[OT?] Trivia Questions - Reviewers wanted

Jim Flanagan jflanagan1 at jamesf991.yahoo.invalid
Fri Aug 15 23:46:59 UTC 2003

I hope this isn't too OT, but I've prepared a little trivia quiz to 
be used in our Sunday school as a special event.  

The file containing the questions is posted in the Files section of 
the_old_crowd Yahoo group, under its own directory:


I mined some of the HP websites for questions, but I just came up 
with most of them on my own.  I'd appreciate it if a few folks would 
review them to be sure the answers are accurate and that they aren't 
too hard for a mixed group of 6-12 year olds.  Additional questions 
would be welcome.  

I plan to run the contest as follows:

1.  Go through a sorting hat procedure to sort students into teams 
(houses).  A teacher acting as the sorting hat would select the teams 
so that they are balanced by age and knowledge of Harry Potter.  I 
expect that 4-8 kids per team would be optimum.

The four houses might be called something other than Griffindor, 
Hufflepuff etc., since small children might become upset if they 
don't get to be in the house of their choice.  This is a Unitarian-
Universalist Sunday School, so we might substitute "Famous UUs" such 
as Ralph Waldo Emerson House, P.T. Barnum House, Florence Nightingale 
House, Linus Pauling House, etc.

2.  Each team should elect its own "prefect" who will give the answer 
for his/her group.  No other team member may give the "official" 

3.  Ask questions of each House in turn.  The prefect for the team 
must answer within 30 (45?, 60?) seconds.  Each question is worth 10 
points.  Points may be deducted for bad behavior, just like at 

4.  At the conclusion, offer prizes to the team with highest total 
points, etc.

Thanks for any comments or suggestions.

-Jim Flanagan

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