My Thoughts....might be changed later after I digest

jenny_ravenclaw meboriqua at
Sun Jun 22 14:25:50 UTC 2003

--- In the_old_crowd at, "Saitaina" <saitaina at w...> 

> I
> R
> E
> A
> L
> L
> Y
> D
> O
> N
> T
> F
> E
> E
> L
> G
> O
> O
> D
> .
> .
> .
> *Draco...I really hope that boy gets his act
> in gear and picks a bloody side.  Right now
> he's just a no account annoying bully whom is
> probably going to die a horrible death that
> will leave me relieved to have gotten rid of
> him.  He's not evil, he's not good, he's just
> annoying now.>

Really?  I thought his behavior throughout was pretty despicable.  At 
the end, when Draco threatened, quite seriously, to kill Harry, I 
thought that pretty much confirmed what JKR has in mind for him.  He's 
a bad egg.  The fact that Lucius is in jail due in part to Harry only 
gives Draco real fuel against him now, which was well done.  I'd have 
to say that any money I had in the Redeemed!Draco bank is being 
withdrawn at this time.
> *Professor/Headmaster/Whatever: What's her
> face that I can't bother remembering.  Your
> know who I'm talking about, the annoying bint
> that made me rant and rave to myself in the
> bath for about an our.  Annoying woman she
> was.   If I ever wanted to strangle a
> character she would be it, and I rarely
> strangle characters...they all have some
> purpose.>

Ah, Professor Umbridge.  What a bitch.  She is eerily similar to many 
of the bureaucrats running around the Dept of Education here in NYC: 
the constant, intrusive observations, the eagerness to discipline and 
pull rank at any opportunity, the complete lack of understanding of 
curriculum, the quickness to quell any opposition...  She was a little 
too real for me: only here in NYC, the bureaucrats don't get the shit 
beaten out of them by centaurs.  They get $100,000 raises.

BTW, did anyone else snicker when Petunia asked Dudley "Did he use - 
his *thing*?"?

I have some big questions but will save them for when the main list 
opens up again.

--Jenny *******************************************

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