April First, 2001
catlady at ...
Mon Apr 2 03:43:32 UTC 2001
-- Connecting...
Connected! Sending login information...
Your buddy gypsycaine is in chat
Your buddy hert0661isme is in chat
You see here:
gypsycaine says, clubs and groups are good for those.
gypsycaine HELLO
Minzzer says, hi
babynick34 says, Yes... message order is not something to rely on.... it
can take a age at times for a message to post to the list.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, all. I'm glad to see Dee is here.
DOes that mean I can go away?
babynick34 says, Why would you want to go away?
gypsycaine says, nah. The subject of the day is what form of torture
we will be using on John.
Minzzer says, you want to go away?
Minzzer says, hmmm...
sineadsiobhan says, at first I was duped for a second then I read it
babynick34 says, There must be a good creature which could tear him limb
from limb
gypsycaine says, I think being strapped to a chair, and dropping water
on him.
gypsycaine says, or just leaving him for four hours with 16 3/4 year
babynick34 says, Did you see the chocolate images I posted today -
chocolate frogs are now a reality, but the card is of Hogwarts, not any
famous wizards or witches.
gypsycaine says, and unaccessible in US
catlady_de_los_angeles says, in re go John's hoax: it fooled me at
first, but one of my reflexes was relief: that I might be able to catch
up on some OTHER parts of life
Minzzer says, life...what's that?
gypsycaine says, chuckles.
gypsycaine says, I've slowed down my list-participation a bit.
gypsycaine says, no more uber-poster.
babynick34 says, I've been no existent recently Dee... have to do some
work sometime!
gypsycaine says, I'm heading back to college come Summer.
gypsycaine says, my poor clubs will need to be weeded out.
Minzzer says, Min still doesn'y understand how people can be active on
all these lists
gypsycaine says, I'm still getting 750 messages a day email.
babynick34 says, To do what Dee... not studying law are you?
Minzzer says, yow!
gypsycaine says, Computer Science.
gypsycaine says, According to Walsh College, I'd be a jr. and only
need 19 classes.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, in re going away: if I were a good
person, I would get off the 'net so I could login to work (I can't be
connected to both at the same time) --
gypsycaine says, I'll prolly pick up a minor/couple classes in
html/java--website building.
gypsycaine says, it's my hobby.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, they phoned me while I was writing my
combined topics post last night (this morning)
gypsycaine says, Rita, I'll be here.
gypsycaine says, I promise
catlady_de_los_angeles says, with a problem I can't solve over the
Minzzer says, website building has taken over my life
gypsycaine says, hey, Nick, what's the chatscripts url?
babynick34 says, Sounds like fun... I hope to do a course on FLASH soon.
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
gypsycaine says, thanks.
gypsycaine says, I'll go edit THAT macro.
gypsycaine says, I've got a few kute macros
gypsycaine :o <|
gypsycaine : _ |[ ]| _|__
gypsycaine : \\\\\\\///////
gypsycaine :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
gypsycaine The good ship RW/HP
gypsycaine : ~, .-. ^^
gypsycaine : /| -= ( ) =- ^^
gypsycaine : ~^~ /_|\ ^~~-^~~-sunrise on a new day
gypsycaine : ~^~ ~^~^~^~^ sunset on the old
gypsycaine For all the Shippers out there!
Minzzer says, John just posted his answer to his joke so if we're
lucky he'll stop by and we can get back at him
gypsycaine says, I saw it.
gypsycaine says, doesn't he realize I know a great hacker who can
access any system?
gypsycaine says, All I need is an email? (Grins, is j/k)
Minzzer says, I have this odd friend that enjoys nuking...*odd enough*
maybe I can tell my friend to locate John and nuke him
gypsycaine says, Lol.
gypsycaine says, he's not canadian, is he?
Minzzer says, no...
gypsycaine says, perhaps if your friend and mine.... hmm.
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
gypsycaine I'm saving this chat to post it in full on the Chatscripts
gypsycaine Storage Spot of the Script:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts &
the_voicelady enters
gypsycaine says, ok.
gypsycaine says, it didn't hyer-text the second url.
hermitchick enters
gypsycaine says, I'll keep working.
gypsycaine says, hi k!
the_voicelady says, Am I late?
gypsycaine says, Hi V@
gypsycaine says, nope.
hermitchick says, Hello all
gypsycaine says, we're still ready to kill John. Join in!
the_voicelady says, I thought it was inspired!
sineadsiobhan says, I saw!
sineadsiobhan says, hey Jeralyn!
sineadsiobhan says, I'm slow to greet everyone this morning... urgh!
the_voicelady says, Hi there!
gypsycaine :.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._
gypsycaine : Hello !
gypsycaine :.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._
babynick34 says, Inspired?... Insane perhaps would be more appropriate.
sineadsiobhan says, (or afternoon, but to me it's early!)
babynick34 says, Evening over this side of the pond!
the_voicelady says, My cat keeps jumping in front of the monitor. How
dare I pay attention to something other than him!
hermitchick says, I skipped out of make-up for the play so I wuld be
here, my sis is POed, oh well
gypsycaine says, Lol.
the_voicelady says, What play?
Minzzer says, hi
the_voicelady says, Tell, tell!
hermitchick says, Grease, I wasn't going to watch the damn thing
sineadsiobhan says, Ugh I was in make-up for my drama club... everyone
did their own makeup and I just sat by angrily
sineadsiobhan says, wondering why I can't help them put on their make
hermitchick says, The rest of the makeup people suck, we have some
clowns in the play now
gypsycaine I'm saving this chat to post it in full on the Chatscripts
group here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts/
Minzzer says, Minzzer says that if Dee's and my friend joined together
the world may never be the same
gypsycaine says, Lol.
the_voicelady says, Some people are weird about having oher people
touch their faces.
gypsycaine says, He's already formed a Sit-In on a site that was
annoying us.
hermitchick says, I think guys just don't like makeup, neither do I
gypsycaine says, Lol. I hardly wear it.
Minzzer says, my friend is just nuts...he wants to nuke China
gypsycaine says, it's a time, and a creepy yuck it's on my face thing.
the_voicelady says, I wear it only when I'm auditioning and
gypsycaine says, lol.
gypsycaine says, between him and wulfy, they could.
sineadsiobhan says, yeah... but for a play you have to let people touch
your face for make-up
the_voicelady says, I always do my own...
gypsycaine I'm saving this chat to post it in full on the Chatscripts
group here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts/
catlady_de_los_angeles is away (Auto-Away)
hermitchick says, That's why I didn't audition, that and I don't do
singing and dancing
sineadsiobhan says, ugh.. I didn't do mu for first year in HS... my best
friend helped with my eyeliner (I have NO idea how to put on eye liner)
gypsycaine says, I had to wear it in 4th grade.
the_voicelady says, Look up and don't flinch.
gypsycaine says, I hated it then.
gypsycaine says, the mascera is my downful.
sineadsiobhan says, ugh... :::squirm:: I can't
gypsycaine says, fall.
gypsycaine says, I wear glasses....
sineadsiobhan says, I feel like I'm going to impale my cornea
gypsycaine says, eyeliner is just drawing on your eye.
the_voicelady says, I think I like the word "downful" - I'm going to
use it in a sentence tomorrow.
gypsycaine says, you don't have to get THAT close to the actual ball.
hermitchick says, I was told by the teacher in charge of the theatre
departmant that I would make a good villian, I have natural ability, is
that a bad thing?
gypsycaine . o O ( lol )
sineadsiobhan says, so I let someone else do it.. they're more careful
than me
sineadsiobhan says, LOL
pippin_999 enters
the_voicelady says, No - villains are always the best parts - the get
all the good lines.
gypsycaine ().`Sup!`.()
Minzzer says, depends...if you use it on Minzzer...yes
hermitchick says, huh?
pippin_999 leaves
hermitchick says, anyone else find contacs evil?
sineadsiobhan says, i think everyone's coming in to watch John get
the_voicelady says, I love my contacts.
gypsycaine says, I want them terribly!
gypsycaine says, I get contacts, then I'll wear MU~
gypsycaine says,
gypsycaine says, I'll be able to actually SEE my face to apply it!
sineadsiobhan says, don't wear contacts...
gypsycaine To access the Chatter-list so you know who you're talking
the_voicelady says, They don't get spots on them during the rain, and
they don't fog up when you come in from the cold - plus, you get
peripheral vision.
gypsycaine says, it's the p-vision that I miss.
gypsycaine says, I had contacts, then I got pink eye.
the_voicelady says, Eek.
gypsycaine says, waking up each morning, it was wonderful.
gypsycaine says, I could SEE
hermitchick says, I forgot to wear my glasses to school on friday, and
I'm practically blind. Still trying to figure out how I got to school
without noticing
gypsycaine says, my eyes are so bad, back in 84.
