Harry's bloody hands
cassandraclaire73 at cassandraclaire73.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jun 23 04:34:08 UTC 2003
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "pennylin" <pennylin at s...> 2.
> 3. HARRY -- I loved the complexities that we get out of Harry in
this book.
> I do agree with Cassie's LJ review that the lasting image I'll take
> from this book is Harry's bloody hands from Umbridge's detentions.
It made
> me love him so much more though. :::schnoogles Harry:::::::"
Oh god, yes, that certainly wasn't a complaint, my saying that. It
broke my heart, in a good way, my poor baby Harry with his bloody
hands. And that he TAKES it. He just sits there, quietly, bleeding
all over the place, not going to anybody, even his friends, to fix
it. Because somewhere in there Harry decided that that is what
strength means.
I stick by what I said earlier - that OOtP is an excellent (although
not unflawed) book and a worthy entry in the series, but it is
painful and crushing to read. What, in previous books, was the joy of
discovering new nooks and crannies of the wizarding world, was
replaced in OotP by the torment of discovering new darkness, evil,
and pain in the wizarding world.
Hagrid also totally annoying and Ginny unbearable.
the gloom-ridden Cassie
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