Chat, Part!

Denise R gypsycaine at ...
Mon Mar 26 01:36:43 UTC 2001

catlady_de_los_angeles says, The whole genre of NOVELS had a trashy repurtation when it started.
selah_1977 says, Byron, Austen, the Shelleys, Wordsworth--all wrote in the Romantic tradition.
slytherin_daughter says, *genre
slytherin_daughter says, (even if they are very funny)
Your buddy tria_andromeda_blade leaves chat
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I have a friend who reads baby-sitter books
selah_1977 says, The poem "Christabel" is actually erotic.
  harry_potter00 says, Romantic is quite different from porn...certainly
slytherin_daughter says, I used to read those.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, so did i- when i was eight
selah_1977 says, That's true, Rita...
slytherin_daughter says, Oh, *adults* read them?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sometimes I say the erotica is something expenselively published, with thick paper adn clean printing and well-sewn bindings and illustarionat that people would exactlally want to put up on their waylls
slytherin_daughter says, *is weirded out*
  Minzzer says, So that's why there are hardly any romance novels for reading at school
cassandraclaire73 says, has never read a romance novel
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Me either.
slytherin_daughter says, *really*?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I tried- it was horrible
Your buddy siriusgeologist is in chat
siriusgeologist enters
cassandraclaire73 says, never occured to me to do so
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I feel dirty just looking at the covers.  *snerk*
selah_1977 says, Well, I agree with your last statement, Rita... erotica is more intellectual than anything else.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The only think you'remissing is Georgette Heyer
slytherin_daughter says, I've read a few... the man root kind.
  harry_potter00 says, YOu haven't missed much
sineadsiobhan is away (Auto-Away)
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, my friend gave it to me for my birthday- i think she must have picked it up at a drug store or something
siriusgeologist says, hello
selah_1977 agrees with Scott.
cassandraclaire73 says, well ive read some victorian erotica for classes...
cassandraclaire73 says, i don't know if that counts
selah_1977 says, Hi, Carole!
slytherin_daughter says, Hi, Carole
slytherin_daughter says, !
siriusgeologist says, what's new
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, wb carole
cassandraclaire73 says, hey! carole!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, hi
  harry_potter00 says, Hi Carole
slytherin_daughter says, topic of the moment: Porn vs. Erotica
siriusgeologist says, we're talking victorian erotica?
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey Carole!
  Minzzer says, hi
sineadsiobhan is back.
sineadsiobhan says, back
siriusgeologist says, sounds like fun?
selah_1977 says, I've read dozens of romance novels, mostly when I was supposed to be reading Babysitters' Club.
sineadsiobhan says, still talking about erotica?
slytherin_daughter says, In victorian times, it was erotic to touch hands.
selah_1977 says, By age 14, I was bored with them.
slytherin_daughter says, Why do we keep reffering to the BSC?
  harry_potter00 says, In all those corsets and lacy things? 
selah_1977 says, That's why I read kidlit now... read all the adult books in my adolescence!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I read baby-sitters club in french
catorman leaves
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, i read better stuff in english
sineadsiobhan says, ditto.. I read Stephen King in 4th grade... teachers thought I was deranged
selah_1977 says, If you've read one romance novel, you've read 'em all.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, (past tense)
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, too true
  harry_potter00 says, My books are more likely to have someone die than any snogging
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Once I went to a party and the host had an anthology of Victorian pornography on his coffee table. So I browed it.
slytherin_daughter says, That doesn't apply to the older stuff, Eb
  Minzzer says, people still think I'm deranged at my range of reading stuff
selah_1977 says, Of course not, Em... I'm talking Harlequin.
slytherin_daughter says, Ah. Of course.
catorman enters
selah_1977 says, And I never, ever liked contemporary romances.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, my friends just know I'm deranged
  Minzzer says, that's the basic
slytherin_daughter says, I once read a book of revoultionary war era erotica.
slytherin_daughter says, it
selah_1977 says, They were so boring to me... I liked bodice-rippers as a tween.
catorman leaves
cassandraclaire73 says, sigh...ive never seen any porn either. i feel very limited.
  Minzzer says, Someone explain to me why people think I'm deranged since I read GoF?
  harry_potter00 says, Well my friends seem to think I'm psychotic (which I spelt inncorrectly
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, no
cassandraclaire73 says, deranged, Mizzer? why?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It was FAR from limited to touching hands or even kissing  -- author giving vivide description of  a nake girl with her legs spread.
  Minzzer says, it just doesn't make any sense
slytherin_daughter says, *blink* I thought everyone over twenty had seen a porn.
selah_1977 is not interested in porn.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, not what one thinks of as Victiorian
slytherin_daughter says, *raises eyebrow*
cassandraclaire73 says, i saw about 5 minutes of Good Will Humping. that's it though.
  Minzzer says, because I read GoF...don't know why though
slytherin_daughter says, *giggles*
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, All guys above the age of 13 have seen porn
catorman enters
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, *shakes head*
sineadsiobhan says, Good Will Humping!?
selah_1977 says, I've never seen a porn either, Cassie... don't feel bad.
slytherin_daughter says, I've seen porn movies. I'm quite the little sick-o.
cassandraclaire73 says, i don't think i want to see one, either.
slytherin_daughter says, I'm twisted, a freak.
  harry_potter00 says, At least HP doesn't contain any porn...I've not seen it either...
slytherin_daughter says, Most normal people haven't seen them.
selah_1977 says, My best friend's been watching 'em since she was 11... I'm pretty conservative, I think.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There are porn movies with titles punnin gon the tiles of rE VERY book or movie that gets popular
cassandraclaire73 says, minzzer, why would anyone think you're deranged for reading GoF? Because it's HP?
slytherin_daughter says, It depends on the quailty of the porno.
  Minzzer says, I think it was the size of the book
Minzzer is away (be right back)
cassandraclaire73 says, i find porno titles amusing..
catorman says, SD - No you're not.  When I was in college the guys were all showing them.  It was normal.
slytherin_daughter says, You have your classics, like Debbie Does Dallas....
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I think the fact that I went to CHapters at midnight pushed me over the edge in my friends' eyes
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Catorman, do you have aname to put in the Chatter List?
catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : 
selah_1977 says, The guys showed them in college, but I left the room.
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
sineadsiobhan says, And The Sopornos
catorman says, Catherine
  harry_potter00 says, is that strange. It was all over the tv in France, but I tried not to watch it because I pity people who subject themselves to that. Even though is their choice
slytherin_daughter says, And then there' just Asain Suckers Vol.9, which is what most are these days.
selah_1977 says, Oh, Lord.
slytherin_daughter says, On that happy note....
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, In France, the skin mags are in the front and the kids' are at the top
selah_1977 says, I think it's time for me to get back to work.   
slytherin_daughter says, You see, now you all know why I'm the way I am.
selah_1977 says, I'll check in later to see if anyone's around...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Ebony
slytherin_daughter says, porn, Harry Potter, seaseme street....Baby sitters club...
Minzzer is back.
slytherin_daughter says, Bye, eb!
