[the_old_crowd] Re: very OT dumb question, but...
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jul 1 01:02:21 UTC 2003
Red Eye Randy apparates into the discussion !
Thanks for finding the words to my biggest hit song!
I am deeply honored that people still remember my song
after 3 years off the charts! Thank you again!
Please deposit 8 and 1/2 sickles into the jukebox.
I feel obligated to write another few verses of song
for Books 4 and 5 since neither one was published when
I wrote the first song! I will work on that soon.
Well, I finally escaped from my closet underneath the
stairs. I finished the book today. Basically last
night I almost finished with only one chapter left.
Every time I tried to read the book this week, Carole
or one of her three assasins would hit me with shouts
of "Stupefy" or "Petrificus Totalus" as I reached for
the book!
Honestly, I was reading the book aloud to my son after
reading it to myself a couple of chapters at a time.
Since we were only half way through the book on Friday
afternoon, I took matters into my own hand and grabbed
the bunny slipper portkey and read the next 400+ pages
this weekend.
I have therefore read the book 1 and 1/2 times now,
and I plan to read aloud to Brian until completion.
I was saddened by the loss of Sirius and worn out by
reading the battle scenes on Sunday night. I was
encouraged by the improvements made by Neville, and
glad to see Ron Weasley have something go his way!
I cheered when I read the part about the centaurs
carrying Umbridge off. She really did get carried
away ( the pun was definitely intended by JKR.)
I recalled a moment from my past when Umbridge and
McGonagall went toe to toe about Harry Potter being
qualified to become an Auror. Umbridge was the
Assitant Principal of my High School, and my mom
filled the role of Professor McGonagall quite nicely.
At age 16, I had read the school notice about fall
registration incorrectly and missed the date by one
day only to be ridiculed and dissected by Assitant
Principal Umbridge and Mommy McGonagall came to the
rescue and took the blame. I now know why I hated the
character of Umbridge so much !!!!! She worked at my
high school before she went to work for the Ministry
of Magic. I am quite sure that Snape tought several
engineering classes at my college as well. Potions is
a prerequisite for Thermodynamics classes.
I oscillated between loving and hating this book
several times during the week. The chapter that left
a bad taste in my mouth was "The Lost Prophecy". It
was not so much the lack of new information as the
complete loss of control by Harry in Dumbledore's
office after Dumbledore saves his life in the previous
chapter. I do understand his angst over the loss of
Sirius because he was the closest link to having a
real home that Harry ever had going for him.
It is now obvious that Rowling plans to speak directly
to the age group that Harry represents in each book.
Since 15 year olds need to control their emotions, she
shows them the consequences when they don't. She
shows the long term effects that careless behavior and
bad decisions can have. The lives of Sirius and James
are illustrations of the long term results that
behavior can have. Sirius ends up getting into
trouble for rash decisions, and Snape becomes a
troubled soul from all the abuse he receives.
JKR's constant trend to have the underdog become the
victor is also evident. The giant in the Forest story
ilustrates the idea that a good deed can reap rewards
in unforeseen ways. The giant helps Hermy and Harry to
escape from the centaurs. If Hagrid had not taken
them to see him, they would not have had the good
I predict the emergence of Neville as an important
character, perhaps saving Harry's life or indeed
killing Voldemorte since Harry appears not to have the
stomach for it. The House elves will one day be freed
in mass and join forces to save the Wizards from the
wrath of Voldemort as well. The Giants will have a
battle in book 7 where some join the good guys thanks
to Hagrid.
Harry will learn the benefits of cosmetic surgery to
remove his scar. He later becomes Headmaster of
Hogwarts after a long career outside of teaching.
Hermione comes back to Hogwarts to take Professor
McGonagall's post. This is also after a long career on
the outside.
Ron becomes the Minister of Magic after succeeding his
Crabbe and Goyle become bouncers at the Hog's Head
Dance Lounge.
The Tampa Bay Devil Rays play the Chicago Cubs in the
World Series. Oh, sorry that could obviously never
Enough babbling Randy......
He bows and touches the bunny slipper portkey once
more. Pooof.
--- Scott <insanus_scottus at ...> wrote:
> Kaitlin wrote:
> "Long long ago, in the stone age of HPfGU, someone
> wrote the
> fabulous song, "I am the very model of an adult
> Harry Potter fan."
> Who was that person, and is he (I'm pretty sure it
> was a guy) a
> member here? Also, would someone be able to post a
> copy of the song
> here?"
> --Considering the fact that I frankly can't for the
> life of me
> separate a tune from the original words, or, for
> that matter
> remember the tune to begin with, I'm not going to
> pretend to have
> written this great Filk when, I think, the term
> "Filk" had not yet
> been coined).
> In any case a quick search of the archives will
> produce this link--
> which is exactly what you're looking for! (I'm
> posting it below
> which I hope is OK with Randy...are you still out
> there?)
> Ok everyone attention!! *picks up wand and taps
> music stand* A
> rousing chorus now...
> music begins...
> * * *
> (Sung to the tune of "I Am The Very Model of a
> Modern Major General")
> I am the very model of an Adult Harry Potter Fan
> (words by Randy Estes You can make up your own!)
> I am the very model of an Adult Harry Potter Fan
> My book collection's full of books that other people
> wish to ban!
> I'm quite adept at Hogwarts facts, Yahoo message
> boards I have read
> From Slytherin, and Hufflepuff, to potions that fill
> up my head.
> I'm very good at quoting phrases, I have even
> memorized
> When Harry fights the Basilisk, my full attention's
> mesmorized.
> I can remember everything that happened at the
> Shrieking Shack
> When Lupin and Scabbers ran off, I almost had a
> heart attack.
> When Quirrell took off his Turban, I never quite
> expected that
> The bad guy we were looking for was hiding
> underneath his hat.
> But Harry grabbed the Sorcerer's Stone while looking
> at reflections
> of
> The visions in the mirror to save characters that we
> all love.
> I can't stop thinking 'bout the next book J.K.
> Rowling's dreaming up
> Will Harry date Hermione, and who will win the next
> Quidditch Cup?
> When other people are asleep, I'm making up this
> silly song
> 'Cause Harry Potter's magic has made something in my
> head go wrong!
> When children's books cause such demand
> You see this can get out of hand.
> I am the very model of an Adult Harry Potter Fan!
> Well? What do you guys think about it?
> Round 2:
> Say thanks for all the accolades.
> I'm really glad you liked it so.
> But now this song is in my head
> And I can't seem to let it go.
> My wife says I am getting worse
> "Oh please don't write another verse!"
> Somebody please go find a nurse
> Because I think that I've been cursed!
> So won't somebody join the game
> And write another verse with me?
> There really isn't any
> true responsibility.
> So Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs
> And Slytherins please show your stuff.
> This Ravenclaw's rolled up his cuffs
> And posted all this silly fluff!
> (The crowd joins in for the chorus:)
> When children's books cause such demand
> You see this can get out of hand
> He is the very model of an Adult Harry Potter Fan!
> * * *
> "Ah music," he said, wiping his eyes. "A magic
> beyond all we do
> here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!" (Dumbledore
> PS/SS p.95)
> Scott (who's off to bed himself)
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