replies are the best part of mlists: conversation!

Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) catlady at
Sun Jun 15 00:43:00 UTC 2003

<< Oh, also *anything* Al writes. Including his grocery lists <g> >>

Oh, gods, yes! 

<< one all purpose witch hat and gown >>

I don't consider mine to be HP stuff.

Mary Ann:
<< Am I the only person who actually likes Ron? >>

No! I like Ron and don't understand why so many people hate him. 
This is a sign of how good a writer JKR is, that she makes me see 
it from Harry's viewpoint and Ron's viewpoint, even tho' in real 
life Ron and I would not get along at all well: He like sport, hates 
school, says mean things about ugly girls; I love school, hate sport, 
and hate people who say mean things about me. But Ron the character 
is a good kid and I want him to be happy: I wish JKR would give him 
some of that glory he craves.   

Jim Flanagan:
<<Our 14 yo poodle, Billy, may be on his way out because of a 
pinched nerve in his spine. I'm sitting at home with him as I write 
this. :( >>


<< FICS-- One of my favorites is "His Majesty's Secret Service" by 
Gwendolyn Grace >>

Oh, I loved that, too!

<< 45 km (what's that in miles?) >>

The approximation is that a km is 0.6 mi, so around 27=30.

<< Two cats, Bainbridge and Delancey, are 19 and 11 1/2 and we are 
constantly panicked that one or the other of them is going to die 
(Bainbridge has seizures and Delancey sleeps so deeply it's hard to 
tell she's breathing sometimes.) >>

Oh, dear. I know the feeling. 

Jenny from Ravenclaw:
<< Nothing would make me happier than to see H/G happen. >>

Harry/Ginny is okay but I prefer Hermione/Ginny. I am *not* just a 
slasher, I also like Harry/Cho and Hermione/Viktor!

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