OoP (what else) Where Carole fgoes on and on and on about...well everything

CJ Estes cj.estes at siriusgeologist.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jun 25 03:23:44 UTC 2003

Borrowing spoiler spacers

> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...
> spoiler space...

Man I've been meaning to post all weekend but have
been reading everyone elses opinions and modding the
PoU list (which is driving me batty BTW...can we NOT
understand the concept of on-topic posts AND what good
is spoiler space when you put the spoiler info in your
subject heading...DUH!!!)  ACK!  sorry had to get that

OK well lets get the bad stuff out first.  Sigh...I
guess Sirius really is dead, unless Luna's Dad was
right and Sirius is actually Stubby Boardman and it
was a polyjuiced Sirius that went though the
veil...Hey! a gal can have hope, can't she???  Did
anyone else feel like the Quibbler was a lot liek the
tabloids in Men in Black?  Where they actually did get
the story right?? 

But, neglecting the death for a moment, I was excited
by the characterization of Sirius in this book.  It
was dead on to what I would have expected.  His
sullenness, and irritability.  His depression and
anxiety at being cooped up.  That house was awful and
it very nearly ended up being another prison for him. 
However it was terribly interesting (to me anyway)
tohear of his upbringing, his family, and his break
with them.  What happened to his father?  Where was
his portrait and or when did he die and for what
cause....more questins that probably won't be

I gotta admit liking the pensieve glimpse that showed
James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter as kids.  They sure
were arogant and irritating.  But they seemed to be
relatively normal kids, which brings me to Ginny...

I really disagree that this book created super!Ginny. 
I think this book actually showed her as a normal 14
yo.  Yes it showed her playing quidditch, but as
others have said, so do her brothers, it runs in the
family and its not like she knocked Harry out of his
position.  I wouldn't go so far as to say she kicked
ass, but I did think she was turning into a Weasley. 
I thought YAY! she got a life!  She realized crushing
Harry wasn't going to happen and she moved on...bravo
for her!  Then she went with this Micheal guy for
awhile and it didn't work out, cool..she knows enough
to move on then as well.  She seems so, well, normal
to me.  I always had hope for her and I personally
like how she's growing up.

And speaking of seeming normal, the trio seemed
anything but normal 14 year olds in the emotional
development department, and it contrasted starkly with
Ginny's development.  I guess my main impression of
these three was that they seemed emotionally
dysfunctional compared to the rest of the school.  As
Penny said they should be interested in a bit more
interaction with the opposite sex at this age.

Not to make this all about shipping, but Ron is very
obviously interested in Hermione, but not all that
interested in doing anything about it.  Harry has
definite reasons for his cluelessness about girls, so
he has an excuse.  His relationship with Cho was
interesting.  I think it was done well and
realistically.  Which brings us to Hermione...

I remember in college hanging with the guys and when
there was a guy who didn't have a girlfriend and he
was just a friend we would try to see what we could do
to set them up...just like Hermione was doing with
Harry.  I see some tiny leanings of Hermione towards
HArry, but to me she's acting like she may actually be
in a relationship with Krum and therefore the boys at
Hogwarts aren't romantically interesting to her. 
Hence her encouragement of Harry to date and
understand Cho.  She defintiely shows no interest in
Ron, romantically and I just can't believe that if she
were aware of any feelings she might have for Harry
that she would be so encouraging to a Harry/Cho

I tend to love romances and while I know the HP books
are not romances this book left me with a kind of cold
feeling.  Alot like what Penny described on Sunday.  I
really felt the need to go read more in a historical
romance I started before HPV just to warm up a bit. 
Now that could be because Saturday and Sunday were
cold, dreary, rainy days here and she killed Sirius,
but all the conflict and the ministry nastiness and
Umbridge, just made the book painful.

I will reread it and hopefully I'll pick up the more
humorous and lighter stuff to balance the death and
conflict.  I want to like this book, but its difficult
at this time.  

OKay did I go on and on enough?

who is thrilled to see Blaise (congrats on getting
married..that is so exciting...), and Suzanne (where
is that mermaid/Sirius erotic epic you promised me in
2001?), Voicelady (I shouted out when I saw you were
here...and I hope you like California), and Naama, and
oh man just about everyone! Has anyone seen Nick

ok I am ending this post now...I promise...

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