A Gleam Thought

Amanda editor at mandolabar.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jul 11 16:41:45 UTC 2003

I had a thought. About the gleam.

When Dumbledore had the "gleam of triumph" in his eyes, it was 
because the use of Harry's blood had "built in" a weakness in 
Voldemort's new body and/or mode of existence, which made his 
ultimate defeat either more possible, or simply possible. We had all 
thought this, I think.

New thought: When he looked old, seconds later, it was because this 
was final, incontrovertible proof that Harry *was* the child in the 
prophecy, and possibly Dumbledore, who loves him, had held out a 
shred of hope that Harry would be spared. Up until right then.

Thoughts? Sorry if you've covered this, I have in no way been keeping 


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