[the_old_crowd] Re: OoP: Amanda goes on and on and on and on and on about Snape

Catherine Coleman catherine at catorman.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jun 24 09:44:53 UTC 2003

In message <bd95fg+fo2o at ...>, Blaise <blaise_writer at ...> 
>Amanda has made a lovely long, long post on Snape!  Hurray!

Yes - and thank you for posting it here, Amanda.  I took a look at 
HPFGU, but at the moment, I just can't sort out the wheat from the 
chaff.  It's very daunting, and I'm really glad that we've got such a 
manageable list in TOC.

I totally agree with you on all of the Lily/Snape stuff - brilliant 
analysis.  I have rather jumbled thoughts on the Snape/Harry dynamic, 
but I'm not going to be able to post until at least tomorrow - moving 
house you know, and packing up books is *so* disheartening.  I'm also 
having to go off and buy washing machines and other things of that ilk 
this afternoon.  But post I will - soon.


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