Minzzer says, wish I had contacts...but I don't really need my glasses
unless I want to see something far away
sineadsiobhan says, I mean I don't wear contacts... I didn't mean that
as an anti contact sentiment
gypsycaine says, when I first went for the vision-driving test.
gypsycaine says, the lady did it without first, then with.
pippin_999 enters
babynick34 says, I've just started wearing glasses - but not all the
time, just for driving and cinema.
gypsycaine says, she made this comment--
pippin_999 says, hi
the_voicelady says, My doctor tells me that I have "barn door" vision
- meaning that I couldn't see a barn door if it were two feet in front
of my nose.
gypsycaine says, Lol!
gypsycaine says, that sounds like me!
gypsycaine says, I've coke-bottle glasses.
sineadsiobhan says, LOL
gypsycaine says, and they're plastic.
the_voicelady says, 2400 - that's my GOOD eye.
gypsycaine says, sounds about mine.
hermitchick says, I couldn't see to drive with out glasses, I would be
able to find the door
gypsycaine says, we can't give me glass-glasses anymore.
the_voicelady says, Vision impaired people of the world - unite!
gypsycaine says, the weight wouldn't stay on my nose... it'd dive
gypsycaine says, I think that's why I like HP
catorman enters
gypsycaine says, he's dealt with folks hitting him in the nose and
breaking his glasses too.
the_voicelady says, I've got a teeny tiny nose - and that was the
reason I got contacts in the first place!
gypsycaine says, that stupid white tape on them....
sineadsiobhan slinks to the side, is not vision impaired
the_voicelady says, It's okay - we still like you anyway.
gypsycaine says, I went through 27 pairs of glasses in my first 18
the_voicelady says, Eeeeek!
gypsycaine says, Mom counted.
pippin_999 says, wears glasses but is not blind without them
hermitchick says, Had Daria-type glasses, till my face came into
contact with an encyclopedia at a high rate of speed, had to have them
electrical taped for two week till I got a new pair
the_voicelady says, Ouch!
gypsycaine says, at least 4-5 times from someone's fist/other thing...
catorman is away (not at my desk)
sineadsiobhan quietly shouts hearing-impaired people of the world unite!
gypsycaine says, that sounds like me and the basketball.
the_voicelady says, That's me too, sinead!
catorman is back.
gypsycaine says, I was sitting at church camp, watching the boys play
babynick34 says, I keep forgetting to wear mine... I've been 26 years
without, so not that surprising I suppose.
gypsycaine says, I was reading my bible....
the_voicelady says, I know where this is going...
gypsycaine says, and the basketball escaped.
the_voicelady says, Yup - I was right!
hermitchick says, trying to eat lunch and chat at the same
gypsycaine says, right on the nose.
Minzzer says, my glasses are somewhere...won't need them till
tomorrow..they can sleep till then
gypsycaine says, plus a lovely black and blue-nose....
gypsycaine says, LOL
babynick34 says, I'm trying to eat dinner and chat... not easy!
the_voicelady exclaims in her best marcia Brady voice - Oh my nose!
gypsycaine says, I have no choice--I MUST wear mine.
hermitchick says, I'm eating nachos
gypsycaine says, exactly.
the_voicelady says, Been there.
gypsycaine says, I looked like her, but mine was real, not mu.
the_voicelady says, I'm sorry.
gypsycaine says, Mom and dad asked me, "WHY were you that close to an
active game, knowing how you are with glasses?
babynick34 says, According to the Chinese menu, I'm eating "Roast Duck
and Barbequed Pork with Fried Rice".
gypsycaine says, You know better" when they ran me out a new pair.
the_voicelady says, Myy kity keeps trying to crawl onto my keyboard.
I guess he wants to say hello!
gypsycaine says, Hi Kat! Guess it wants to say hi to Rita's?
hermitchick says, I can't risk breaking my nose, it's too big, I have
my grandmother's nose, when she broke her's it hooked, don't want that
to happen
gypsycaine says, MMMM. share NIck!
pippin_999 says, My dog is asleep under my desk
the_voicelady says, Mischief would love to chat with another cat.
the_voicelady says, How did she break her nose?
gypsycaine says, my son is asleep in his bed.
gypsycaine says, I drugged him.
the_voicelady giggles inanely.
hermitchick says, who?
gypsycaine says, Ian.
babynick34 says, How old is Ian now Dee?
hermitchick says, damn soggie natches
gypsycaine says, Dimetapp C&A.
the_voicelady says, Dee - I've been having this pesky feeling that I
know you...
hermitchick says, lol
gypsycaine says, 3. He'll be 4.
sineadsiobhan leaves
gypsycaine says, You know me?
jamesf991 enters
gypsycaine says, I live in OH.
gypsycaine says,
the_voicelady says, Sometimes I think so.
hermitchick says, That stuff knockes me out
gypsycaine says, it did the same to him.
the_voicelady says, What are your cousins names?
sineadsiobhan enters
gypsycaine says, he needed the nap. He's been good.
sineadsiobhan grumble
gypsycaine says, which? I have 25.
the_voicelady says, On your mother's side.
gypsycaine says, maternal or paternal>
catlady_de_los_angeles is back.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, For some reason, my cat Elway is not
sittin gon the monitor just now, so Mischief can't say Hi to him through
catlady_de_los_angeles says, cat chat
gypsycaine says, David, Allan, Brian.
gypsycaine says, (Walker)
the_voicelady says, Okay - never mind.
gypsycaine says, and that's it on that side.
gypsycaine says, the rest died.
hermitchick says, I'm not allowed a cat!!
the_voicelady says, I'm sorry.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, None of the four of them are in this room
just now -- hmmm, someone must have opened the refrigerator door.
the_voicelady says, I love my cat. He's my kid!
agassizde enters
gypsycaine says, It was back in the 70's. Cardio-myopathy.
pippin_999 says, There's a bird trapped in my skylight. Any ideas?
the_voicelady says, Oh my.
agassizde says, Hi all
gypsycaine says, I want a cat.
gypsycaine says, open it?
sineadsiobhan says, shoot it?
hermitchick says, hi
Minzzer says, better than a bird flying through your kitchen
the_voicelady smiles.
pippin_999 says, It doesn't open
gypsycaine says, Ok.
hermitchick says, or a bat
gypsycaine says, now that that options out, lure it out.
gypsycaine says, what would lure a bird?
the_voicelady says, Bang on it with a broom or mop.
hermitchick bonks Minzzer on the head.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persephone: my mother wouldn't let me get
a cat (there were a few in her household), but when I went to college
and lived in a dorm, I got a cat, and what couldn't my mother do but
endure it when I brought it back for the summer?
