.
p_dumbledore leaves
Your buddy p_dumbledore leaves chat
Your buddy traitorknight is on pager
gypsycaine nudges Jim...
traitorknight is now away.
brooksindy says, are you winking, too?
saadiira is back.
gypsycaine says, winking?
brooksindy says, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more (Python)
gypsycaine says, just seeing if he's alive.
gypsycaine says, lol.
brooksindy says, Well, if he doesn't answer, you're now talking to
yourself. Bye!
jferer is away (Auto-Away)
gypsycaine says, LOL.
brooksindy leaves
Your buddy brooksindy leaves chat
Your buddy brooksindy has gone off pager
Your buddy katerinaugusta is on pager
jferer is back.
jferer says, Dee?
gypsycaine says, Yes?
gypsycaine . o O ( is feeding Neopets. )
gypsycaine . o O ( lol )
jferer says, Well, it's us. What's your Neopet?
gypsycaine says,
gypsycaine says, it's a cyber pet, basically.
jferer says, OK, I figured as much.
gypsycaine says, they're kewl.... but i keep ignoring them.
gypsycaine says, a few keep dying...
gypsycaine says, (I visit, they are labeled as "dying" never
a dead pet yet!
jferer says, Yecch. Pretty depressing when the *cyber* pet dies.
gypsycaine says, i kept killing the goldfish.
gypsycaine says, (desktop goldfish)
dee_97527 enters
gypsycaine says, wb!
dee_97527 leaves
jferer says, I couldn't keep a house plant alive!
gypsycaine says, i can't either... esp now with Ian.
jferer says, That was quick. Maybe she's having a problem with the
gypsycaine says, not certain.
gypsycaine drops jelly beans all in the room... (o) (o) (o) (o) (o)
gypsycaine gives Dianne a trail to follow.
jferer says, The flights of fancy on the board have been getting a
little extreme.
gypsycaine says, which versions?
jferer says, Snape/Dumbledore, Snape/?, Lupin/Harry,
gypsycaine says, i am j/k with my pairings, I do hope people
realize that.
gypsycaine says, i started that.
gypsycaine says, they were going off with F/M pairings, and I
to put in m/m ones.
jferer says, Oh, sure, it's supposed to be like that, but sometimes
people take a j/k pairing...
jferer says, and build from that something really off the wall...
jferer says, ...and forget it was j/k in the beginning.
gypsycaine says, like that McG/Hootch. LOL!
jferer says, Yeah, that one was a hoot. We just don't know what they
do for family at Hogwarts.
jferer says, There's likely to be apartments in the castle, Heaven
knows there's lots of room.
jferer says, I do think the Snape/crush for Lily thing is likely
jferer says, Another reason to hate James and *James's* son.
gypsycaine says, that sounded right... and so did Lily as
jferer says, I'm not convinced Lily is Slyth or anything else in
gypsycaine says, it seems right... it's not about green eyes,
the what not.
gypsycaine says, did they ever say what house James was in?
jferer says, she had courage for a Gryff, and intelligence for a
Ravenclaw, and loyalty for a Huff.
gypsycaine says, i did a seek/find, but didn't find it.
jferer says, Hard to believe he was anything but a Gryff.
gypsycaine says, here's a thought. Who said James had to
or even earn the money. It could have been Lily.
hert0661isme enters
gypsycaine says, hi
jferer says, Do you have the books in some machine format? I'd love
to be able to search.
jferer says, Hi, Hert!
gypsycaine says, yes, thanks to Nick. He sent them to me,
since I
already have several copies anyway.
gypsycaine says, do you icq, Jim?
hert0661isme says, Hello - thought I would say hi for a minute or two!
gypsycaine says, hi hi.
gypsycaine says, Hope you say more than Hi, though...
gypsycaine says, Hi
gypsycaine says, could get boring.
hert0661isme says, Well I could probably do more than say hi
hert0661isme says, Does this mean you have copies of the book for
computer use?
gypsycaine grins.
gypsycaine says, yes,
gypsycaine says, but only if you have copies already papered.
maintain copyrights, mustn't we?
hert0661isme says, I was wondering about that
hert0661isme says, Are the documents large?
gypsycaine says, i used them to search, cause I swore Hagrid
mentions the houses of Lily and James.
gypsycaine says, PoA is 600+
gypsycaine says, the rest are less. (KB)
hert0661isme says, not that I know of - he does say theu are head boy
and girl
gypsycaine says, took about five minutes to icq them to someone
gypsycaine says, i didn't find it. The first mention of Gryf
when Ron is on the train.
hert0661isme says, how do you icq a document - i used to use icq but
have not installed it onto this machine
gypsycaine says, it's easy.
gypsycaine says, dl icq, and i add you, and file transfer.
hert0661isme says, I will leave this a week - at the moment am on a
56k modem and having to pay for call charges, next Sunday will be
back to 10mbps net connection and no call charge
gypsycaine says, what's your email?
