01-07-01 end of chat (note that there is a small overlap with the other part)
simon.branford at ...
Mon Jan 8 17:47:22 UTC 2001
babynick34 enters
babynick34 says, Hi all
jferer says, Hello, Babynick!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Nick!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Happy day after birthday!
babynick34 says, Thanks... a year older, a year wiser - or perhaps not,
hert0661isme This chat will be saved and posted on the E-group:
hert0661isme says, Happy Birthday
babynick34 says, I take it I've missed the main chat - seems like I've
not been able to make it for ages now.
babynick34 says, Thanks Simon
hert0661isme says, I was just talking and loads of people jumped ship!
babynick34 says, Yahoo bombed again most likely!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, It happened when Jim came intot he chat room
babynick34 says, Ah... the usual Enter and Leave bug.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
gypsycaine leaves.
gypsycaine enters.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, There was discussion of Galleon, Dollar,
Pound, Euro exchange rates
jferer says, <singing> don't wait to be told... you need Palmolive Gold....
babynick34 says, Yes dee... that's the bug!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and who should be the models on the Babes of
Hogwarts calendar
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and who could say the nastiest things about
80s music
babynick34 says, Babes of Hogwarts... hmm, Prof.Sprout, perhaps, but
maybe not.
jferer says, Not too many babes, unless you're into underage..
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Isn't there a descriptin of Sprout as
babynick34 says, 80s music is great... can't say bad things about Ah-Ha,
Tpau or anyone like that.
babynick34 says, Maybe it should be Hags of Hogwarts calendar
jferer says, I always pictured Sprout as having a height/width ratio
approaching 1:1
catlady_de_los_angeles says, age of consent in UK is 16, Fleur and Cho and
the Gryffiindor Chasers are okay
catlady_de_los_angeles says, besides, Brooke Shields was 12 in PRETTY BABY
babynick34 says, Me too... about 3 foot high, and at least 2 foot wide.
jferer says, I'm sure there's a Web site that would feature her,
though...something for everyone.
babynick34 says, I have an off-topic question for any americans... do you
know if eToys is still going to be in business come the end of this month?
gypsycaine says, Nick!
gypsycaine says, no, I don't know .
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think even the financial analysts don't
jferer says, Not certain at all....
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Altho' they think it will be gone by March
jferer says, Have they gone Chapter 11? (Reorganization provision of US
bankruptcy law)
babynick34 says, No me neither - eToys.co.uk closes on 19th. So maybe
they are just running down operations to see if they can survive. Pitty
eToys UK don't have any Harry Potter stuff in their 50% off sale.
jferer says, I didn't like any of the HP stuff... thought the art was
cheesy. Showed they did it all in a hurry.
babynick34 says, Are they still planning to release the movie in
November, both sides of the pond at the same time?
babynick34 says, I wonder if I can see it first in the UK, then fly to
NYC and see it again!
jferer says, As far as I know... are there going to be different US/UK
versions? That was one rumor <cringe>
jferer says, They've got a lot to do and not much time to do it...There
aren't many good signs about this movie.
jferer says, They want to cash in quick.
babynick34 says, I think a lot of the fliming has now been done... though
the quidditch match scene seems to been delayed - due to getting enough
people to be in the crowd.
jferer says, Strange... with CGI you could have a million if you wanted.
babynick34 says, Yes... maybe they are short on budget.
jferer says, Money should be no object. They've got the biggest phenom in
history if they do it right.
jferer says, I have heard nothing to make me think this is going to be good,
or that they're trying to do it well.
hert0661isme says, and more likely a massive diaster!
babynick34 says, But are they doing it right? Hagrids hut is wood isn't
jferer says, No, I've seen a picture of the hut, itn't not *too* bad
jferer says, I mean, no, it's not wood..
babynick34 says, Not too bad... but not wood.
babynick34 says, Better as Big Ears toadstool for a Noddy film!
jferer says, They overdid Hagrid's appearance...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, If the hut isn't wood, how can Hermione
respond to the pet dragon by saying: "Hagrid, you live in a wooden house!"
babynick34 says, They probably over paid him as well - Robbie probably
didn't come cheap.
gypsycaine is away (Auto-Away)
jferer says, What's cheap? A million dollars is not a big deal these days.
jferer says, Simon, you lost me on the Noddy film reference...
gypsycaine says, Rita, can you grab the last few minutes here? I need to
release my dialup?
gypsycaine is back.
babynick34 says, Noddy = http://www.noddy.com/ But it's not open yet.