gypsycaine says, Open your window first...
catorman is away (be right back)
the_voicelady whispers, Who is catorman?
gypsycaine says, I can't afford the 150 deposit and rise in rent
pippin_999 is away (be right back)
gypsycaine says, My son's in love with the downstairs cat.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, catorman is named Catherine I think
gypsycaine says, he keeps talking to it through the glass in the
jamesf991 is away (out to lunch)
the_voicelady says, Okay.
catorman is back.
gypsycaine says, (the apart is on the same level as the sidewalk
outside the apartment, and he stands, and talks to it. Today he said,
"Bye, see you later!" as we got into gramma's car.
sineadsiobhan says, ugh...... help!
the_voicelady says, That's very sweet.
pippin_999 says, Bird is rescued...thanks
the_voicelady says, What's wrong, sinead?
catorman is away (be right back)
gypsycaine says, He's just not old enough.
hermitchick says, my health lunch of natchos, is getting all
soggie no fair!
catorman leaves
gypsycaine says, plus we need a bigger apt. No place for the pan.
the_voicelady says, My cat would like him. He loves people - kids in
catorman enters
the_voicelady says, Nachos are healthy?
hermitchick says, yeah
gypsycaine says, better than Kara's supper for her and the
babynick34 says, My chinese is just getting cold... I'm reading more
than eating.
gypsycaine says, and mountain dew!
the_voicelady says, Mountain Dew! You must be flying right now!
gypsycaine says, the cat is a nice calico.
babynick34 says, Mountain Dew - I love that stuff. Can't get it here in
the UK.
gypsycaine says, no?
hermitchick says, mountain dew is too strong, but Jolt is killer, it's
like drinking hard liquor
gypsycaine says, surprised at that.
gypsycaine says, now we know what to get Nick for his birthday!
the_voicelady throws his head back, cackling with glee.
hermitchick says, Pepsi is better
babynick34 says, Pepsi make it don't they. Oh yes... a 40' container
full of mountain dew!
hermitchick says, his?
sineadsiobhan says, someone from England is going to Harvard Business
School and is asking me if I could take him around..he just PMed me out
of the blue
gypsycaine says, I like Pepsi better than Coke, but then I dislike all
of those. Give me Rootbeer and Canada Dry!
the_voicelady says, It's programmed into the emoticon. I'm a "she" -
at least I was the last time I checked.
gypsycaine says, brb....a dash!
babynick34 says, It's not me Sinead... I can't go anywhere at the
moment, no passport.
hermitchick says, I keep getting PMed by people that want to cyber
with me
the_voicelady says, You're being spammed.
Minzzer says, I keep getting PMed by people...
sineadsiobhan leaves
hermitchick says, damn people
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jeralyn, you can edit the 'emotion'.
Single click on it and a little menu will come up
babynick34 says, I keep getting PMed by people wanting to show me
pictures of their bodies.
hermitchick says, taht too
Minzzer says, I also think my email address is in it for me
pippin_999 says, You can set it so you don't get PMs from people who
aren't on the list
hermitchick says, why are they always chicks though?
catorman leaves
Minzzer says, how?
the_voicelady says, Thanks!
gypsycaine returns....feeling much better.
catorman enters
sineadsiobhan enters
sineadsiobhan grumble
pippin_999 leaves
sineadsiobhan says, I keep hitting the enter button
gypsycaine says, and of course, the phone rang while I was in there.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Pippin, did you get my e-mail long
ago with a pathetically bad story attached?
gypsycaine says, wb pippin!
sineadsiobhan says, um.. didn't pippin leave?
catorman leaves
sineadsiobhan says, and I so can't wait for John to get here
gypsycaine says, LOL>
hermitchick says, are you ever going to continue your fic?
gypsycaine is prepared!
babynick34 says, When you chat, are you listening to anything at the
same time?
gypsycaine says, not yet.
gypsycaine says, was just going to fix that Nick.
the_voicelady : KISSES
the_voicelady : / \ A Kiss For
the_voicelady : / \ Everyone!
the_voicelady : (___)
catorman enters
pippin_999 enters
gypsycaine says, got the Billboard's version of 1983, '85,'86, '87,
and '89 yesterday.
gypsycaine says, he's back!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persephone: Yes, but it's very difficult
to plan it out
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Pippin, did you get my e-mail long
ago with a pathetically bad story attached?
hermitchick says, what's wrong with it?
gypsycaine says, going to be multitasking...
pippin_999 says, Yes, Rita, but not pathetically bad
catorman says, Rita, you're right, I am Catherine
sineadsiobhan says, i think Yahoo is being (@(&$)(& to some of us
the_voicelady says, BRB.
pippin_999 says, I was meaning to email you about it...
catlady_de_los_angeles thanks Pippin
catorman says, (Sorry, been lurking for a while)
hermitchick says, Damn, the framed version of my site isn't working
now, it was last night, damn geocities!
mgrantwich enters
pippin_999 says, My 'A' key is broken which I m using a pthetic
gypsycaine says, I dl'ed dreamweaver, going to try to use that for a
pippin_999 says, excuse for not writing
siriusgeologist enters
gypsycaine says, ah.
gypsycaine says, HI!
sineadsiobhan says, same for p
mgrantwich says, hello.
hermitchick says, dl'ed?
sineadsiobhan says, hey Carole!
pippin_999 says, Hi Carole
hermitchick says, hello
Minzzer says, hi
agassizde says, Hi Carole
gypsycaine says, downloaded.
catorman says, Magda, have you read GoF yet?
hermitchick bonks Minzzer on the head.
gypsycaine says, yes...
mgrantwich says, yes
gypsycaine says, she finished it.
gypsycaine says,
gypsycaine says, (caught that on post.... another of our late-nighters
Minzzer says, you can download dreamweaver?
catorman says, Did you have to stay up all night?
gypsycaine says, I can.
hermitchick says, really?
gypsycaine says, (GRINS!
gypsycaine says, wickedly)
siriusgeologist says, hi there...hey monika!
mgrantwich says, Not quite. Very crowded book; like a cloth bag stuffed
too full and the weaving is strained.
hermitchick says,
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persephone (Hermia is such a shorter
name!), the main thing I want to do in the next section is very hard to
do: to show a complicated emotion interchage (each tries to reacruit the
other, Light to Dark, Dark to Light)
gypsycaine says, if you want to talk about it, Minzzer, I'm 21282374
at ICQ.
catorman says, Yeah, I got the feeling it was rushed and she was under
pressur - alot more mistakes as well
babynick34 says, Download dreamweaver - only if you have a DSL
connection surely... would take an age at 56k
hermitchick says, call me what ever, Kate works
catlady_de_los_angeles thanks Kate
gypsycaine has DSL...
the_voicelady says, Hi Carole! What's shaking?
gypsycaine . o O ( via telephone... )
hermitchick says, I downloaded paint shop pro once on a 56k, took 18
babynick34 says, I've suggested to Jo that she allows a select few fans
to proof read the next book - but she didn't reply!
gypsycaine says, I dl'ed that a few mos ago.
gypsycaine says, psp7. WONDERFUL program!
siriusgeologist says, hey! can't stay too long...gotta go visit friends
gypsycaine says, understand, Carole!
the_voicelady says, That's cool.
joanne_rowling2001 enters
the_voicelady chuckles in amusement.
catorman says, Who sent the JKR April Fool?
babynick34 says, Dee - do you live in a city?
mgrantwich says, still missing that middle initial
gypsycaine says, yes.
hermitchick says, huh?
gypsycaine says, Canton.
catorman says, Oh, she's just joined - who are you?
