5-6-01 more...
gypsycaine at ...
gypsycaine at ...
Mon May 7 03:19:28 UTC 2001
mistress_D_Evil says, I remember those two,
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, wicky is lost
elvenwren says, Is it just me.. or is anyone else having trouble
reading some of the fonts here..?
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, lol
mistress_D_Evil says, and the phrase le chico in la cesto?
selah_1977 says, Amaria aprender como al tango... aprendo salsa,
agent_starling_1999 says, uh, salsa!
selah_1977 says, And why can't I do accent marks with my version of
agent_starling_1999 says, That I´d LOVE to learn
mistress_D_Evil says, salsa??
agent_starling_1999 says, but I am such a bad dancer I´d probably
embarrass myself for a lifetime
elvenwren says, Accents marks seem to work on my computer.. just
nothing else.
agent_starling_1999 says, I hate accent marks and I never do them...
my literature teacher is always glaring at me when I had in my work
selah_1977 says, LOL! Starling! I was a horrible dancer all my
life, but in college I just *had* to learn how to salsa... it was
just so cool-looking I had to try it!
mistress_D_Evil says, don't try unless I'm using a site.
mistress_D_Evil says,
agent_starling_1999 says, hand in I meant
agent_starling_1999 says, oh, dinner time
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, my spanish teacher hates me because i never
do accent marks
selah_1977 says, LOL! I can relate... all my Spanish teachers from
age six till now were the same...
agent_starling_1999 says, mother is waiting
agent_starling_1999 says, bye guys!
creyentex says, buhbye!
selah_1977 says, Oh, okay! Talk to you soon!
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, bye starling!
elvenwren says, bye Starling
agent_starling_1999 says, oh, don´t worry, I never use them
selah_1977 says, Buenas noches!
selah_1977 says,
Your buddy mass_of_muscles has gone off pager
mistress_D_Evil ¿¥?Gôð® ßýêÂll!!!¿¥?
agent_starling_1999 says, and Garcia Marquez says they are useless,
and he is an important writter
agent_starling_1999 says, Buenas Noches a todos!
selah_1977 says, I *love* Marquez... he's very important!
selah_1977 D, Starling!
elvenwren says, My french teacher annoys me so much about accent
agent_starling_1999 says, I am doing my thesis on him
selah_1977 says,
agent_starling_1999 says, bye!
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, nice !!!! I'll ahve to tell Snr. Stevens
that they're useless
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, *have
dai_evans says, Bye Starling
mistress_D_Evil ¿¥?Gôð® ßýê l[#00ffffm!!!¿¥?
agent_starling_1999 says, we´ll talk about Marquez another day
selah_1977 says, One Hundred Years of Solitude... bye!
elvenwren says, "It could be a whole different word if you leave out
the accent"
elvenwren says, <grr>
agent_starling_1999 leaves
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, yeah, one of my friends was getting on my
case because i wasn't using accents
mistress_D_Evil says,
elvenwren says, Are accents critical at all in Spanish?
selah_1977 says, Wow, that was nice and fun! A Spanish-speaking
friend, Bob?
selah_1977 says, Yes, accents can be critical... I'm not a native
speaker, but there are some words where it makes a difference.
elvenwren says, I hate Latin teachers that force you to use macrons
as well..
elvenwren says, Latin's a dead language, no one speaks it.
elvenwren says, ok..
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, woosh!!!!
mistress_D_Evil says, it may be dead, but I'd like to learn it.
elvenwren says, My knowledge of Spanish is limited to its latin roots.
elvenwren says, Definitely do..
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, i'd like to learn it too, mistress
elvenwren says, Some of my favorite writers of all time are Romans.
selah_1977 says, You know what? This has inspired me to join a
Spanish-only listserver so I can practice more...
elvenwren says, Cicero's In Catilinam is my current bed-time reading.
elvenwren says, That's really good.. you can always use more foriegn
lanugage practice.
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, right now, my bedtime reading is ellen raskin
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, again
mistress_D_Evil says, I sighs... là sono molti linguaggi che vorrei
mistress_D_Evil says, http://world.altavista.com/tr
elvenwren says, I'm the only person who reads Cicero for fun, I think.
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, lol
mistress_D_Evil says, never heard of it?
dai_evans says, My bedtime book is 'Falls teh Shadow' by Sharon
Penman. you're into her aren't you Eb?
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, nope
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, (to mistress)
selah_1977 says, Elven--the only practice I have is my Latin music
collection and Univision right now! So I do need to join one.
selah_1977 says, Yeah, Dai! I love her take on the Plantagenets!
elvenwren says, I need to find a Roman mailing list..
elvenwren says, so far.. no luck..
dai_evans says, I like her take on the Welsh giving the English a
Los suspiros... allí son muchos lenguajes que quisiera aprender.
elvenwren says, Actually most people call me Wren.. but it doesn't
really matter..
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, wheeee
elvenwren says, Speaking of english..
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, sorry, i'm a bit out of it
elvenwren says, I found this spelling test on the web today of
commonly misspelled words..
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, yeah...
elvenwren says, And I missed 17 of them.
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, that can't be good!
creyentex is away (Auto-Away)
elvenwren says, It's pretty cool site though.
mistress_D_Evil says, similar, definite....
mistress_D_Evil says, two I know are on there!
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, but how can you do a test without seeing the
elvenwren says, http://www.sentex.net/~mmcadams/spelling.html
elvenwren says, It is multiple choice.
elvenwren says, That's the bad part.
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, is it like, a test that goes through your
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, ohhhhhh
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, brb
bob_the_bouncy_bum is away (on vacation)
elvenwren says, How's your spelling?
mistress_D_Evil leaves
You have disconnected.Connecting...
Connected! Sending login information...
You see here:
elvenwren says, hi
Lady__Nightfall says, You missed 12 words.
Lady__Nightfall says, sighs...
elvenwren says, 12 words?
elvenwren says, Where?
Lady__Nightfall says, supersede
Lady__Nightfall says, on wren's test.
Lady__Nightfall says, i knew I wasn't ready for English 2!
elvenwren says, I wonder if I take it again.. whether I'll get the
same amount wrong.
elvenwren says, Not yet another name!
elvenwren says, How many do you have?
Lady__Nightfall says, I'm easy.
Lady__Nightfall says, 100.
Lady__Nightfall says, seriously.
elvenwren groans
selah_1977 is away (Auto-Away)
Lady__Nightfall says, 7 per acct.
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, ouch!
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, i just missedn 20
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, *missed
Lady__Nightfall says, of course one is ldy_nightfall
Lady__Nightfall says, and another pair are malachite_blade_gareti
and mala_blade....
slytherin_daughter enters
Lady__Nightfall says, wb em!
slytherin_daughter says, Hullo! I'm shocked that people are still in
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, hello!
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, not many of us
elvenwren says, yep.. we're still here.
Lady__Nightfall says, why? it's not ten yet...
Lady__Nightfall says, and I can't leave.
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, we're the survivors of......something
Lady__Nightfall says, I'm the scribe
slytherin_daughter says, Hmmm...
selah_1977 is back.
selah_1977 says, Em's back!
bob_the_bouncy_bum says, hello again!
slytherin_daughter says, I'm back!
Lady__Nightfall chuckles.
Lady__Nightfall says, wb Eb!
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