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Bye Eb!
selah_1977 says, Buenas tardes!
sineadsiobhan says, and the kids magazines have sex advice in it in England
  harry_potter00 says, By Ebony I hope we didn't scare you away.
slytherin_daughter says, Ciao
selah_1977 leaves
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, bye
sineadsiobhan says, at least that's what I remember
slytherin_daughter says, *is amused*
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, kids as in teen?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, or kids as in kids?
sineadsiobhan says, I remember reading one letter from a 13 year old
slytherin_daughter says, Kids magazines?
slytherin_daughter says, Highlights: The Porn Edition
Your buddy burkheart_loft has gone off pager
slytherin_daughter says, *snerk*
george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'm going to get going, too... need to work on NQP - later!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sihead: how detailed of sex adfvnice?
  harry_potter00 says, I feel so innocent.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, jsut safe sex warning?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Jana
george_weasleys_girlfriend leaves
sineadsiobhan says, "I hurt my girlfriend during sex, is that normal?"
cassandraclaire73 says, going to wander off briefly
  Minzzer says, one guy at my school can make any word into a sex story
cassandraclaire73 is away (be right back)
catorman says, is this room always sex orientated?
slytherin_daughter says, *cough*
  harry_potter00 says, NO
slytherin_daughter says, Not usually.
  Minzzer says, depends
sineadsiobhan says, Not too much... LOL
slytherin_daughter says, I feel violated.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, *cough*
  Minzzer says, I usually leave before
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, somehow sex always gets into the converstaion, but them we switch to more inportant things like dissing people behind their backs.
sineadsiobhan says, yep!
  Minzzer says, I'm glad its not torture Minzzer day this week
  harry_potter00 says, On a lighter note...This weeks question on the calander is what is your most interesting feature. Anyone?
  harry_potter00 says, Just trying...
  Minzzer says, my many personalities
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, feature?
  Minzzer says, that's all I'll say
slytherin_daughter says, My charming sense of humor.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, physical feature or other feature?
sineadsiobhan says, Hm.. I have a birthmark in a secret place
slytherin_daughter says, My tact.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's a feature, not a bug!
sineadsiobhan says, that's my most interesting feature  
  harry_potter00 says, I think it meant physical..but-
slytherin_daughter says, My speelig scils.
siriusgeologist is away (Auto-Away)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL @MC
sineadsiobhan says, Even I can't see it LOL  
  Minzzer says, physical I won't answer...mentally I will
slytherin_daughter says, <g>
catorman leaves
slytherin_daughter says, My stunning blue hair
sineadsiobhan says, blue hair?
sineadsiobhan says, neon?
slytherin_daughter says, yup
Your buddy damianablume has gone off pager
slytherin_daughter says, powder blue
slytherin_daughter says, anime hair
  harry_potter00 says, Blue hair?
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, my black eyes
  Minzzer says, nods head
sineadsiobhan says, I was thinking of dying my hair red but my mum will kill me
slytherin_daughter says, It's natural, too....
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, once upon a time, BLue Hair meant old lady white hair that had been rinsied with bluing
  harry_potter00 says, Hey the Oscars are on tonight, Who do you thing will win? 
slytherin_daughter says, My hair is natuarally sex kitten red.
catorman enters
jferer enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and aws assocaited in very mind with living in a retirement home
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, nobody
slytherin_daughter says, I thought that was purple?
  harry_potter00 says, Next year we can cheer for Harry (hopefully)
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, they'll lose the envelopes
  Minzzer says, Natually everyone changes Minzzer's name way too often
sineadsiobhan says, I meant like Run Lola Run red  
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, Who says we have to wait for next year?
slytherin_daughter says, Next year we will be rooting for Dan and Tom.
slytherin_daughter says, Totally.
sineadsiobhan says, totally!
Your buddy kaialefang is on pager
slytherin_daughter says, You just *know* they'll be nominated.
  Minzzer says, nods head
slytherin_daughter says, like, for sure!
  Minzzer says, anyone know where hermitchick is?
sineadsiobhan says, Like... so cool! gag me with a spoon if I'm wrong
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, And the winner of outstanding performance in a movie trailer goes to....................... Daniel Radcliffe!
harry_potter00 is away (be right back)
slytherin_daughter says, With a spoon, so it hurts more!
slytherin_daughter says, ...quoting Snape in an alter ego.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, sorry, dont know where heritchick is
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, this room is dying
sineadsiobhan says, ditto me neither
slytherin_daughter says, No, Tom Felton. It was great the way his head snapped up..
sineadsiobhan says, just busy
  Minzzer says, o...I'm just wondering why I'm not being attacked
slytherin_daughter says, *looks around* where did Cassandra go?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Do you WANT to be attacked?
  Minzzer says, nooooo
harry_potter00 is back.
  harry_potter00 says, I've gotta go, but I might come back later and see if anyone is here...Toodles
sineadsiobhan says, she wondered off after we were talking porno LOL
  Minzzer says, I might retreat into my black hole
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, So, how can a person like LUCIUS and hae DRACO? 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by scott
  Minzzer says, bye
siriusgeologist is back.
siriusgeologist says, see ya
slytherin_daughter says, That's right. Oh, it's easy.
sineadsiobhan bops Minzzer
harry_potter00 leaves
  Minzzer says, noooooooo
sineadsiobhan says, there ya go, Min
slytherin_daughter says, I just say I don't like Draco to annoy Cass.
slytherin_daughter says, <grins horribly>
sineadsiobhan says, Hey Carole!
  Minzzer says, that's enough Sinead...I just want that challenge in my inbox
  Minzzer says, hi
slytherin_daughter says, And whoever else happens to be in the "Draco is a Sex God" camp.
siriusgeologist says, how are you was NY
sineadsiobhan says, Will do
jferer says, How can you like Lucius OR Draco? Canon, I mean.
sineadsiobhan says, NY was great.. I just drank too much coffee
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I'm in that camp
siriusgeologist says, still awake?
slytherin_daughter says, They have a mysterious, rugged appeal.
jferer says, you needed it, Sinead. You'd been up 23 hours or so.
slytherin_daughter says, Like Sirius!
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, They're "bad boys"
siriusgeologist says, I'm jealous...did the trains treat you right?
  Minzzer says, where can I apply for this camp?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, rugged?????????
slytherin_daughter says, I think they are accepting applications.
siriusgeologist says, someone say Sirius...ears perk up
jferer says, Yeah, so's Sirius, but he isn't cruel, callous, sadistic, and bigoted.
slytherin_daughter says, Yes, Sirus is rugged.
  Minzzer says, where?
sineadsiobhan says, The trains treated me right... I left to go to the loo one stop and someone stole my seat
sineadsiobhan grumble
slytherin_daughter says, I was wrong about the Malfoys being rugged, though. They arent.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, lol
siriusgeologist says, eeep...
jferer says, I'd like Joseph Fiennes for Sirius.
slytherin_daughter says, On a side note, I love Sirius.
slytherin_daughter says, I have fun writing him.
siriusgeologist says, too young..Damniel Day Lewis
siriusgeologist says, oops Daniel...not Damn
sineadsiobhan says, next time I'll sleep more!
slytherin_daughter says, And I totally ripped my Sirius off of ASA... he works in a bar under an assumed name.
slytherin_daughter says, And is dating a muggle.