joanne_rowling2001 says, leave you to guess
joanne_rowling2001 says, joanne rowling is the correct name
gypsycaine says, Home of the Football HOF>
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and I've made it harder for myself by
wanting to do some other things at the same time -- include an
action/adventure segment which is already half written, for example
joanne_rowling2001 says, middle initial was added for publishing process
the_voicelady says, Plus, she refers to herself as Jo - not Joanne.
babynick34 says, Ah, I can't get DSL as not in the city - too far from
local exchange.
catorman says, We know that - was it the same with Stouffer?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Joanne, are there so many other
Joanne_Rowlings listed in Yahoo already that you are the 2001th?
gypsycaine says, I'm paying city taxes... but my DSL originates out of
pippin_999 says, I can't get DSL either...out in the boondocks.
the_voicelady says, Nick - I can't get DSL either!
sineadsiobhan says, I wonder if I could change my yahoo ID so I could
get away from this guy?
mgrantwich says, what the heck is DSL?
joanne_rowling2001 says, her middle name was a grandmothers name, added
for the initial;
gypsycaine says, Digital Subscription Line.
catorman says, I was just going to ask that, Magda
gypsycaine says, I dl at speeds of up to 750 kb/second.
babynick34 says, there is also ADSL but we won't even get on to that
the_voicelady says, "MY" middle name is Kathleen.
Minzzer says, just got DSL...because she couldn't stand AOL anymore
mgrantwich says, You can ask what the full phrase means
catlady_de_los_angeles says, DSL is a fast way to conenct to the 'net
without tying up your tetlephine
gypsycaine says, BINGO!
hermitchick says, computer couldn't handle one, can bearly take the
56k, damn things being held together with duct tape
gypsycaine says, that's why I did it!
catorman says, Yes, as they wanted her to sound male (Huh?)
babynick34 says, Jo - tell me, what is the name of you PA?
the_voicelady says, Right.
joanne_rowling2001 says, Fiddy
sineadsiobhan says, and it's april 1st.. its hard to get fooled today...
hermitchick says, PA?
the_voicelady says, personal Assistant.
babynick34 says, You are doing well, I like that
gypsycaine listens.
joanne_rowling2001 says, who is doing well?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nick, everyone on the list has read your
e-mails mentioning Fiddy .. altho' you haven't mentioned whether 'Fiddy'
is a nickname, surname, or first name
gypsycaine goes to start Napster to listen to her tunes.
the_voicelady says, This morning when I read the posts, I thought you
were joanne_Rowling2001, Nick.
joanne_rowling2001 says, should I not know the names of my own staff?
babynick34 says, You are JO... I'm trying to establish if you are the
real Jo or not.
hermitchick feels lost, par usual
babynick34 says, Good point, lets see if Jo know's Fiddy's surname...
Minzzer says, joins Kate in her area
the_voicelady meditates.
catorman says, OK, I have one. Jo, what was your favourite piece of
music on Desert Island Discs?
hermitchick says, Ok, mow the nachos are mush, damn
pippin_999 says, Really diabolical if Nick and "Jo" are in this
hermitchick bonks Minzzer on the head.
the_voicelady says, That's what I think, Pippin.
mgrantwich says, What do we usually talk about?
Minzzer bonks hermitchick on the head.
sineadsiobhan says, doesn't sound right...
gypsycaine says, Oh, everything.
the_voicelady says, Just various stuff, magda.
catorman says, She's not answering...
sineadsiobhan says, BRB... changing sn
joanne_rowling2001 leaves
gypsycaine says, Sex, Language development from the early bc's to the
the_voicelady says, It was John.
catorman says, Ha, did I get her?
mgrantwich says, went looking for that initial, I'll bet
sineadsiobhan leaves
hermitchick says, evidently
catlady_de_los_angeles says, there is always a Weird Pairings section
of the chat, such as Lockhart/Sirus or Ron/Giant Squid
gypsycaine : ~, .-. ^^
gypsycaine : /| -= ( ) =- ^^
gypsycaine : ~^~ /_|\ ^~~-^~~-sunrise on a new day
gypsycaine : ~^~ ~^~^~^~^ sunset on the old
gypsycaine For all the Shippers out there!
hermitchick says, is it time?
Minzzer says, ???
the_voicelady says, Shipping again? NNNoooooooo!!!!!
gypsycaine :o <|
gypsycaine : _ |[ ]| _|__
gypsycaine : \\\\\\\///////
gypsycaine :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
gypsycaine The good ship RW/HP
joanne_rowling2001 enters
catorman says, yes please, my favourite!
hermitchick says, I like slash, anyone else?
joanne_rowling2001 says, this system seems a bit unstable
Minzzer says, and why is no one defending Min's ship
catorman says, Yeah, right
gypsycaine says, try Cheeta.
mgrantwich says, You're all wrong: it's Draco/Hermoine, Ginny/Neville,
and Snape/Mrs. Norris
hermitchick says, Min's ship?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee: I didn't know there was a Rita
Winston/Harry Potter ship -- Harry is way too young for me!
the_voicelady says, Went to check on "your" favorite disc, huh?
siriusgeologist leaves
gypsycaine says, LOL!
catorman says, Can't remember, what's Min's ship?
babynick34 says, It is very unstable at times Jo... Cheeta is better,
but latest Cnet copy is corupted.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Draco/Pansy (with others on the side)
Minzzer says, Harry/Hermione
joanne_rowling2001 says, what is Cheeta?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ginny/Hermione (I hope)
the_voicelady says, Jeralyn/Lupin.
hermitchick says, ugh!
gypsycaine : try CheetaChat - the best chat software for Yahoo - With
text blends, custom avatars, and more, you won't be sorry! -
LucyYDesi enters
agassizde is away (Auto-Away)
hermitchick bonks Minzzer on the head.
LucyYDesi says, I'm back
babynick34 leaves
gypsycaine I'm saving this chat to post it in full on the Chatscripts
group here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts/
catlady_de_los_angeles growls jealously at Jeralyn
the_voicelady says, But only when my hubby is playing Lupion.
LucyYDesi says, (its sinead)
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
the_voicelady says, That's "Lupin."
hermitchick says, why is everyone leaving and comming
owlfriend_of_hedwig enters
gypsycaine says, thanks.
gypsycaine says,
catorman says, Jo is still not answering.
pippin_999 says, Nobody ever says Ginny is too undeveloped a
gypsycaine says, I've had to create two separate macros for that.
pippin_999 says, to pair, except with Harry.
babynick34 enters
joanne_rowling2001 says, what am I meant to be answering?
gypsycaine says, I do.
joanne_rowling2001 says, the computer keeps freezing
the_voicelady says, Ginny is too under-developed a character. <vbg>
babynick34 says, Back again... I do hate Yahoo!
gypsycaine says, I wish Ginny was more developed.
catorman says, Everyone has been slamming me all week about Ginny. I'm
fed up with it.
owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hello
Minzzer says, hi
agassizde is back.
gypsycaine says, She's interesting in GoF... Now just to run with it
hermitchick says, computers are evil, that's the fun
owlfriend_of_hedwig says, can't stay lonh
owlfriend_of_hedwig says, g
pippin_999 says, Hi Simon
catorman says, Jo, Desert Island Discs - remember?
gypsycaine bonks Simon with a feather-pillow and watches the feathers
fly down into folks cans of pop.
LucyYDesi says, hey Simon!
hermitchick says, hello
the_voicelady schnoogles Simon
catlady_de_los_angeles says, What is Minzer's favorite ship, that no
one is defending?
joanne_rowling2001 says, DID was a long time ago
joanne_rowling2001 says, musical favourites change
Minzzer says, Harry/Hermione...all the H/H-ers decide to go out and
enjoy life
catorman says, No it wasn't, and it was your all time favourite ever.
hermitchick says, brb, can't sit still, too damn much caffeen
the_voicelady says, I want to see the word "schnoogle" show up in Book
pippin_999 says, Got to be a Brit...check the spelling
babynick34 says, True... but surely you can remember the CD which a
close friend of your's gave you when you left your now ex-husband.?
hermitchick bonks Minzzer on the head.
