[the_old_crowd] Re: The Noble House of Black
Monika Hübner
mo.hue at ...
Thu Jul 3 05:53:12 UTC 2003
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Stephanie Roark Keener"
> <keenersd at l...> wrote:
> > s
> > p
> > o
> > i
> > l
> > e
> > r
> > *
> > *
> > *
> > s
> > p
> > a
> > c
> > e
> >
> > What with Sirius gone now -- who gets his house?
You know, I was asking myself that question, too...
> > Obviously, if he
> > has a will, he can leave it to who ever he thinks should have it
> > (Harry? Lupin? Dumbledore?). But, what if he died without a
> will?
Hm, he might have a will, stored in his Gringotts vault. It would
be logical that he made one when he decided to be the Potter's
Secret-Keeper. He expected to die then. Okay, he was still very
young, but it's a viable assumption. But even if he has a will, the
house wouldn't be part of it because he would have never wanted it
and his mother was still alive at that time. Unless he
changed his will during the time frame of OoP. I think this would be rather
unlikely, he wasn't in the frame of mind to think of such things,
being depressed and all.
> > Furthermore, is the will of an at large prison escapee going to be
> > recognized by the MoM? His closet living blood relatives on the
> > Family Tree are Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy. If the
> > headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix fall into either of these
> > hands (I'm guessing the Malfoy's) that would be disastrous!
> > Hopefully, the fact that Tonks' mother is blasted off of the
> Family
> > Tree won't mean that she can't inherit the house.
Sirius was blasted, too, and the house is his. The fact that
it's unplottable might mean that neither Narcissa nor Bellatrix
can get there, remember Dumbledore added his own
Kris added:
> Here's another question that is bothering me. And this may have
> been brought up before. I understand why there wasn't a funeral
> held. Sirius still is considered a criminal. But why wasn't there
> a public notice of his death. I expected Fudge to capitalize on the
> fact that "one death eater was at least dead." We all know the
> truth, but Fudge could have manipulated that information to keep his
> public image slightly positive. Or does Fudge not know about his
> death?
Dumbledore might have told him. Fudge now recognizes Voldemort
is back and that Dumbledore (and Harry) were right. And Sirius was one
of those who contributed to catch at least some of the escaped
Death Eaters, I think it would be very difficult for Fudge to maintain
he was a criminal. But of course being Fudge, he'll try to pass it
under the blanket. Maybe we'll learn what happened in Book 6,
after all Kingsley is the one responsible for the hunt for Sirius, and
he's a member of the order.
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