Your buddy katdoug77 has gone off pager
catorman says, I always thought that the Malfoys are like English Upper class, came over with the Normans, evil Sherrif of Nottingham types
siriusgeologist says, I read a bit of your fic emily...but my computer crashed before I could review!
sineadsiobhan says, Ians a great name  
slytherin_daughter says, *hides* Her name isn't Cordelia, though, and she isn't a lawyer.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Caatherine, yes
siriusgeologist says, that's a great tribute..that's ok...
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, I've got to go, I might pop in later again
slytherin_daughter says, Ian... LOL... No, I made his name Jack.
€  joe_from_the_button_factory says, bye!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Isabelle
  Minzzer says, bye
sineadsiobhan says, aw....
jferer says, Sirius is 35-36; OTOH, Azkaban aged him. But I don't mind Lewis.
slytherin_daughter says, But in a conversation, the names Carole and Penny are mentioned as his exgirlfriends.
joe_from_the_button_factory leaves
siriusgeologist says, I saw that...:::beams::::
slytherin_daughter says, *giggle*
siriusgeologist says, Fiennes is too pretty
slytherin_daughter says, here, here.
sineadsiobhan says, which one Ralph or Joesph?
jferer is away (busy)
siriusgeologist says, I loved him as shakespear...Joseph...but he's not Sirius
sineadsiobhan says, I agree
siriusgeologist says, must remember to go back to your fic emily and leave a review...jotting this down
sineadsiobhan says, I watched Blackadder last night
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Daniel Day Lewis BECAUSE he is pretty
catorman says, How about Colin Firth (If he managed to lose a few pounds)?
sineadsiobhan says, Ric Mayall (Peeves) was in it
slytherin_daughter says, I love Blackadder.
sineadsiobhan says, wore a very curly blond wig
slytherin_daughter says, <g> Aw, Carole, thanks.
siriusgeologist says, Colin Firth as Sirius?...Nahhhh not rugged enough
sineadsiobhan says, Colin Firth as Colin Firth period!
siriusgeologist says, but DDL is rugged pretty
sineadsiobhan says, ;-)
siriusgeologist says, Have you read bridget Jones?
slytherin_daughter says, I think that one Jermey 
guy makes a good Sirius...
sineadsiobhan says, oooh.. what about Stephen Rea?
slytherin_daughter says, the picture in the PoU files....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't remember who is was who asked what SIrius does beteen PoA and GoF?
sineadsiobhan says, yep read Bridget Jones
Minzzer is away (not at my desk)
sineadsiobhan says, is he in the movie thats out?
slytherin_daughter busts a move
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
Your buddy r_mitchell has gone off pager
catorman says, DDL is too Irish and too typecast.  I guess Colin is as well - everyone in London is still obsessed with the wet shirt scene in Pride and Prejudice.  But Joseph Fiennes is too pretty.
siriusgeologist says, opens in April and H's Mark Darcy
slytherin_daughter says, How can a guy be pretty?
slytherin_daughter says, I mean, really.
hermitchick enters
catorman leaves
slytherin_daughter says, He *is*, but how does he do it?
catorman enters
  hermitchick says, Sorry I'm late, proublems
slytherin_daughter says, in and out, and up and down...
sineadsiobhan says, just because...
siriusgeologist says, hmmmm...very refined good looks
catorman says, hence the Mark Darcy character in Bridget Jones.  If they film the sequel, who is going to play Colin Firth? he is already Mark darcy
slytherin_daughter says, delicate features?
sineadsiobhan says, Yeah.. like I think the guys on soap operas are too pretty
  hermitchick says, not many people today, am I that late?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Pesephone, Minzzer was just missing you, but now seem to ha ve missed you.
siriusgeologist says, the part of Mark Darcy was written for Colin Firth
catorman says, So is Colin his twin?
slytherin_daughter says, ....never read Bridget Jones. Is it good?
siriusgeologist says, LOL...that's a good question catorman
sineadsiobhan says, Isn't Darcy Colin Firth's part in Pride and Prejudice?
siriusgeologist says, I laughed a lot reading it!  Lori HATED it?
sineadsiobhan says, my mom and sister gush over Colin in Pride and Prejudice
sineadsiobhan says, Lori hated it?
cassandraclaire73 says, lori LOATHES BJD
siriusgeologist says, yes Firth was Mr. Darcy and Helen Fielding wrote the part to echo that character
sineadsiobhan says, I thought it was good
slytherin_daughter says, Why?
siriusgeologist says, BJ is raterh insecure and a bit ditsy sometimes...
sineadsiobhan says, Actually bought it when it first came out
catorman says, Excellent.  laughs out loud on the train. V embarrassing.  Yes it is.   And that is the point of the Bridget Jones sequel.  BJ makes a very bad attempt at interviewing CF and is obsessing about Pride and Prejudice and the wet shirt episode.
slytherin_daughter says, *lost in the quagmire of books I need to read*
sineadsiobhan says, isn't the diary in first person?
sineadsiobhan says, May make BJ seem ditzy
siriusgeologist says, since it is a diary
cassandraclaire73 says, okay emily i searched the net and this fan club does not exist.
  hermitchick says, What are we talking about?
sineadsiobhan says, I thought it was funny..
cassandraclaire73 says, back to BJD...i thought it was okay
catorman says, In first person.  Obsessive about boyfriends, weight, alcohol consumption and lack of "inner  poise." V. funny
sineadsiobhan says, haven't read BJD in a while
slytherin_daughter says, *shakes head* I'm not loosing my mind. .....
  hermitchick says, I am
slytherin_daughter says, I swear to god I saw it. Geocities or something like that.
sineadsiobhan says, I looked.. lots of sites about Cassandra Claire
siriusgeologist says, its certainly not a classic, but worth a laugh
sineadsiobhan says, Even someone named Cassandra Claire
slytherin_daughter says, You have a fan club. Elusive yet exsitant. See?
catorman says, The whole point about BJ is that she makes everyone feel good because she is so incompentent.
cassandraclaire73 says, i see nothing.   i found nothing!
al_ffn enters
sineadsiobhan says, there are lots of search engines that bring up other things
slytherin_daughter says, I am not lying about this! Lots of other things, yes, but not this!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, wb AL
al_ffn says, whew, I'm back, hi!
slytherin_daughter says, *slams fist on desk*
slytherin_daughter says, Hi, Al!
  hermitchick says, hello, you lost too?
sineadsiobhan says, <--snickering, did a vain search engine and turned up about 6 results  
siriusgeologist says, and that she is so busy trying to be what the books tell her to be that she can't believe anyone would like her for herself
slytherin_daughter says, *goes back to slamming fist*
cassandraclaire73 says, hee hee.
al_ffn says, have I walked into an gunfight or something?
siriusgeologist says, hi al...
sineadsiobhan says, nope
sineadsiobhan says, maybe a post gunfight...
catorman says, Exactly.  I don't think I've ever read a self help book since
slytherin_daughter says, just a me-bashing ceramonie
al_ffn says, hi um ... I've lost my chatter alias list, Penny isn't it?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, some of them are talking about Bridget JOnes (a thread that started with casting Sirius for movie)
cassandraclaire73 says, its carole
slytherin_daughter says, look, I'm even spelling worse than before.
al_ffn says, 50/50
siriusgeologist says,
al_ffn says, I could have phoned a friend
cassandraclaire73 says, im not bashing you just saying you better back up your wild claims baby
slytherin_daughter says, *giggle*
catorman says, What about asking the audience?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, While others are arguing wehther there is a web site for a Cassandra Claire fan club
slytherin_daughter says, Do they have that in England?
  hermitchick says, This is what I get for having a suck week, and not checking Mls, bad me!
slytherin_daughter says, wild claims?