LucyYDesi defends Minzzers ship, then goes out for a drink
owlfriend_of_hedwig says, yes I can remember it well
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kate, why all this violence to Minzzer?
It comes across to the viewing audience as flirting?
catorman says, Ok, another one - your favourite REM track
Minzzer says, how about the word *glomp*?
the_voicelady says, Glomp is a good one, too!
babynick34 says, catorman - that's that one I was talking about
Minzzer says, ahhhhhhhh
pippin_999 says, No glomping and schnoogling in the Potterverse!
owlfriend_of_hedwig says, no Cass to glomp
Minzzer says, Kate...says that its always torture Minzzer day
catorman says, Oh, I was thinking of the Tchaikovsky - her all time
favourite from the lot
owlfriend_of_hedwig leaves
harry_potter00 enters
babynick34 says, I like that REM song as well.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Joanne, what is the difference
between 'warlock' and 'wizard'? I develioped a complicated theory that
'warlock' is a representative (politician) to the Warlocks' Convention
and otehr equivalents of Parliament
joanne_rowling2001 says, REM are good
mgrantwich says, Are we going to discuss something?
catorman says, "Everybody Hurts" - Jo obviously has amnesia
harry_potter00 says, Hi
the_voicelady says, We "are" discussing something!
Minzzer says, hi
joanne_rowling2001 says, a few letters cat
the_voicelady says, Hi Scott!
catorman says, What do you want to discus
gypsycaine leaves
Your buddy gypsycaine leaves chat
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Scott!
pippin_999 says, What's the difference between the Warlocks Convention
and the ICW?
LucyYDesi says, doesn't sound like her
babynick34 says, Yes, and I doubt she can remember the last 4 digits of
her office phone number..
LucyYDesi says, or reads like her
joanne_rowling2001 says, Is Scott the person calling himself Harry?
harry_potter00 says, Yes that's me!
catorman says, See, she's still pretending...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I would GUESS that Warlocks' Cnvention is
Britain (parliament)
harry_potter00 says, And I don't suppose you're Jo...
catorman says, What is the ICW
catlady_de_los_angeles says, and ICW is international (like the UN???)
joanne_rowling2001 says, I won't give that out. If you know enough about
the region someone lives in you can get the rest
the_voicelady says, I'm telling you, I think it's John - either him or
Jim Ferer.
LucyYDesi says, I'm pretending to be Lucille Ball recarnated
babynick34 says, But who is Jo really.... that's the question.
harry_potter00 says, H...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, International (Con)federation of
pippin_999 says, International Confederation of Wizards
joanne_rowling2001 says, Surely you know who I am
the_voicelady says, I know who you claim to be...
LucyYDesi says, It doesn't read like her it can't be her
harry_potter00 says, Perhaps you are dear Lucy!
catorman says, Yep - we're well past the 12pm deadline by now
babynick34 says, Definently not Jo then, as she knows I have the office
address, tel and fax numbers as well as email address.
LucyYDesi ponders...
Minzzer says, ???
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think it is por proofreaading that
three or four different versions of the name of ICW in print
joanne_rowling2001 says, I was past the 12pm deadline when I joined -
clearly an indication it was not an April Fools
joanne_rowling2001 says, but everyone else does not Nick
LucyYDesi says, how does she know it's an april fools deadline?
pippin_999 says, Still April fool's day here in California
catlady_de_los_angeles says, It's NOT QUITE past 12 am here in Pacific
Daylight Time
babynick34 says, That is true I suppose, but the last 4 digits of a uk
phone number would not give much away to our american friends here.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, A hypothetical list member in Hawaii
would have hours yet
harry_potter00 says, Still april fools here
catorman says, Oh, sorry, it's 20.12 here
joanne_rowling2001 says, I am in the UK, as already worked out
catorman says, So am I, therefore you are 8 hours too late!
harry_potter00 says, Isn't it April Fools all day long. *looking
the_voicelady says, Hey, I still have membership cards if people want
one. Email me with your addresses.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, They're refering to a Brit trad that
April Fools hoaxes have to be completed by noon
joanne_rowling2001 says, I joined mid afternoon
LucyYDesi says, Days not over there, isn't it?
harry_potter00 says, Ohhh...
catorman leaves
catorman enters
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jeralyn, your membership cards will be
collectors items, as now that a logo has been chosen, new cards will be
needed with the logo
Minzzer says, membership cards?
babynick34 says, Which logo won?
LucyYDesi says, Jeralyn! Some of my HP friends want the cards!
the_voicelady says, I'll have to see about making them up. But I
still have close to 200 of the others left!
harry_potter00 says, I'd love a membership card! BTW, what's the new
pippin_999 says, Sorting hat
LucyYDesi says, Can you send me a couple?
the_voicelady says, Sinead, I'll give you a bunch when I see you next.
agassizde is away (stepped out)
LucyYDesi says, That's next week right?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm glad teh Sorting Hat won, I voted for
it, but I'm sad that we couldn't vote for secnond place, because I
laughed happily at John's example ofhow to yse his logo
agassizde leaves
the_voicelady says, April 13th! Woo hoo! Although I;m upset that
Ebony won't be here now.
pippin_999 says, I'm going to see Eb in Chicago!
Minzzer says, Min wishes she could be in New York...can I be there in
harry_potter00 says, April the 13th?
the_voicelady says, Go ahead - rub it in...
LucyYDesi says, I don't know why but for 2 months I haven't had a spam
PM and today April fools and I keep getting PMs
catorman says, What are the membership cards you are going on about?
hermitchick says, what's April 13?
LucyYDesi says, Come on up Scott!
the_voicelady says, Everybodyy who can;t be here will be here in
harry_potter00 says, Oh I want to!
pippin_999 says, We will be there in spirit, too
the_voicelady says, April 13th HPfGU meeting in NYC!
hermitchick says, huh?
hermitchick says, oh
babynick34 says, Is there still a London meeting planned?
hermitchick says, wasn't paying attention
harry_potter00 says, How much do you think a train ticket would be?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Voicelady printed up some HPfGU
membership cards fro membefs who want them.
the_voicelady says, I made up goofy membership cards on the internet
and passed them out at our first NYC meeting. Send me your address and
I'll mail you one.
LucyYDesi says, let me tell my friend that I'm going to NYC on that
friday... maybe she'll hang out and I could stay overnight at her
house... not sure
catorman says, Cheers.
babynick34 says, Scott - cheaper than my plane ticket I expect!
Your buddy gypsycaine is in chat
gypsycaine enters
harry_potter00 says, Hmm...
gypsycaine HeLLo EveryOne
heiditandy enters
catorman says, London? how many of us are in London (I am).
LucyYDesi says, a train tix costs about 46 dollars
hermitchick says, hello
the_voicelady says, Heidi!
Minzzer says, starts muttering about how she's never any where
Minzzer says, hi
LucyYDesi says, student discount
pippin_999 says, Hi Heidi
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Heidi!
harry_potter00 says, I think there will be one in London sometime in
July...Ebs and I are going to be in Oxford...
gypsycaine says, Rita, I hope you will send me the missing piece....
LucyYDesi says, w/o student discount its 54 dollars
heiditandy baps slow computer
gypsycaine says, I think I overloaded my poor 64 RAM.
catorman says, Let me know...
gypsycaine says, Heidi!
the_voicelady says, Is that round trip?
heiditandy says, Hi all!
gypsycaine says, Almost emailed you last night.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I dunno if you got the e-mail I resent
you on Monday/Tuesday?
gypsycaine says, (thanks to John....)
