[the_old_crowd] McGonagall Helping Harry and Clumsy Tonks (WAS: OOP: First-read Reactions)

pennylin pennylin at plinsenmayer.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jul 2 15:39:14 UTC 2003

Hi --

I wrote:

> I've always known she [McGonagall] was a softie at heart, but you 
> really see her displaying more of that in this one.  "Potter, if I 
> have to work with you every single evening, I will make sure you 
> qualify for Auror studies" (paraphrase).  I loved her.  Loved her 
> to pieces.  :::::screams:::::::

Phyllis: <<<<<<I loved this, too, but I was disappointed when she didn't follow-up on her promise.  Harry went to his O.W.L.s without any extra help from McGonagall, and without top O.W.L. marks in Potions and 
Transfiguration, both of which she tells him he's not up to snuff in, 
he wouldn't be able to get the required N.E.W.T.s in order to become 
an Auror.  Granted, Umbridge had passed a decree that said that 
teachers couldn't talk about anything other than their own subjects, 
so presumably McGonagall couldn't give Harry extra help in Potions, 
but there was no mention of Harry receiving extra Transfiguration 
sessions.  And Snape was able to teach him Occlumency after hours 
under the cover of Remedial Potions, so why couldn't McGonagall have 
provided Harry with extra help on non-transfiguration subjects under 
a similar cover?  Of course, it might have been easier for Snape 
since he's apparently in league with Lucius Malfoy (whether as a spy 
or for real, we don't know) and Umbridge would therefore trust him 
where she doesn't trust McGonagall.>>>>>>>>>>>

I think this is another case of Harry not following through and not seeking adult help as much as he should.  McGonagall made the offer; I think it was really up to Harry to approach her later to see about some extra help.  I don't think she was making an empty promise for Umbridge's benefit in other words.  But, I don't think she should have been required to press him on the matter.  It's *his* career after all.  

I rather suspect he managed to do what it takes to go forward to NEWT levels in all required Auror-in-training courses.  :--)


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