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : 
sineadsiobhan says, I'm looking Cassie... I thought it was Clams]
al_ffn says, it's an english show, we invented it!
slytherin_daughter says, Really?
slytherin_daughter says, *sheepish*
al_ffn says, YES
  hermitchick says, and who the hell is cassandra claire
al_ffn says, sorry for yelling
Your buddy phoenix_lance_blade is on pager
slytherin_daughter says, I'm an ignorant sot. Just don't mind me.
slytherin_daughter says, That's the spirit, Kate.
slytherin_daughter says, *cracks up laughing*
Your buddy tria_andromeda_blade is in chat
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Author of Draco Dormiens and Draco Sinister, and soon to be possessor of a pass to the press advnce screening of HP movie
  hermitchick says, Cool
slytherin_daughter says, As soon as I find the URL to that website, I am going to have so much fun doing a "I'm Right" dance.
cassandraclaire73 says, rita sucks up in hopes of getting passes
siriusgeologist says, Really...about the pass?
al_ffn says, thanks for the chatter list thingie, always helpful, always neglect to bother going to find it
sineadsiobhan says, looking at Geocities.. lots of Starling and Cassie stuff!
cassandraclaire73 says, well i always get passes...i don't see why i wouldn't for this
slytherin_daughter says, *throws arms up in the air*
siriusgeologist says, cool! we'll all come to your house for a premeire party!
slytherin_daughter says, Hey, Cass, how did your interview with Harriet the Spy go?
sineadsiobhan says, yeah!
cassandraclaire73 says, she's sooo cute!
sineadsiobhan says, I'll bring the baileys!
cassandraclaire73 says, she loves Harry potter!
  hermitchick ignores conversation, easer that way,
slytherin_daughter says, <grin> Really?
cassandraclaire73 says, they're her favorite books
slytherin_daughter says, That is so cool!
cassandraclaire73 says, she was much more coherent than Xander
sineadsiobhan says, Harriet the Spy?
slytherin_daughter says, I have to go rent HTS again
al_ffn says, that still doesn't excuse the movie she made
slytherin_daughter says, What movie?
al_ffn says, double checks it was a movie, or have I just thrown mud in my own face??
sineadsiobhan says, the Harriet the Spy movie with Rosie O'Donnell?
catorman leaves
slytherin_daughter says, *slams fist on desk* when I was ten I wanted to be Harriet so badly! I ran around my neighborhood looking in people windows. I was pathetic.
heiditandy enters
slytherin_daughter says, But I had a lot of fun.  
heiditandy says, my drive by greeting
siriusgeologist says, hiheidi!
slytherin_daughter says, Heidi!
al_ffn says, since when did we have desks in here?
heiditandy says, we';re about to sit down for dinner but I wanted to say HI!
al_ffn says, hi heidi!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Heidi!!!
Your buddy mass_of_muscles is on pager
slytherin_daughter says, The famous Beta!
sineadsiobhan says, I read Harriet the Spy as a result of watching Ghost Writer
heiditandy  curtseys
cassandraclaire73 says, heidi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sineadsiobhan says, Hey Heidi!
  hermitchick says, you are all very scary, I'm a hyprocrite
Your buddy mass_of_muscles has gone off pager
slytherin_daughter says, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your buddy mass_of_muscles is on pager
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Do I need to resend either of the e-mails I sent you?
slytherin_daughter says, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heiditandy says, rita, what?
siriusgeologist says, Loved all your edits Heidi!
Your buddy mass_of_muscles has gone off pager
heiditandy says, carole - will be online later if you need to talk.
Your buddy mass_of_muscles is on pager
siriusgeologist says, ok...sounds good...
heiditandy says, everyone - ASA14 and TiP8 are amazing!
slytherin_daughter says, *grits teeth*
siriusgeologist says, sent an email to penny...see what she says
heiditandy says, and cassie's DS9 alternative is, um, sutnning.
sineadsiobhan says, mmm
slytherin_daughter says, invest in some duct tape, 
heiditandy says, ok - have to go to dinner.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, bot e-mails had tiotle RE:Chatscript 03/18/01, the first whined about my fic, the second9
siriusgeologist says, read that...very cool!
sineadsiobhan says, LOL
slytherin_daughter says, *waves*
sineadsiobhan says, I'll just slink in the crowd to wait for ASA and DS
heiditandy says, um, don't think I got them. Try heidit at ...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, sead I finally read SoC7
celeste_827 enters
heiditandy says, ok - gotta go - rita, please resend! will ghet back to you tomorrow about them if you do  
al_ffn says, now somebody's sending me their latest pics ... I have to say I don't like this PM thing much
siriusgeologist says, maybe monday? for ASA
heiditandy says, \want your take on my evil!lucius, ritas!
sineadsiobhan says, unless.... Carole want a box of chocolates?
Your buddy tria_andromeda_blade leaves chat
heiditandy  waves goodbye, especially to cassie who is unusually quiet.
heiditandy  schnoogles!
heiditandy leaves
al_ffn says, waves bye bye
siriusgeologist says, LOL!  it still has some polishing
al_ffn says, too late
slytherin_daughter yells "Hey Kool-aid!" and crashes into a brick wall
celeste_827 says, Uh.....hi
slytherin_daughter says, That was fun.
cassandraclaire73 says, aaaack cannot keep..up...
siriusgeologist says, playing with the emotions again, em?
sineadsiobhan says, Aw...
slytherin_daughter says, doing too many things at once, or just zoning out?
Minzzer is back.
slytherin_daughter says, Oh, yes, playin with the emotions. It's fun.
sineadsiobhan flirts with the room
cassandraclaire73 says, IM-s from jana and ebony and heidi and various porn
celeste_827 says, *blink*
cassandraclaire73 says, yo celeste
siriusgeologist says, LOL!
celeste_827 says, Hi
slytherin_daughter says, is the porn form them?
cassandraclaire73 says, *pokes celeste*
al_ffn says, should i just ignore all this porn then?
celeste_827 says, *squeak*
sineadsiobhan says, just wanted to see what that did LOL
slytherin_daughter says, You could share it with us, Al.
slytherin_daughter says, *looks innocent*
cassandraclaire73 says, i don't think so unless ebony is more into Hot Teen Girls than I thought
al_ffn says, i doubt you'd like it
slytherin_daughter ducks out of the way
slytherin_daughter says, You might be surprised.
sineadsiobhan going on AIM... checking on people
celeste_827 says, *wonders if there was a point to the poke*
jferer says, got Yahoo messenger, Sinead?
