My Intro (I'm late too!)

Stephanie Roark Keener keenersd at
Wed Jun 25 15:44:37 UTC 2003

Thank you! Thank You! to which ever of you saw fit to include me 
here!  I realize that someone (probably Eb and Penny And Heidi) 
should have come to my door and broken my wand and then sent me off 
ter live with Muggles for my abandonment of you.


> ***Name:
Stephanie Keener
> ***Nicknames/IDs:
SDRK1 or Keenersd.  I'm just Steph. I've never had any nickname -- on-
line or otherwise -- at all (although some of my students might be 
able to correst me on that one).
> ***Age:
Hitting the big 3-0 come Fall.
> ***Family:
One HP movie addicted son (4) and one HP addicted Husband (37) two 
cats (Daisy and Molino) and one dog (Bartleby -- named for the 
Melville character and NOT Ben Affleck).  I also have one HP addicted 
sister and a mother who thinks we're all wierd.
> ***Home
BBanner Elk, North Carolina -- way up in the Mountains
> ***Birthday, Place of Birth:
November 1, Kentucky, USA
> ***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
I have BAs in History and Political Science and an MA in 
Interdisiplinary Studies (focusing on Appalachia).  I am an 
administrator and instructor at a small liberal arts college, Lees-
McRae College.  I've been kind of down lately so I don't want to go 
to far into what I think or don't think my role in life is...
> ***Other things we might want to know about you:
I promise to reveal anything that seems necessary.  Right now, I 
can't really think of anything.
> ***First contact with Harry Potter:
When my son was still a baby I used to rock him and listen to the 
radio -- one day I caught JKR being interviewed on National Public 
Radio.  A day or so later I picked up SS/PS and was of course 
finished with PoA by two weeks later and I had to WAIT for GoF about 
4 months or so.  But lucky for me I found this FUN group at Yahoo! 
Clubs (remember Yahoo! CLUBS) and there were all these people just as 
obsessed as me and that took the edge off a little.
> ***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships, fics, objets 
> d'Art, general enthusing):
I love the wizard portraits.  I am so glad that they've gotten some 
more time in OotP -- I'm liking Phileas (sp?) as a character.  I hope 
to see more of him.  And I'm strongly in the Lupin-is-Lovely camp. 
I've never really done fanfic.  Okay, I admit to writing one once but 
I never did anything with it. 
> Extent of Potter obsession:
I go in and out don't I?  That darned RL.  Work.  If there's anything 
this week has taught me it's that I don't like my job anymore -- 
putting HP down and working was really really tough.  Okay, well, HP 
won.  I sat in my office with my feet up Monday and read.  In my 
defense I did answer the phone and registered one student for 
classes.  I also attended the party I was supposed to go to on 
Saturday and thus, did not get to begin Reading, really, until 
Sunday.  So I'm really not that obsessed.  Am I?  Right? RIGHT?
> ***Other interests/activities:
Parenting.  Reading.  Hiking.  And in the summer I like to sit 
outside and drink with my neighbors.    
> ***Current/recent reading:
Well I did just reread the four to prepare for OotP.  But before that 
the last thing I read was The American West by John Mack Faragher.
> ***Current/recent listening:
Old Nanci Griffith was in the car this morning.  
> ***Current/recent viewing:
I haven't seen any movies yet this summer -- not even Nemo!  In fact, 
I think the last thing I saw in the Theater was the Two Towers.  Man, 
I have GOT to get out more.  Oh, but the last movie I watched was All 
About Eve and my new favorite TV show is Lucky.  Other than that, the 
only other show I watch is Enterprise and Buffy (reruns) sometimes 

Now I have to go and pick up my Wild Child from school.  I'll have to 
do my real first posting later.  


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