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dunno if I remember what it was about!if
heiditandy says, I am*so* surprised I didn't get a flood of emails
asking if it was true
heiditandy says, only Cassie sent me something in private mail.
LucyYDesi says, nope to NY.. its 96 dollars the entire trip
babynick34 says, We could have a meeting in Oxford... easier for me to
get to Oxford than to the city.
gypsycaine says, I was going to ask if we had a case!
the_voicelady says, Eek!
pippin_999 says, Heidi, I had my prefs sent so I couldn't be
LucyYDesi says, ugh.. 91 dollars.. sorry
heiditandy says, I actually thougth that John was serious when he
sent it, and hten I realised...
the_voicelady says, That's still an eeek.
harry_potter00 says, Well I'm not sure yet...we might. You might want
to E-mail Ebony and see.
heiditandy says, Hey! I'm their IP attorney - they would've asked me!
al_ffn enters
catorman says, Oxford is very easy from London ( but don't you want to
check out King' s Cross?)
the_voicelady says, Al!
gypsycaine says, that's what I figured.
heiditandy says, oh heck. baby woke.
LucyYDesi says, I know.. but I heard that the trains in england are a
little expensive both ways...
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, AL!
al_ffn says, g'day!
gypsycaine says, I'm just waiting for John to arrive....
mgrantwich is away (Auto-Away)
joanne_rowling2001 says, kings croos is very nice
gypsycaine says, Understood Heidi!
the_voicelady says, Croos?
gypsycaine :.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._
gypsycaine : Hello !
gypsycaine :.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._
catorman says, No it's not, it's a dump
LucyYDesi says, isn't it cross?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Why is it named King's Cross?
babynick34 says, Been to Kings Cross far too often - nothing exciting
joanne_rowling2001 says, so, I cannot spell
the_voicelady says, Just kidding...
babynick34 says, Incidently, did my pics of Kings X ever get reloaded to
the picture archive?
LucyYDesi says, I thought she majored in english and french in
the_voicelady says, I'm going to use the word "croos" in a sentence
tomorrow, too...
catorman says, Because one of the Eleanor of Aquitane crosses from the
Crusades is there (I think) Just like Charing Cross
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nick, I thought someone said they bopught
their GoF at a WHSmith shop at Kings X? Isn't that exciting?
the_voicelady : ( ")>
the_voicelady :\______ ) ( DUCKY
the_voicelady : \__<{{{{{__)
the_voicelady :^^^^^^
gypsycaine says, we'll know if you use prolly
catorman says, No. it's still a dump. Very low class red light
LucyYDesi says, I like Baker Street
gypsycaine says, you're just chatting to get words!
the_voicelady says, But of course!
mgrantwich is back.
mgrantwich says, Eleanor of Castile; Edward's "chere reine" now
pronounced Charing
babynick34 says, I got mine there - they had guy in a wizard costume
catorman says, Why do you like Baker Street - Sherlock Holmes?
helmionenightingranger enters
babynick34 says, Neil and I had a fun morning watching Jo leave in the
train. I of course followed up to Didcot.
catorman says, So was it not King's Cross as well, Magda
LucyYDesi says, Madame Tussaud's
dai_evans enters
hermitchick says, hi persoon I don't know
gypsycaine :.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._
gypsycaine : Hello !
gypsycaine :.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._
the_voicelady says, We have a Madame Tussaud's here in NYC now.
harry_potter00 says, Wasn't it when Eleanor died and Edward had
crosses built everywhere here funeral procession stopped....?
mgrantwich says, He put a cross up everywhere the casket rested on the
way to her final burial
catlady_de_los_angeles says, H, Dai, whre is your Welsh flag avatar?
babynick34 says, I must have all the pics on a PC somewhere - will have
to reload them to the graphics archive at somepoint.
catorman says, Why do so many people love MT's. I do not understand it.
helmionenightingranger says, hello everyone I'm new to this list
hermitchick says, who's the person with the really long name?
the_voicelady says, Welcome!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, MTs?
pippin_999 says, Hi
harry_potter00 says, I knew I remembered that!
gypsycaine says, mt?
LucyYDesi says, hey Dai!
catorman says, Yes, I've got my history mixed up. You are both right.
babynick34 says, Hi Hel
gypsycaine says, hey, it's scott! (#1)
babynick34 says, Jo - you are being very quiet.
mgrantwich says, MT?
harry_potter00 says, I'm what?
dai_evans says, Hi Sinead, and everyone, what happened to you
gypsycaine wonders if she should try to load Napster again?
joanne_rowling2001 says, e-mailing people
LucyYDesi says, you write fanfic, Helmione?
LucyYDesi says, my yahoo went funny
joanne_rowling2001 says, have to go in a moment
LucyYDesi says, I was quite upset
hermitchick says,
gypsycaine : )\ \|/ /( Oh what wicked webs
gypsycaine : ))\ | /(( we weave
gypsycaine : ))/ | \(( When first we practice
gypsycaine : )/ /|\ \( to deceive!
gypsycaine Dedicated to John!
dai_evans says, So was I#
helmionenightingranger says, yes, sometimes
joanne_rowling2001 says, need to read my daughter a bed time story
helmionenightingranger says, but not good stuff
harry_potter00 says, Oh dear Jo.. Well keep working on OoP!!!! ;-0
LucyYDesi says, get AIM dai its free
catorman says, sorry, Madame Tuasauds
hermitchick says, slash or het?
helmionenightingranger says, more often I just read other peoples'
babynick34 says, Well, do check with Fiddy in the morning, I sent her
some email you might like.
catorman says, Jo, I hope it's not my fault. I'm such a Doubting Thomas
joanne_rowling2001 says, lucky me
al_ffn says, i'i've not said anything for four minutes - this evil must
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Fic doesn't HAVE to have a romance/sex!
LucyYDesi says, I think I saw you... alongside with Mystic Madzy or
somthing like that....
helmionenightingranger says, yes
joanne_rowling2001 says, goodbye all
helmionenightingranger says, she's my sister
joanne_rowling2001 says, this has been fun
pippin_999 says, Bye
helmionenightingranger says, bye joanne
gypsycaine stops dead in her tracks, and rotates her head to look at
Rita. "It doesn't?"
al_ffn says, bye!
harry_potter00 says, Bye
catorman says, Bye Bye JO
gypsycaine says, bye jo
hermitchick says, true, but it's all I read, I like to know
the_voicelady says, Bye John! See you in a minute!
joanne_rowling2001 leaves
LucyYDesi says, tee hee hee
the_voicelady grins mischievously and snarks! evilly..
harry_potter00 says, Hahaha
hermitchick says, snarks?
catorman says, So was it John?
gypsycaine :bbb______//____//
gypsycaine :b ( KaBooM BoMB 1=--
gypsycaine :bbb\_\\_\
gypsycaine : You've Just been nuked.
harry_potter00 says, Was that John?
gypsycaine says, hasn't editted it just yet for John.
al_ffn says, i've been *looking* for John, as it happens
LucyYDesi says, I'm sorry, Dai.. I restarted my computer and signed on
and found that you had left!
dai_evans says, He had me going there for a minute or two after I read
the message on main list. Then I remebered the date.
the_voicelady says, That's my own word. I'm going to use it tomorrow,
pippin_999 says, Such a jactical proker!
al_ffn says, he had me going for about two minutes ... then I noticed
the replies were piling up
the_voicelady says, I THINK it was John.
dai_evans says, I waited about 10 minutes, then I went to bed. It was
about 4am
sjbranford enters
al_ffn says, and that meant i kind of sussed him out
LucyYDesi says, I was upset :-(
gypsycaine says, I know Elmore has something about Snarks.
the_voicelady says, Snark!
catorman says, I bet Doreen felt daft this morning
Minzzer is away (Auto-Away)
gypsycaine says, I like the bumper sticker: Quark! Quark! Beware of
Quantum Ducks!