  Minzzer says, tell me if you see anyone on AIM
slytherin_daughter says, This is the person who aspires to be the HP digital pimp....
cassandraclaire73 says, i was poking you for more art.
sineadsiobhan says, yep.. AIM, YM, and ICQ
cassandraclaire73 says,  
jferer says, Who, Me? I just came back..
slytherin_daughter says, *pokes the room*
  Minzzer says, next u need MSN
celeste_827 says, Oh.
al_ffn says, I did have a go at a DS picture a while back, but it was pants
jferer says, I just came back, and "Here's the digital pimp."
sineadsiobhan says, that's how my friends call me LOL
cassandraclaire73 says, pants???
celeste_827 says, I had a picture of Draco, but it was on graph paper.
al_ffn says, pants=Britslang for rubbish or very bad ... pants as in underpants
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Brits say X is pants when they mean X is no good 
sineadsiobhan says, Kenny and Meg are asking me to a party, secret, hush hush with alcohol  
cassandraclaire73 says, i was offering to biy starling some decent art supplies
slytherin_daughter says, pants. Fun.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, two nations devided by a common language
celeste_827 says, decent art supplies?
slytherin_daughter says, here's the digital pimp? what?
al_ffn says, two nations divided by decent art supplies?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, presumably she must get some for the portrait for money
  Minzzer says, I thought alcohol was a no no at BU
celeste_827 says, she does very very well without them... extremely well
sineadsiobhan says, its a no no
sineadsiobhan says, but theres the secret parties
celeste_827 says, BU?
sineadsiobhan says, Boston U, where I go to school
celeste_827 says, I got a letter from them.
sineadsiobhan says, its a great school  
slytherin_daughter considers investing in mutual funds
celeste_827 says, "Come to our school! You seem like a sophomore who would be very compatible with us!"
celeste_827 says, uh.... that is what all the other schools said too.
sineadsiobhan yanks Em's emote button away from her much to her chagrin
al_ffn says, universities *advertise* over there??
al_ffn says, how ... off
al_ffn says, i meant odd
sineadsiobhan says, Yep
slytherin_daughter says, *sputters*
  Minzzer says, yank it back Em
sineadsiobhan says, We get mailboxes full of info
celeste_827 says, yes. They send me e-mail and letters.
hermitchick is away (Auto-Away)
celeste_827 says, And I'm only fifteen.
siriusgeologist says, they send all kinds of apply then they turn you down...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, yes, universities send love letters to high school seniors
sineadsiobhan says, I had three drawerfuls of college info by the time I was a senior in HS
al_ffn says, i can imagine it here.  We at the University of Oxford aim to provide a (insert annoying adjective) educational progressive experience ...
al_ffn says, i had two prospectuses and a UCAS form
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the most prestigeoushools  send very few
slytherin_daughter says, *stares on is dismay* All I want is my emotion button.
slytherin_daughter says, Wow, *that* sounded lewd.
  Minzzer says, Em...yank it back
  hermitchick says, hello again
hermitchick is back.
celeste_827 says, Harvard never sent me anything. *pout*(
slytherin_daughter says, *yanks it back*
cassandraclaire73 is back.
sineadsiobhan says, you have to ask the colleges that are prestigious for info
  hermitchick says, What's up now, was lost before
celeste_827 says, I got something from MIT though.
slytherin_daughter says, Oh, you were gone, Cass?
al_ffn says, oxford never sent me anything, either
slytherin_daughter says, *contines yanking*
sineadsiobhan says, My sister got Harvard and Yale, didn't apply there
Your buddy mass_of_muscles has gone off pager
celeste_827 says, *shocked look*
al_ffn says, we have MIT's old particle accelerator buried under our car park at Sussex - they finished with it and sold it to us
slytherin_daughter has fallen and can't get up
  Minzzer says, here can have mine....*hands Minzzer's emote over*
  hermitchick want's to go to Tulane
slytherin_daughter says, Well, it appears my yanking has worked,
sineadsiobhan says, I got Brown, UMass, and BU.... applied to 5 and got into 5 yay!
celeste_827 says, I got something from Tulane.
sineadsiobhan says, whee haa!
sineadsiobhan says, Tulane is good too
celeste_827 says, I haven't heard of it.
siriusgeologist says, you are very smart...of course everyone would want you!
slytherin_daughter says, Are we discussing universities?
s_ings enters
sineadsiobhan says, *blush*
sineadsiobhan says, hey Sheryll!
siriusgeologist says, sheryl!!!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, hi sheryll
sineadsiobhan says, I haven't heard from you in a while!
slytherin_daughter says,!
siriusgeologist says, hey you have pics?
€  s_ings says, Hi everyone
  Minzzer says, why does Min want to get out of the state while people want to go here
  Minzzer says, hi
  hermitchick says, We have a different grading system in our area then in most of the states, why is that?
€  s_ings says, I haven't finished the film yet, sorry
€  s_ings says, This is the first chance I've had to chat
  hermitchick says, Kate hates cold weather
slytherin_daughter says, *is very cold*
sineadsiobhan says, that's okay   How'd the week go after meeting all?
€  s_ings says, I didn't think I'd make it today, I've been in a conference all weekend - 16 hours on my feet yesterday
sineadsiobhan says, ouch
€  s_ings says, Yeah, but our silent auction raised $9000.00
slytherin_daughter is away (must go find heat)
sineadsiobhan says, nice!
  Minzzer says, that's good
  hermitchick says, cool
€  s_ings says, If I disappear and don't return, it'll be 'cause my darn computer froze again (it's on its deathbed)
  hermitchick says, mine too
sineadsiobhan says, we can give it a proper funeral  
  Minzzer says, bad computers
€  s_ings says, can we burn it or something?
siriusgeologist says, it can be buried with my printer
  hermitchick says, going to dump mine on the highway for fun
sineadsiobhan says, I.E. throw it out of the window
al_ffn says, hates computers passionately
celeste_827 leaves
siriusgeologist says, it was 7 years old and finally gave up
€  s_ings says, dumping it on the highway will get me a fine for littering here in Canada
al_ffn says, 7 is pretty good going
slytherin_daughter is back.
sineadsiobhan says, My printers 2 years old and giving up already!
celeste_827 enters
siriusgeologist says, of course I'd just bought new balck and color cartridges!
  Minzzer says, forgot how old my printer is but its a goner
€  s_ings says, my printer is fine, it let me print all of ASA, PoU and DD last week
sineadsiobhan says, I have to go to school to get my papers printed
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, al uf it werebt for computers
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, we couldnt eveb
sineadsiobhan says, I want to print ASA, STNE, and DD but printer is cruddy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, HAVE
slytherin_daughter says, *blink* I like my computer...
  hermitchick says, My computer is 7 or 8, we gutted twice
€  s_ings says, I get another computer next week
siriusgeologist says, YAY!!! and you'll have more to print out this week
€  s_ings says, great, anxiously awaiting more ASA
al_ffn says, so people do actually print off these stories?
al_ffn says, it's just something I've never done
cassandraclaire73 leaves
slytherin_daughter says, why do people print out stories?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, this chat oe r-mail lists or posted fabfic
siriusgeologist says, I always do
slytherin_daughter says, I don't get it?
sineadsiobhan says, new computers are exciting  
celeste_827 says, *spent twelve hours playing violin over Friday and Saturday for All-County, forgive me if I don't type too much*
  hermitchick says, they work
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, all the things we complain vecause the compu screws them up
€  s_ings says, of course Al, your stories are on my 'to print' list
cassandraclaire73 enters
slytherin_daughter says, Someone wrote me and said that they printed mine and it was seven pages (or so). I was shocked.
al_ffn says, why thank you
yael_pou enters
€  s_ings says, you're welcome. I really like your writing
sineadsiobhan grumbles at Simon for wanting to kill off Dr. Sinead
slytherin_daughter says, I'd print Snitch, but my mother would see it and disown me.
