Some More Potential OoP Flints (also posted on HPfGU)
ReinaKata02 at
Tue Jul 8 17:55:40 UTC 2003
Phyllis wrote:
> 4. Someone on the main HPfGU list astutely mentioned that the
> entire Hogwarts student body should know that Harry can conjure a
> Patronus since he did so at the Gryffindor-Ravenclaw Quidditch
> in PoA. I found it also odd that the question Lupin asks Harry to
> verify his identify when the Guard comes to Privet Drive is "What
> form does your patronus take?" when there are lots of other people
> other than Harry (most notably, sons of DEs such as Malfoy, Crabbe
> and Goyle) who also know this information.
I don't think he had his Patronus fully developed at the point of the
Gryffindor-Ravenclaw match. As it says on page 262 of the US version
of PoA, "Something silver-white, something enormous, erupted from the
end of his wand. He knew it had shot directly at the dementors but
didn't pause to watch..." Also, on page 263, it says that Malfoy,
Crabbe and Goyle were wearing "long, black hooded robes," so it is
possible that they themselves couldn't see the Patronus very well.
> 5. There are fifty witches and wizards at Harry's hearing, and
> Arthur indicates his belief that this constitutes the entire
> Wizengamot. However, at Karkaroff's hearing in GoF, there were
> 200 witches and wizards in attendance.
Maybe the other 150+ wizards were spectators?
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