Another HP song: "IF We Were at Hogwarts Now"
estesrandy at
Fri Aug 8 01:32:37 UTC 2003
I penned a new HP song tonight. After a bad day at work, I started
to daydream....
If We Were at Hogwarts Now
(Words by Randy Estes)
sung to the tune of "If I were a Carpenter"
If we were at Hogwarts now
And we were in Potions.
Would we follow the directions?
Or follow other notions?
When Snape came to our table
And looked over our shoulders.
Would we listen to what he said?
Or start acting much bolder?
Is Detention our meeting place?
Where we decide on our next move.
Or would we try to just save face?
And do what we are told to.
I've had my eyes on that Hermione girl
She's got lots of potential.
She needs to lose those two Gryffindors
And let me charm her with my spells.
Or do you fancy Ginny Weasley?
She got some moves on that Quidditch pitch.
I like the way that she moves that broom
She's gonna make someone one fine Witch!
Was that you talking to Luna Lovegood
The other day at the table?
She seems a little bit spacey to me
I'm not sure she's too stable.
I kind of miss that guy Gilderoy
He was really a screw up!
He never got his hands dirty though
It might mess his hairdo up!
And how about that guy Mad Eye?
The one who acted so moody?
He scared the robe off me several times
He seemed to look right through me!
And who can forget that guy Lupin yeah?
The one whose clothes were a shambles.
I thought he taught us the most you know
Too bad he had to scramble.
I'm just glad they fired Umbridge though!
She nearly drove us all crazy!
Thank goodness for Fred and George
Their antics were amazing!
If we were at Hogwarts now
And we were at Hagrid's Hut.
What do you think he would show us next?
That guy is really such a nut!
Yes, If we were at Hogwarts now
We might just impress old Dumbledore.
He'd wonder what we were up to next
Our lives would never be a bore!
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