pennylin at
Fri Jun 13 02:38:42 UTC 2003
Hi all --
Whoo, hoo...........8 more days to go!!!!!!!!
Penny Linsenmayer
plinsenmayer (booooooooring)
Husband Bryce of 10 years as of this October; two-year old daughter Elizabeth (who may be news to some of you old-timers that we haven't seen in quite some time) and two very, very spoiled and unruly dachshunds, Hansel & Gretel. In-laws who live close enough to babysit when it suits them; parents who are hoping to move closer so they can babysit which is more than agreeable.
Houston, Texas
***Birthday, Place of Birth:
4 November, Andrews, Texas (small oil town in outer reaches of West Texas)
***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
Useless B.A. in History and English (Texas Tech University); Law degree from The University of Texas, a degree far more practical than the aforementioned useless B.A. but far more boring and unsatisfying. Practiced corporate & securities law for about 9 years (IPOs, mergers, etc.). Talked husband into "retiring" to have kids and pursue writing career. Now chase toddler around and cart said toddler to 18 million activities per week and do very little writing really. Very, very little writing when one considers the time squandered on the Harry Potter fandom.
***Other things we might want to know about you:
Heterosexual; won't eat any non-starchy vegetables unless mushed into spicy Indian food; love Mexican, Indian and Thai foods best of all (spicy is my thing obviously); Lutheran; liberal Democrat (and currently APPALLED that husband's firm expects cash contribution to Dubya's next campaign!).
***First contact with Harry Potter:
January 2000 ----- picked up SS as an after-holiday "pick-me-up" light reading. Devoured all 3 books within a week.
***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships, fics, objets
d'Art, general enthusing):
Books: PoA and GoF are almost neck & neck, with a slight nudge to PoA.
Characters: Harry, Hermione, Harry & Hermione together; Sirius, Percy, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Lupin.
Ships: do you have to ask? <g> H/H 4eva and all that..........
Fics: Er......anything H/H and written by a competent adult writer. Also enjoy Carole's series of course. :--)
Merchandise/Films: Okay, I love the movies. I don't love what Columbus has done in every respect, but I just love Daniel Radcliffe. I think he's been super in the role, and I'm unbelievably anxious to see whether Cuaron can bring out even more in him and the others. I think Kloves and/or Columbus has seriously mishandled Ron, and I don't even *like* Ron. But, overall, I really, really love the movies. I own a fair collection of merchandise as well, though it's mainly t-shirts and movie-related things as I cannot stand the WB art in general. I do have a fair few WB bookends though. Oh, and our Christmas tree may soon collapse under the weight of the HP-related ornaments on it.
***Extent of Potter obsession:
I don't know about you all, but I'd say Neil qualifies as more than "Mild to Moderate." <g> I'd label myself Obsessed, but not Obsessed to the Exclusion of All Other Normal Life. I have time constraints, so while I've dibbled & dabbled in various areas of the fandom, the only consistent areas of involvement have been HPfGU (moderator until 2 mths ago) and Nimbus - 2003. My fanfic days pretty much ended with the birth of my daughter since I really don't even have time to read the fanfic authors I love, let alone think about writing any. Though with Nimbus wrapping up in another couple of months and no longer modding HPfGU, I do hope to delve back into the FF world more and more as we another period of waiting for Rowling to write another book.
***Other interests/activities:
Researching/writing about Laura Ingalls Wilder. I am an amateur/semi-professional genealogist. I recently took up scrapbooking and have put considerable capital outlay into getting going on this, much to my husband's dismay. I try to read quite frequently too. I don't watch much TV, as my other hobbies are more relaxing to me, and let's face it: with a 2-year old, I have very little spare time. I do enjoy watching movies with the hubby on Fri & Sat evenings though.
***Current/recent reading:
"The Secret Life of Bees" - Sue Monk Kidd (just finished...absolutely terrific); "The Faith" -- Brian Moynihan (promising); PoA (re-reading).
Other books on my nightstand that will get read *after* OoP has 3 reads: "John Adams" (been on my nightstand for many months now......not as engrossing as McCullough's other works); "Secret History of the IRA" (dry........dry, dry, dry); Charles Dickens biography by Jane Smiley (great; no idea why I haven't finished it yet).
***Current/recent listening:
Jim Dale ....."GoF"
***Current/recent viewing:
Bought Bryce the latest James Bond DVD, so I expect we'll watch it this weekend. [long silence and scratching head] "I need to get out more."
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