Surely you know what Noddy is Jim.
jferer says, But we're all going to put down our $8.75 and go see it. Hate
myself for being a willing victim.
jferer says, No, I don't.
babynick34 says, Oh well Jim... perhaps you need to read more children's
hert0661isme says, what NOddy ref?
gypsycaine says, waves to the room?
babynick34 says, Bye dee
jferer says, Leaving, Gypsy? Bye!
gypsycaine says, bye
gypsycaine leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye bye Dee
jferer says, Bye, all.. I believe my children are trying to flood my
bathroom, and succeeding.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, by bye Jim
cassandraclaire73 enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cassie! They all ran away!
jferer says, Wait. Hi, Cassandra!
cassandraclaire73 says, i know...im late...
babynick34 says, Hi Cass
cassandraclaire73 says, hi all
cassandraclaire73 says, jim i owe you your 'letter'..
cassandraclaire73 says, i promise ill get it to you today
hert0661isme flame thrower pointing at Jonhbye Jim and Hello to Cass
jferer says, Thanks. It took me forever to do, and then all of a sudden I'm
with child to get it out..silly. Thanks for reading it.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Way Way Way back, Ebony was trying to find
out Galleon Dollar Pound exhange rates on behalf of trying to figure out the
settlement amount of a paternity suit
cassandraclaire73 says, hey little simon
cassandraclaire73 says, wah i missed ebony
hert0661isme sulks in teh corner!
cassandraclaire73 says, sulk not!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Why are you sulking, Simon?
cassandraclaire73 says, because i called him little
hert0661isme says, I am just finishing reading your latest offering
cassandraclaire73 says, are you mad you are not in it?
jferer says, Messenger still shows her on, but she isn't responding.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think Galleon ::: $25
cassandraclaire73 says,
hert0661isme says, spoiling the ending now!
cassandraclaire73 says, oops
cassandraclaire73 says, so what else did I miss?
cassandraclaire73 says, i had to work...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, but I think you used $5 galleons in DD and DS
cassandraclaire73 says, yes i do
jferer says, ..The Babes of Hogwarts calendar (!)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, she dropped a lot of spoiler hints about the
next episode of TIP
cassandraclaire73 says, babes of hogwarts??
catlady_de_los_angeles says, On the mailing list, I had suggested models
for each month of the Hunks of Hogwarts calendar, so there was an effort to
select models for each month of the Babes of Hogwats calendar
jferer says, Bye, all. And thanks!
cassandraclaire73 says, lol! are there enough?
cassandraclaire73 says, bye jim!
cassandraclaire73 says, babes, i mean
jferer leaves
cassandraclaire73 says, i can think of sirius, lupin, um...harry and ron and
draco i guess....
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't think there are enough babes, but
maybe if I stretched them out, instead of putting identical twins Parvati
and Padma in one picture together, and Ebony suggested the Gryffindor
chases, and I said "in a group shot, with broomsticks"
babynick34 says, Oh I like the official picture of Hedwig and Harry.
Have you all seen it?
cassandraclaire73 says, oh wait are we doing girl babes?
cassandraclaire73 says, official pic?
babynick34 says, http://www.empireonline.co.uk/news/news.asp?2816
cassandraclaire73 says, off to look
babynick34 says, also at:
catlady_de_los_angeles says, My list of male babes (hunks) was posted to
the list last night, and it has already received a complaint that Ron isn't
on it,
You tell clear_debt Will be back later
cassandraclaire73 says,
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nick, is this the one with the controversial
blue kniytted glove?
cassandraclaire73 says, why isn't ron on it?
babynick34 says, Yes... and I'm not sure about the orange/yellow scaff
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Too many hunks, I had to leave out either Ron
or Hagrid. Hagrid is Not My Type, but a fair number of people fancy
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Fred and George get to share an identical
twin picture
cassandraclaire73 says, eeew hagrid made it on but Ron didn't?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Bill and Charlie get seperate pictures
cassandraclaire73 says, who fancies Hagrid?
babynick34 says, Well.. must be going... another busy day at work again
tomorrow - I hate January sales.