  Minzzer says, if I printed all the stories I liked I think I would be looking for a new printer by now
celeste_827 says, Hehe
yael_pou says, Hullo!
cassandraclaire73 says, hey yael
al_ffn says, yeah, sorry about Simon's vote
€  s_ings says, I loved Snitch
€  s_ings says, Hi yael
celeste_827 says, Snitch is awesome.
  hermitchick says, my printer dies many moons ago
celeste_827 says, The Snitch picture is currently hung up in my room.
siriusgeologist says, Agree on snitch!
sineadsiobhan sidles up to al
  hermitchick says, I have to finish reading that
al_ffn says, it's the Snitch discussion portion of the chat!  Yay!
cassandraclaire73 says, we all like snitch. and ToT!
siriusgeologist says, so when's the next chapter....
  Minzzer says, nods head
slytherin_daughter says, I love Sntich, but I haven't read ToT
sineadsiobhan says, Don't kill me, pretty please?
al_ffn says, Snitch! 5 or ToT4?
€  s_ings says, and ToT, agreed
cassandraclaire73 says, al is avoiding resolving his love triangle in ToT.
  Minzzer says, both
siriusgeologist says, snitch5...haven't started ToT  (looks embarrassed)
cassandraclaire73 says, i will get him for this eventually
slytherin_daughter says, I get the feeling I should read it, though. *looks around* It's one of those famous fics.
al_ffn says, ToT4 - provisionally, tomorrow, 2/3 betas are back to me on it, one still seems to be finishing up
celeste_827 says, What does ToT stand for?
al_ffn says, Snitch! 5 isn't finished yet
cassandraclaire73 says, time of trial
celeste_827 says, Oh.
€  s_ings says, I print the stories 'cause it's too hard to share computer time with my daughter, so now she can read while I'm using the darn machine
hermitchick is away (have something I have to do)
celeste_827 says, *makes note to read it*
cassandraclaire73 says, rhysenn always tells me what's gonna happen in snitch anyway.
slytherin_daughter says, Such a cool name.
cassandraclaire73 says,  
slytherin_daughter says, *aghast*
siriusgeologist says, stop gloating cass!
al_ffn says, but even she doesn't know, except rave has a cameo coming up
al_ffn says, she knows that
slytherin_daughter says, Beta readers are sent from Satan.
yael_pou says, Carole, when's ASA14?
slytherin_daughter says, I'm quite sure of it. And bitter about it.
siriusgeologist says, to torment and laugh
sjbranford enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Good Beta readers are saints and miracle workers
celeste_827 says, Speaking of cameos......
siriusgeologist says, hopefully mainday?
€  s_ings says, I keep hearing my computer grinding and expecting it blow up or something
celeste_827 says, There is a Branford in the room.
slytherin_daughter says, There is no such thing as a good beta reader.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, wb simon
siriusgeologist says, ooop monday
yael_pou says, Rita - right about the betas
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sinead is not pleased that you want to kill her 
al_ffn says, i have four exceptional betas
sjbranford says, Hello, I've popped back in for a few minutes
sineadsiobhan says, I'm not very pleased
€  s_ings says, I'd love to beta for someone, but this computer won't play with sending attachements
slytherin_daughter says, Sigh. Famous people have cool betas.
siriusgeologist says, needs to go to lori
sjbranford says, I do?
slytherin_daughter says, It's just a rule.
celeste_827 says, I was thinking about inserting Dr. Simon Branford into my fanfic as a Magical Theory teacher*
slytherin_daughter says, And then there are the famous Beta readers....
cassandraclaire73 says, i have the world's best betas
celeste_827 says, But as I'm not famous I don't know if I can have a famous cameo dude.
yael_pou says, Emily - are you kidding? without the betas i wouldn't bother writing
slytherin_daughter says, Heidi is a famous beta.
siriusgeologist says, she's a great beta
sineadsiobhan grumbles
slytherin_daughter says, She's the only one I have identified, but there must be others.
cassandraclaire73 says, she's exceptional
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Celeste, without writers he wouldn't be a famous cameo dude. Go fro it! 
sineadsiobhan still mad at Simon
al_ffn says, one of mine has actually managed to change the main plot thread of ToT
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and give him a horrible middle n ame that starts with J
celeste_827 says, Heh.
celeste_827 says, Julius.
€  s_ings says, Jebediah
celeste_827 says, Doesn't know if that's horrible though......
cassandraclaire73 says, heidi and rave and lori and so on are all great betas
celeste_827 says, *cackles*
slytherin_daughter says, ...And any fic beta-ed by a famous person is destined to suceed.
celeste_827 says, I was going to make him a sex idol though.
sineadsiobhan says, ha
  Minzzer says, so is Pippin
slytherin_daughter says, I've really looked into it.
€  s_ings says, ha, twice
synaesthete7 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, yes for Pippin
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, yes for Heidi
cassandraclaire73 says, are you sure, emily?
  Minzzer says, nods head
slytherin_daughter says, Positive.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, so make Simon a sex god with a horrible middle name
al_ffn says, like Marmaduke
celeste_827 says, Heh.
sineadsiobhan says, Make simon a sex god with a significant shortcoming!
€  s_ings says, lol
yael_pou leaves
yael_pou enters
celeste_827 says, Simon's always a Sex God!FamousCameoDude though.
€  s_ings says, poor Simon, the abuse he has to take!
sineadsiobhan says, there ya go and I'm happy  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, that starts with a J
celeste_827 says, Except when he nearly got eaten by Lupin in DS.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jarmaduke
  Minzzer says, jsdhfsfhs
sjbranford Schnoogles Sinead and apologises
sineadsiobhan says, Julia?
cassandraclaire73 says, MY simon was the first simon ever!
slytherin_daughter says, If Heidi betas something, it's set to become well known. If Cassandra betas something, it's destined to become well known. If get my point.
al_ffn says, sounds like Jar Jar Binks
  Minzzer says, LOL
yael_pou says, you've seen nothing compared to what Dr. Branford will suffer in my fic.
slytherin_daughter says, *giggles*
sineadsiobhan doesn't forgive Simon
celeste_827 says, uh oh
siriusgeologist says, oooo torture, yael?
al_ffn says, comforts Sinead
sineadsiobhan leers at Simon
celeste_827 says, Simon seems to have disappeared.
€  s_ings says, I 'have' to start reading your work, yael
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, his nick is still on the list
cassandraclaire73 says, i hardly ever beta anything
sjbranford schnoogles Sinead again
  Minzzer says, what he do again, Sinead?
yael_pou says, worse. groveling to the scum of the earth.
siriusgeologist says, ooo better!
