Gathering The Old Crowd - note on further invitations

Neil Ward neilward at
Tue Jun 17 19:06:20 UTC 2003

Hi everyone,

I don't want to suggest that this list is *only* for those of us who 
date back to the dawn of time, but some of us are keen to catch with 
people who were active on the original Harry Potter for Grownups 
Yahoo list, for example. 

I'm sure (well, I know) there are people we missed in the first round 
of invitations.  If anyone would like to add names (and email 
addresses please) to the database in the, um Database section for the 
next round, please do.  

We invited about 75 people and there were 8 of us here already, so 
you may end up adding someone who has already been invited.  In those 
cases I'll note that against their name (I'm not too sure why I 
stripped the names out now).  

The veto column is there because there have been occasional clashes 
in the fandom over the last three years and there are a few people 
who might start firing off Unforgiveable Curses if we let them in.  
I'm sorry to sound rather cryptic and 'up-the-drawbridge' about it: 
it's fairly unlikely anyone will name someone who might need x-ing, 
but it is possible.



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