hert0661isme says, simon.branford at ...
hert0661isme says, icq #23591214 (but will not have it on my machine
until next week
gypsycaine says, it's ok.
gypsycaine says, the first is out and emailed to you.
gypsycaine says, the icq has to wait for your approval.
gypsycaine says,
hert0661isme says, I will approve once I get all my computer things
sorted next weekend
Your buddy tremere_meerlinda has gone off pager
gypsycaine says, ok.
gypsycaine says, there you go--all three that I own are in
gypsycaine says, Don't have GoF, sorry.
gypsycaine says, jim?
hert0661isme says, that explains why my computer has slowed down! I
am on an imap system so it may take a while
gypsycaine says, can your email hand large messages?
gypsycaine says, i sent them in three parts, Simon, to break
the mail....
hime_alyianna_kage is now away.
hert0661isme says, yes - have had a 600k file sent to it before now -
but will take a while!
gypsycaine says, nick said something about obtaining GoF, but
couldn't tell you what he said exactly.
hert0661isme says, that he is trying to I would guess
hert0661isme says, well some mail has been downloaded to my machine -
just waiting for it to finish so I can have alook!
gypsycaine says, kewl
gypsycaine says, Jim, i looked at your profile, and emailed
to you too.
hert0661isme says, amazing - they seem to have arrived ok
heiditandy enters
heiditandy says, hi! i am only here until harry wakes from his nap
gypsycaine says, hi!
gypsycaine says, Ian did...
heiditandy says, and I am at my parents, so no cheetachat for me!
gypsycaine says, we're in the "grumpy" post-nap stage.
gypsycaine says, chuckles at that.
hert0661isme says, also they are american version so I can look at
heiditandy says, he wasn't grumpy before falling asleep today - just
sleepy - hopefuly he'll rest for a few more minutes!
gypsycaine says, pardon?
heiditandy says, what've I missed? : )
jferer leaves
gypsycaine says, he got up from the nap grumpy.
gypsycaine says, alot of OT discussion.
gypsycaine says, there was an interesting line of Pig being
hyperactive, and if Hermione was as well.
heiditandy says, hermione may just be perky & manifesting itself in
an unusual way
heiditandy says, pig - definitely!
gypsycaine says, She's alot like myself, and I tried to cramp
as much as possible (even over-scheduled my lunch hour my sophomore
hert0661isme says, Was the pardon aimed at me?
gypsycaine . o O ( yep )
gypsycaine says, i am hyper. She cramped in HOW much during
heiditandy says, every time in school that I overscheduled (high
school, college & law school) I made up for it by becoming a 2nd term
senior year slacker.
gypsycaine says, cramp = cram, but it has the same thoughts.
nightfall06 is now away.
hert0661isme says, The files you sent me seem to be the american
versions of the books. I can look at differences with the UK versions
I have
gypsycaine says, ahhh
gypsycaine says, i guess i only have the american version.
heiditandy says, although I think if hermione ends up finding herself
at the start of 7th year with too many credits, she'll do some
apprenticeship-type thing instead of class
gypsycaine says, Jim Dale only reads the Am. right?
hert0661isme says, I believe so
gypsycaine says, there's still a few classes she will prolly
to take--DADA prolly.
gypsycaine says, they have to introduce a new teacher
hime_alyianna_kage is back.
hert0661isme says, Cool for me - it is good to see how the editors
changed the books
heiditandy says, unless they end up having Harry teach it 7th year -
if this keeps up he'll have enough experience to do so
Your buddy ladyadamned is on pager
gypsycaine chuckles.
hert0661isme says, I have got to be off - have FAQ's to write and
need some sleep (have been staying up until 3am to watch the Olympics
and then getting up before 9am)
heiditandy says, or sirius. I think I've seen some fanfics where he's
teacvhing it.
heiditandy says, oh! gotta go baby up!
heiditandy leaves
nightfall06 is back.
gypsycaine says, it's ok.
gypsycaine says, if no one else comes or goes, i will wrap up
scroll, and send it out on the chatscripts egroup.
hert0661isme says, thanks for the files - nice to have a searchable
copy - have had enough of trying to pinpoint quotes and then find
hert0661isme says, see you next week - unless I am stuck in the pub!
gypsycaine says, it'll be really nice for times like your
discussion of ch.11 when GoF is done.
gypsycaine says, LOL
gypsycaine says, i want to be stuck in a pub.
gypsycaine says, they sound just so nice.
hert0661isme says, I could have done with it a few times when FAQ
Your buddy tria_andromeda_blade has gone off pager
gypsycaine says, talk to nick about it...
gypsycaine grins.
hert0661isme says, see you at some stage - simon
gypsycaine says, bb. and good luck going up to ox!
hert0661isme leaves
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