€  s_ings says, he voted to have Sinead killed off
al_ffn says, you did run through the first bits of Snitch when I was unsure, for which I'm eternally grateful
celeste_827 says, i have Lizzy and remus Lupin for betas.
sineadsiobhan stiffly stands by as Simon schnoogles her
synaesthete7 says, I don't have any betas at present.
slytherin_daughter says, I know I've seen something you betaed.... *tries to think*
slytherin_daughter says, You beta SoC, right?
yael_pou says, s_ing = starling?
cassandraclaire73 says, well id beta the rest for you al if you wanted
sjbranford says, forgive me Sina
sjbranford says, ead
€  s_ings says, Nope, Sheryll
cassandraclaire73 says, i do beta SoC
sjbranford says, I ant spell
cassandraclaire73 says, and occasionally TIP
cassandraclaire73 says, and for Honoria
slytherin_daughter says, There you go. There you go some more.
slytherin_daughter says, Famous fics.;
sjbranford says, forgive me Sinead
  Minzzer says, nods head in agreement with Em
sjbranford says, it was only your fictional character and not teh real one
al_ffn says, I only regular beta for Anne, but I've helped Sanna out once or twice too
slytherin_daughter says, Which came first - the fame or the beta-induced fame? Chicken and the egg.
celeste_827 says, I know you beta SoC, Cassie, I remember 'cause you put a note in SoC about letting all the girls drool over Sexy!Draco*
€  s_ings says, Come on, Sinead, forgive the guy, he grovels well
cassandraclaire73 says, is Honoria famous? she'll be pleased
al_ffn says, you can change your vote until the poll closes, y'know
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rebeccaa, remind me what you write?
celeste_827 says, I know I'm not famous
cassandraclaire73 says, well i won't beta something unless I think it's good so it mighht have something to do with quality
sjbranford slips Sheryll large wads of fictional money
Your buddy tria_andromeda_blade has gone off pager
cassandraclaire73 says, help! bye
slytherin_daughter says, Oh, yes. ANY story that makes it to your favorites list is famous, Cass.
celeste_827 says, Yup.
  Minzzer says, I am positive that I'm not famous
€  s_ings says, thanks Simon (pocketing cash)
synaesthete7 says, "The Potions Master's Apprentice" is my only HP fic so far.
sjbranford says, I am thinking of changing to killing off keith
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, I wrote a comment on it on HPff this miorning!
al_ffn says, Keith doesn't have a big enough part to die yet
sjbranford says, so?
al_ffn says, good point  
synaesthete7 says, Oh, really?  I'd better go have a look...
  Minzzer says, If I could only have time to sit at a computer and actually write my paper, but I have an english paper and math and stuff
€  s_ings says, At least I'm sage, no cameos and therefore my life is intact
cassandraclaire73 says, things keep disappearing off my favorites
yael_pou says,   Minzzer
€  s_ings says, safe, sorry
slytherin_daughter says, I'm currently making a list of guidelines for How To Have A Famous Fic...
synaesthete7 leaves
synaesthete7 enters
celeste_827 says, I hate that.
slytherin_daughter says, Such a morbid obsession, but I think I have figured it out.
cassandraclaire73 says, yeah? id love to hear it emily
siriusgeologist says, lol...
al_ffn says, I put a load of new stuff on my favourites the other day, and within hours two of them had gone awol
slytherin_daughter says, Really?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was wondering about the titles, mostly. I didn't put on HPff that it is rather darker and more tragic than I prefer -- which you were no doubt TRYING  to be dark and tragic
Your buddy phoenix_lance_blade has gone off pager
cassandraclaire73 says, my morbid friend
  Minzzer says, Em send it to me will you?
sineadsiobhan eyes simon suspiciously
celeste_827 says, i'm morbid.
slytherin_daughter says, I was going to post it on the HPFWA... Make them feel better about themselves.
slytherin_daughter says, <grins horribly>
celeste_827 says, morbid stuff will appear in my fanfic.
siriusgeologist says, LOL
cassandraclaire73 says, ooh is it that bad?o
€  s_ings says, come on Sinead, he's a nice guy, really (holding hand out for more cash)
celeste_827 says, people will die!
slytherin_daughter says, So they can go on thinking you all come out of a cookie cutter
celeste_827 says, *claps her hand over her mouth*
slytherin_daughter says, <cackle>
cassandraclaire73 says, well if it helps them sleep at night
sineadsiobhan then eyes Sheryll suspiciously
€  s_ings says, who, me
sjbranford says, I am now for killing off Keith
celeste_827 says, Okay, well maybe they won't quite die. But they will suffer similarily.
sjbranford schnoogles Sinead (yet again)
slytherin_daughter says, I wish I could help them see the light.....
  Minzzer says, I'm more content to put insanity into mine when I start losing it or fighting Writer's block
celeste_827 says, Killing Keith?
slytherin_daughter says, Cass, they are the "
€  s_ings says, Ok, Simon, I think it's working
slytherin_daughter says, ...."We Hate Cass and Lori" group, huh?
celeste_827 says, Eh/
celeste_827 says, ?
slytherin_daughter says, That everyone reffers to?
sjbranford says, especially killing Keith if he is that ridiculous tiget thing
cassandraclaire73 says, of course they are
yael_pou says, Al - I voted to killing off Draco. Any opportunity is good to kill that blah! excuse of a boy.
sineadsiobhan sees money exchanging hands
sjbranford says, talk about ignoring round robin rules
al_ffn says, tiget?
slytherin_daughter says, Just checking
sineadsiobhan tsks
€  s_ings says, money, what money, I ain't got no money
slytherin_daughter says, I do think it's funny you're a member.
sjbranford says, forgive me Sinead:?
sineadsiobhan does not forgive Simon
Your buddy phoenix_lance_blade is on pager
slytherin_daughter says, I thought it was funny when you first joined.
cassandraclaire73 says, id rather see what they're saying about me.
sjbranford says, why not
celeste_827 says, We Hate Cass and Lori? Is that an actual group?
Your buddy tria_andromeda_blade is on pager
€  s_ings says, Aw, Sinead, he's really trying
al_ffn says, I actually already promised in an A/N that Draco does not die in ToT, so that one, if death is on the cards for anybody, is a red herring.
slytherin_daughter says, I'd rather they went to the PoU list and say it there.
slytherin_daughter says, It's not titled as such, but it is in exsistance.
cassandraclaire73 says, it's not CALLED the we hate cas and lori group
slytherin_daughter says, *echo*
sineadsiobhan says, why do you want me dead?
celeste_827 says, Where is it? *would join so that she could see the messages and laugh at them*
€  s_ings says, What is it really called
yael_pou says, Sinead - we should form the anti-simon club  
sineadsiobhan says, Shall do Yael!
slytherin_daughter says, They capped membership
slytherin_daughter says, *smirk*
sjbranford says, yael
celeste_827 says, *sighs*
cassandraclaire73 says, they won';t let anyone join after me...oddly
slytherin_daughter says, Not even Heidi....
slytherin_daughter says, That was a weird fiasco.
cassandraclaire73 says, especially not her
celeste_827 says, They don't want any more Cass supporters filtering in.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Watch out what you guys say, I don't whant to have to censor this t ranwcipt
slytherin_daughter says, I find it funny. We don't have 100 members yet.....
