[the_old_crowd] OoP: Confused and bemused - some questions about Snape's Worst Memory
Neil Ward
neilward at flyingfordanglia.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jun 25 19:03:58 UTC 2003
I guess we should keep the spoiler space for a bit... maybe a poll in a day
or so to see if anyone is still reading (or hasn't read) OoP?
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On "Snape's Worst Memory", Catherine said:
<< I agree, and may I just say that I wasn't really impressed with the title
of that chapter? That is the only indication we have that it *was* Snape's
worst memory. Does JKR believe that, or was it just something that sounded
A quick comment on this. It could be a reference to the fact that Snape's
darkest memory was potentially available to Harry in that scene, assuming
that it would have been among those he siphoned into the pensieve. There is
no guarantee that Harry was viewing the worst part of the memory in those
moments, only that he had accessed something Snape didn't want him to see.
Snape knew that whatever memory Harry had seen related to James, since he
comments on James' character when he yanks Harry out of the Pensieve. On
second reading, the memory *is* fairly bad for Snape, as it involves being
humiliated in front of Lily, being rescued by her and then insulting her in
racist terms. Picking up on Amanda's theory, the outcome of that scene may
have been identified by Snape as the end of his chances with Lily (as if he
had any in the first place) and the start of her interest in James, that
later came to fruition with their marriage.
Yes, Amanda has me convinced on the Snape fancied Lily theory!
Another, less likely, possibility is that the title refers to the impact of
Snape's memory on Harry. It seems very unlikely that Snape would want to
spare Harry from learning that his father was an arrogant bully - he was
obviously embarrassed by being the victim in those scenes - but learning the
truth about James was clearly the worst thing for Harry about 'borrowing'
that memory.
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