LucyYDesi says, what did Doreen do?
sjbranford says, hello, I just came back in to say hi
the_voicelady says, Simon!
sjbranford says, sorry for crashing out last time
gypsycaine bonks Simon with a feather-pillow and watches the feathers
fly down into folks cans of pop.
sjbranford says, my coputer died
catorman says, Sent a heartfelt message re: John's joke about how
terrible it all was
the_voicelady whispers, I was wrong. It was Simon!
harry_potter00 says, Could this have been Sion...
harry_potter00 says, Simon
babynick34 says, Who ever it was, they forgot to set their profile!
sjbranford says, I was in earlier when Jo was in
gypsycaine says, yes, you were.
LucyYDesi says, he was in as owlfriend
gypsycaine says, and do you use cheeta, sir?
harry_potter00 says, Oh...we're betting that was John.
the_voicelady says, So he had 2 windows open!
gypsycaine says, I can use yahoo and get two windows.
pippin_999 says, You can do two identities!
gypsycaine says, it's harder though.
babynick34 says, My guess too... another one of his practical jokes
dai_evans says, Of course it was John.
dai_evans says, He's usually here by now.
LucyYDesi says, yes it's john
LucyYDesi says, I know it's john
catorman says, How
hermitchick says, probably
babynick34 says, How do you know Lucy?
the_voicelady says, He's so silly.
LucyYDesi says, after that joke I'm not easily fooled
Minzzer says, unless he doesn't what to be stalked
Minzzer is back.
gypsycaine : ---}}}}}---
gypsycaine : (o o)
gypsycaine : _oOOo-(_)-oOOo_
gypsycaine : |___|____|___|___| starts stalking John
the_voicelady says, Kilroy!
LucyYDesi says, and who ever that person was...
al_ffn says, i need to get him back for that gag ... very badly
mandolabar enters
sjbranford says, sinead sounds upset
LucyYDesi says, it sure didn't read like jo
babynick34 says, I tought it interesting I got no reply to the surname
of her PA question.
pippin_999 says, Hi Amanda
heiditandy is away (Auto-Away)
catorman says, What has Kilroy got to do with anything
hermitchick says, not melodramitic enough?
babynick34 says, Jo would not have minded giving that basic info.
gypsycaine says, Hi!
gypsycaine leaves
gypsycaine enters
Your buddy gypsycaine is in chat
mandolabar says, John must die.
harry_potter00 says, Hi Amanda!
the_voicelady says, I don't think you ever posted her surname, Nick.
LucyYDesi says, and Simon.. I forgive you about that thing last week
catorman says, And she has no recollection of recent interviews
babynick34 says, No, I don't think I have... thus John would not know
catorman says, And she seems to have forgotten her entire record
mandolabar says, Odds that the newbie isn't Jo?
the_voicelady says, The macro that Dee used on cheeta was of Kilroy.
sjbranford says, thanks Sinead
mandolabar says, Anyone who thinks it is, want to buy this bridge of
LucyYDesi says, I was quite upset Simon
babynick34 says, Given what I know about Jo... it's 95% certain not to
be Jo.
pippin_999 says, John being silly buggers
the_voicelady says, I love John.
the_voicelady says, He's so cure.
dai_evans says, I would honest;y stake my life on the newbie not being
Jo. It's April fools day for heavens sake.
LillRedRidingHood enters
the_voicelady says, That's "cute".
sjbranford says, what this over me suggesting that you should eb killed?
babynick34 says, But I have asked her to drop in and chat with us, so
anything is possible.
LucyYDesi says, yes he is so cute
LucyYDesi says, yes!
mandolabar says, Yeah, but it's somebody in the uk, look at the
address...can you alter that?
al_ffn says, but you're not allowed to play pranks after midday!
otherwise it's egg on your face
LucyYDesi says, I was upset, Simon
sjbranford says, 5% chance then Nick
gypsycaine says, she'd use another handle, though.
gypsycaine says, I doubt she'd want one so blatantly obvious.
sjbranford says, you knew it was a joke?
mandolabar says, I wondered why she'd solicit reader opinion if her
agenda's set.
LucyYDesi says, famous people sometimes use an obvious sn..
catorman says, But surely she would want us to believe it was her, and
would therefore not avoid simple questions
al_ffn says, she'd want to hide
sjbranford says, it depends, some authors do read their newsgroups and
comment using there own name
gypsycaine says, my best friend (Kara's) going to pull on at 7:30 this
evening. She has to wait until her hubbie gets home.
al_ffn says, pratchett does
the_voicelady says, Orson Scott Card being one.
al_ffn says, allegedly
babynick34 says, the real jo would log in as Fiddy... as it's fiddy who
has the net access.
harry_potter00 says, But I think Jo would say who she was...
sjbranford says, pratchett discusses his books with anyone
Aberforths_Goat enters
LillRedRidingHood !!! HELLO Room !!!
the_voicelady says, Mike!
pippin_999 says, Hi Mike
harry_potter00 says, Hi Mike
Aberforths_Goat says, hi kids!
mandolabar says, Nick, did you ever get any take from Fiddy about
anything for Penny?
al_ffn says, iknow, i have signed copies ... hi!
mandolabar says, Hi goat
babynick34 says, Hi Mike... maybe it was him petending to be Jo!
hermitchick says, hi
gypsycaine says, Hi Mike!
catorman says, Don't you think she'd think we're all mad? If she read
the message board and saw how much we overanalyse...
Aberforths_Goat says, no. I am Jo.
the_voicelady says, I think she;d get a big ole kick out of it.
harry_potter00 says, Not another Jo.
mgrantwich is away (Auto-Away)
sjbranford says, well I am off - amy be back later
LucyYDesi says, LOL
mandolabar says, No! I am!
al_ffn says, she'd be going ... dear god, it's only a book
gypsycaine says, he'd have to use yahoo.
LucyYDesi says, bye Simon!
mgrantwich is back.
mgrantwich says, no i'm not.
the_voicelady says, Will the real Jo rowling please stand up.
babynick34 says, No, nothing I'm afraid. I've not have much in replys
to emails for a while - Fiddys trying to ignore me I think.
gypsycaine Gd !!! Gd !!! Gd !!! Gd
!!!Gd !!!Gd !!! Gd !!! Gd !!!
Gd !!!Gd !!! Gd !!!
dai_evans says, I'm Jo, and so's my wife.
mandolabar says, LOL
helmionenightingranger says, lol
pippin_999 says, Lol
sjbranford leaves
Aberforths_Goat says, I was Jo first, though
mandolabar says, Oh, yeah?