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, not even to fix my typnig
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : 
cassandraclaire73 says, don't bother rita this is all old news
celeste_827 says, Not for me.
slytherin_daughter says, Not for a lot of people, so it seems.
celeste_827 says, I'm a relative newbie.
sjbranford says, Well as I am obviously hated here and not forgiven I am going to go
slytherin_daughter says, I was shocked that it even formed into a thread at PoU
  Minzzer says, welcome then
celeste_827 says, Wow, I'm on the chatter list.
sineadsiobhan going to box simon's ears
cassandraclaire73 says, i was hugely amused
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, only one perosn hates you
slytherin_daughter says, I was hugely pissed off.
al_ffn says, it was an interesting discussion though
sjbranford schnoogles all teh girlies on leaving
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the rest of us like youI 
sineadsiobhan says, I don't hate you simon
celeste_827 says, But you will find I won't be able to make many chats because I have Youth Symphony on Sunday.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, leave in a hppy mood
yael_pou says, Simon - we're jusk kidding
sineadsiobhan says, I'm mad at you simon
yael_pou says, we love you!
slytherin_daughter says, But that's because I could tell everyone was likening me to them.
cassandraclaire73 says, i love simon.
celeste_827 says, I love Simon too.
cassandraclaire73 says, well you ARE  a member
yael_pou says, *schnoogles Simon*
slytherin_daughter says, I love Simon, too.
cassandraclaire73 says, but so am i
sineadsiobhan says, I love Simon too but I'm mad at him
€  s_ings says, Yeah, this is really the 'We love Simon' chat 
sineadsiobhan says, Why did he vote to kill me off in the first place?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Thats why all his cameos are heroic
sineadsiobhan sniffles
celeste_827 says, Except when he nearly got eaten by Lupin.
  Minzzer says, nods head
yael_pou says, but Simon - you did say some nasty things about my daughter - things that call for revenge.  
celeste_827 says, *thinks she's said that before*
sjbranford says, did Carole say Monday for ASA lemons (pr not quite lemons)?
slytherin_daughter says, Cameoing Simon is on the HTBF list.
cassandraclaire73 says, hes a bit of a wimp in Draco Sinister
celeste_827 says, Yeah.
€  s_ings says, Simon, apologise to yael
siriusgeologist says, ooo so we are following the rules?
cassandraclaire73 says, lol! nobody can say i cameod simon to get famous. I started the tend!
celeste_827 says, It's a trend I awnt to follow.
sjbranford says, I said i was joking Sinead (and also yael who I apologised to ages ago)
al_ffn says, then rave put him in BL, and I was the third!
slytherin_daughter says, Of course you did. but by giving him a cameo, you up your populairity.
al_ffn says, i think
sjbranford says, HTBF list?
celeste_827 says, *thinks Magical Theory Teacher!Simon would be interesting*
slytherin_daughter says, How To Be Famous
siriusgeologist says, LOL!
cassandraclaire73 says, well now you do i suppose. but not back then when it was still groundbreaking.  
sineadsiobhan says, not a very nice joke..
al_ffn says, i was on the bandwagon early, whatever happened
sineadsiobhan sniffles
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon is not the world's most co-operative camoe. He insisted that I changed the color o fhis uniform to somthieng that suits his complexion betteer
synaesthete7 leaves
synaesthete7 enters
cassandraclaire73 says, al was my 9th reviewer ever
  Minzzer says, hands Sinead a tissue
slytherin_daughter says, I was thinking about having him be a very hot university student in my fic...
sineadsiobhan thanks Minzzer
cassandraclaire73 says, yes Ben is a way better cameo. he says I can do what I want with him
yael_pou says, i actually called for Simon's joke on me...  
synaesthete7 says, Lost Yahoo! there a minute.  I just replied to your message, Rita.
slytherin_daughter says, And Hermione thinks he looks like a blond Harry.
sjbranford says, well I have to have thinhs right?
al_ffn says, cassie was something like my fifth, 
*hugs Cass*
sjbranford says, bye bye
€  s_ings says, Oh Sinead, build a bridge (well used saying here, meaning get over it or jump off!) - not that I want you to jump!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, hot but havaing sworn an oath of celibacy
sjbranford leaves
cassandraclaire73 says, well i already knew you from reviews and I was like "neat, he wrote something"
cassandraclaire73 says, waaaaah where did simon go
celeste_827 says, Simon is a demanding cameo?
sineadsiobhan sniffles
cassandraclaire73 says, he's not really
celeste_827 says, Oh.
cassandraclaire73 says, he just doesn't want to be gay, or wear yellow.
  Minzzer says, I think Simon is truing to save his phone bill
celeste_827 says, *evil smile*
slytherin_daughter says, He doesn't want to wear yellow?
  Minzzer says, *trying
al_ffn says, he seemed quite up for being a fashion designer, though he didn't like being married to Delia from Norwich
€  s_ings says, Sinead, you know we love you, too
cassandraclaire73 says, doesn't suit him
siriusgeologist says, ooo we put him ina yellow baby suit
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, or wear green or red
celeste_827 says, no?
€  s_ings says, Purple?
celeste_827 says, Then what does he wear?
sineadsiobhan blushes red and crawls under bed  
  Minzzer says, orange?
siriusgeologist says, nothing?
celeste_827 says, black?
€  s_ings says, feeling better, Sinead?
celeste_827 says, LOL sirius
sineadsiobhan says, yep!
slytherin_daughter says, You know, giving Cassandra a cameo is also on the HTBF list. I think that giving cameos to famous people makes you famous.
€  s_ings says, I go for nothing, it'll make better reading
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, H esaid change the uniform to blue, he likes blue
cassandraclaire73 says, I REFUSE to have any more cameos. I have decided i hate them.
sineadsiobhan says, HTBF? you mean HPFWA?
slytherin_daughter says, *gasp* really?
agent_starling_1999 enters
slytherin_daughter says, How To Be Famous
sineadsiobhan says, Starling!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Starling!!!
al_ffn says, hi starling!
siriusgeologist says, now are great with them
Your buddy phoenix_lance_blade has gone off pager
slytherin_daughter faints
sineadsiobhan glomps Starling
yael_pou says, Cassi - no offense, but is Cassandra a Brit name?
€  s_ings says, Hi, starling
agent_starling_1999 says, hey!
yael_pou says, hey Starling!
  Minzzer says, hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, how to be famous: have Starling illo your fic! 
al_ffn says, Greek, isn't it, originally?
celeste_827 says, Giving Cameos to Famous People indicates you are cozy with aforementioned famous people, making you famous.
cassandraclaire73 says, no I   i mean me being in stories
celeste_827 says, Cassandra means 'conflicting warriors'
agent_starling_1999 says, lol the topic today is how to be famous?
€  s_ings says, cool
siriusgeologist says, famous by association
slytherin_daughter says, EXACTLY!
celeste_827 says, She was cursed by the god Apollo to speak predictions that no one would believe.
celeste_827  )
slytherin_daughter says, Finally, someone gets this!
agent_starling_1999 says, ah, I read that once Celeste!
sineadsiobhan says, Starling, I think you have a shexy owl
cassandraclaire73 says, cassandra's a greek name, yes
celeste_827 says, I'm like, the Greek myth person.
  Minzzer says, I think I'm content being in my black hole
agent_starling_1999 says, *rolls eyes* stop it about the owl! I changed it, it´s not sexy any more
celeste_827 says, She was the trophy Agamemnon brought home from Troy, and was killed with him in his home.
al_ffn says, whereas my namesake led 30000 Macedonians on an insane war charge round central Asia, before kicking the bucket near Tehran
agent_starling_1999 says, I shouldn´t have told you that, people...
cassandraclaire73 says, where i was born
celeste_827 says, Heh.
slytherin_daughter says, *looks bewildered* so you don't want to be cameo

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