Augustus vs. Algernon (WAS: OoP: Flints, errors, and other details (LONG)

psychic_serpent psychic_serpent at
Tue Jul 1 14:47:37 UTC 2003

--- In the_old_crowd at, "Phyllis" 
<erisedstraeh2002 at y...> wrote:
> I just extracted my British copy of OoP from the post office where 
> it was being held pending my return from vacation, and while it 
> refers to Rookwood as "Algernon," the U.S. version refers to him 
> as "Augustus."  So I'm guessing that it's the British editor who 
> fell down on the job here rather than the Daily Prophet.

Yes, my UK copy finally arrived yesterday.  (I'm gladder than ever 
that I elected to buy a US copy after all.)  The US editor(s) 
definitely picked up on the error and corrected it, while the UK 
editor(s) did not.  Which also means that they evidently don't speak 
to each other.  ::sigh::  I think my original idea that JKR's mind 
was on Neville's Uncle Algie, who is probably properly called 
Algernon, may have been on the mark.  I'm not sure why else she 
would just pull the name "Algernon" out of the air and use it in 
place of "Augustus."

--Barb, who thinks that if JKR paid proper beta readers enough 
(she's got the dough) she wouldn't have to worry about security OR 

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