hert0661isme says, fire alarm is going off - may have to leave!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, oh, i thought there used to be a mall, noisy
mob of them
babynick34 says, See ya.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by nick
hert0661isme says, bye
babynick34 leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, simon, save again and D
hert0661isme says, fire alram has stopped
catlady_de_los_angeles says, ONT
catlady_de_los_angeles says, get burned
hert0661isme says, me to save or you?
cassandraclaire73 says, ?
cassandraclaire73 says, get burned?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, you, if you dont get buonced or burned
hert0661isme says, there has never been a real fire in this building and
yet the alarm goes off most weeks!
cassandraclaire73 says, well be careful, we need dr simon branford
cassandraclaire73 says, there will be no fanfics without him
catlady_de_los_angeles says, he could be a ghost
hert0661isme says, Serpentese has complained that I have not written any
cassandraclaire73 says, when did she complain that?
hert0661isme says, Friday
cassandraclaire73 says, well maybe you should
hert0661isme says, was wondering how I had made it into so many fics as I
have not written any
cassandraclaire73 says, she does not know of your fame on egroups
hert0661isme says, I have started - but have too many other things to do
for the time being!
cassandraclaire73 says, rita i agree with ;eaving ron off the hunks list
cassandraclaire73 says, charlie and bill are plenty enough weasleys
hert0661isme says, Quote (John wrote this earlier) "Can you get teenage
wizards in the Teenage Witches? ::grin::"
cassandraclaire73 says, what does he want to be in it too?
hert0661isme says, I think that is what he meant - but the line could be
interpreted differently
catlady_de_los_angeles says, some evil person turned it into a double
cassandraclaire73 says, gaaaah!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and made someone spray tea out her nose onto
the kb
cassandraclaire73 says, i can't beleive i missed everyone....
cassandraclaire73 says, probably alicia.
cassandraclaire73 says, well im glad you're back among us simon
hert0661isme says, yep you missed alicia
cassandraclaire73 says, rats
catlady_de_los_angeles says, yes, she sayd her bio textbook was tapdancing
on her desk
hert0661isme says, I am back - got in a few minutes before the chat
kicked off
hert0661isme says, I was the one who made the double entendre comment
cassandraclaire73 says, oh well there's always next week
hert0661isme says, so now I am being described as evil!
cassandraclaire73 says, and if john wants to get into the witches he has to
cassandraclaire73 says, evil dr. branford...
hert0661isme says, smart, handsome and muscular Dr. Branford sounds much
cassandraclaire73 says, well at least i didn't kill you off
cassandraclaire73 says, sigh...there is nothing on ffnet to read...it is
catlady_de_los_angeles says, mundane nerd genius eagle scout Dr. Brandford
hert0661isme says, give me a couple of minutes and I will finsih off the
chapter - will be some soon (hopefully)
cassandraclaire73 says, well you can comment on pou then
cassandraclaire73 says, i don't know when i will finish the next one..i have
so much work!
cassandraclaire73 says, eeep
hert0661isme says, no Dr B (at least as far as I have read) - means
chapter was rubbish (only kidding)
cassandraclaire73 says, waaaaah
cassandraclaire73 says, draco chases simon with his sword
cassandraclaire73 says, so did ebony post ehr next chapter yet?
You tell asheryz_4u Will be back later
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I would have to scroll all the way to the top
of the chat to see if she said she had posted, or was going to post, TIP4
cassandraclaire73 says, well ill go check on ffnet
hert0661isme says, I do not think it is up yet - I think it is in the
process of being beta reading
cassandraclaire73 says, my computer is being very slow...
cassandraclaire73 says, drat, well Bryter layter should be up today
cassandraclaire73 says, i mean the sequel
hert0661isme says, tomorrow for me
cassandraclaire73 says, okay, im going to run off now....totally exhausting
day but at least I don't have to work tomorrow!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Bye Bye Cassies
cassandraclaire73 says, bye all!
cassandraclaire73 leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Simon, I will long off and you can save
and then you can answer my e-mail
hert0661isme says, am I to save only the bit after dee left? (before that
my end kept dropping off)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think she has the part before she left so
you shouldn't ahve to
catlady_de_los_angeles says, bye bye
catlady_de_los_angeles leaves
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