LucyYDesi says, dai's married?
gypsycaine says, and I forgot that ALL was in there.
gypsycaine says, Oh well
LucyYDesi slinks away sadly
dai_evans says, no, not really.
mandolabar says, Mike's saying Jo's a GOAT!
the_voicelady says, I didn't know that either, Sinead.
al_ffn says, blasphemy!
heiditandy says, am back
heiditandy is back.
hermitchick is scared
mandolabar says, Heidi, pages.....?
gypsycaine says, now, that would be a great way to lurk on list. as a
gypsycaine I'm saving this chat to post it in full on the Chatscripts
group here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts/
Aberforths_Goat says, Mandolabar: it's worse: some goat is saying
Jo's a Mike
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kate, scared of what?
al_ffn says, who would ever suspect?
gypsycaine To access the Chatter-list so you know who you're talking
mandolabar says, LOL
hermitchick says, life in general
al_ffn says, who am i talking to (goes to find out)
gypsycaine says, dang phone
mandolabar says, Who's gypsycaine, forgot our names?
catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo
Group :
catlady_de_los_angeles says, gypsycaine is Dee
heiditandy says, baby is sick
the_voicelady listens and says ahh yes.
hermitchick says, I forget who I am, better go check
heiditandy says, so I will be in & out..
mandolabar says, Thanks, when I click on thelinks it kicks me out of the
catorman leaves
dai_evans says, Nothing serious, we hope
harry_potter00 says, I'm confused ....
mandolabar says, Oh, sorry, Heidi--what with?
al_ffn says, right click on the links
triner2001 enters
mandolabar says, Ah.
catorman enters
heiditandy says, cold - all sniffly
babynick34 says, I'm not sick!
harry_potter00 says, Not sure who anyone is today!
mandolabar says, My oldest had an ear infection all last week, eardrum
helmionenightingranger says, poor kid
dai_evans says, No, just twisted.
mandolabar says, So my sympathies.
Aberforths_Goat says, poor Heidi. I thought things like that didn't
happen in Florida.
helmionenightingranger says, is it a boy or a girl, heidi?
babynick34 says, thanks Dai
harry_potter00 says, I rememer Ear infections...not fun!
helmionenightingranger says, (sorry, i'm new, i don't know these things)
heiditandy says, boy. harry - really harrison
the_voicelady says, Ear infections. Blech!
triner2001 says, Have we all recovered from John's evil April Fool's
mandolabar says, No.
al_ffn says, an ear infection cause me to spill banana flavoured
medicine all over my schoolbooks when i was nine
gypsycaine : )\ \|/ /( Oh what wicked webs
gypsycaine : ))\ | /(( we weave
gypsycaine : ))/ | \(( When first we practice
gypsycaine : )/ /|\ \( to deceive!
gypsycaine Dedicated to John!
harry_potter00 says, I think so....
LucyYDesi says, I had to change my name for the time being
pippin_999 says, ear infections are wretched
the_voicelady says, Trina - did you get your card?
mandolabar says, I was depressed all night, worried it *wasn't* a joke
dai_evans says, When he comes in he needs some abuse.
triner2001 says, not yet
Aberforths_Goat says, Has John turned up to gloat??
gypsycaine : ---}}}}}---
gypsycaine : (o o)
gypsycaine : _oOOo-(_)-oOOo_
gypsycaine : |___|____|___|___| starts stalking John
al_ffn says, i nearly screamed
gypsycaine ::(""":::::""""""\______
gypsycaine ::| ..;; [......] """ """"" :::::: ] ] ]
,,, ======
gypsycaine : | /\("""""""UUUU""""""""
gypsycaine :Shoots John with her water gun! Blahhhh! Gets you back for
the Joke!!!!!!!!!!!!
harry_potter00 says, As Jo Rowling...
pippin_999 says, Took me a few minutes to figure it out...
catorman says, No! I only found this group last week, and couldn't
believe it was all over so soon...
babynick34 says, Time will tell on that one. It will be interesting to
see how far the new spread - after all there are a number of the Media
on this list!
LucyYDesi says, a man was hitting on me from England.... he said he was
going to Harvard Business school and wanted me to take him around
Minzzer says, checks to see if Min's friend is available to nuke John
mandolabar says, After all the Tripod shutdowns, you never know...
catorman says, But then I realised the date.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mike: not under the name of JoHn nor
Ivan. Dunno know who LilRedRiding Hood might be
dai_evans says, Sinead, what's his name. I'll sort him out.
the_voicelady says, April Fools!
al_ffn says, didn't someone post us links offering to help out?
LillRedRidingHood says, it's me!
mandolabar says, Yeah, the date was what gave me pause.
triner2001 says, I got the msg via the anncoucement list I get at my
LillRedRidingHood grins...
LucyYDesi says, i forgot it.. it was sumer something
triner2001 says, gave me a heart attack
mgrantwich says, Have to go now; going out for dinner tonight and must
get ready. Have a good week.
babynick34 says, Tripod shutdowns, I missed that news... was that due to
ATW legal dept?
the_voicelady says, After last year, I was prepared for anything!
catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Magda
harry_potter00 says, Bye!
catorman says, bye Magda
gypsycaine says, bye!
Minzzer says, the Tripod was a glitch
pippin_999 says, Bye
the_voicelady says, See ya Scott.
al_ffn says, bye
hermitchick says, bye
mandolabar says, I think so--bunch of Rickman people had their sites
shut down with no notice, lost all their content
Aberforths_Goat says, Scott--are you going??
harry_potter00 says, I'm not leaving!
LucyYDesi says, what happened last yeear?
mgrantwich says, Bye
mandolabar says, Bye
the_voicelady says, Never mind then...
mgrantwich leaves
harry_potter00 says, Yeah what happened last year...
triner2001 says, bye Magda
hermitchick says, lots of people here now
harry_potter00 says, I wasn't here then.
al_ffn says, chat sure looks full up tonight
LucyYDesi says, all for one reason LOL
pippin_999 says, I went to check PoU list and there was nothing...so I
knew it was a joke
babynick34 says, I got a reply from AOL yesterday regarding my complaint
about their use of the HARRYPOTTER keyword.
mandolabar says, *always* lots of preople here
mandolabar says, preople?
LucyYDesi says, to watch john get maimed
Minzzer says, I thought tripod got back all the sites that were
deleted...well I got mine
babynick34 says, They basically didn't care less!
mandolabar says, jeez
catlady_de_los_angeles says, Last yer's April Fool hoax, done by a
friend of voicelady's who isn't even a list member, joined under a clase
catorman says, A what name?
LillRedRidingHood says, clase name?
catlady_de_los_angeles says, false name
harry_potter00 says, Ohhh...
catorman says, oh
al_ffn says, it *was* a good hoax though, capitalise on our worst fears
... this is why John must be hunted down with pointy sticks
LillRedRidingHood says, and that tells you who Lil Red is!
the_voicelady says, Oh...you!
mandolabar says, It's John! Hurt him!
hermitchick says, ohh, pointy sticks
LucyYDesi says, LOL
the_voicelady says, I still say it was inspired!
gypsycaine ::(""":::::""""""\______
gypsycaine ::| ..;; [......] """ """"" :::::: ] ] ]
,,, ======
gypsycaine : | /\("""""""UUUU""""""""
gypsycaine :Shoots John with her water gun! Blahhhh! Gets you back for
the Joke!!!!!!!!!!!!
catorman says, Kill! Kill!
Aberforths_Goat says, I have the good fortune to have a daughter
whose birthday is April 1st. It's the perfect reality check.
harry_potter00 says, John
babynick34 says, forget pointy sticks - use sharp metal swords!
LillRedRidingHood bonks Neil with a feather-pillow and watches the
feathers fly down into folks cans of pop.
catlady_de_los_angeles says, I wonder if John ENJOYS pointy sticks....
hermitchick says, lets see some bolld
helmionenightingranger says, my friends birthday is april 1st
heiditandy says, my husban's bday is today too
harry_potter00 says, Neils not here..is he?
al_ffn says, yes, it's the innuendo part of the chat already!
pippin_999 says, razzes John
mandolabar says, John, you really need to be careful of threatening the
only outside grownup conversation of an isolated mother of three....!
the_voicelady schnoogles John!
mandolabar says, I was edging into depression if it wasn't a joke
LucyYDesi glomps John
dai_evans says, John, have you ever been hung unpside down in a vat of
boiling lard while jackals chew your feet?
LillRedRidingHood says, where's John?
mandolabar says, Oh, Dai
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