A big bat bogey hex to Andrew Davies...

psychic_serpent psychic_serpent at psychic_serpent.yahoo.invalid
Tue Oct 21 16:43:43 UTC 2003

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, Catherine Coleman 
<catherine at c...> wrote:
> ...For saying on The Big Read on Saturday night, that the Harry 
> Potter books are unreadable, that her characters are 
> merely "stock", that she can't write, and that he admires all 
> those poor parents who are forced to read the books to their 
> children.  That's after he admitted to only having read the first 
> 30 pages of one of them.

Um, sour grapes much?  (Why do I think he'd change his tune if he 
were suddenly tapped to write the screenplay for OotP?)  I have no 
idea how many times I've read the HP books aloud to my kids. IT'S 
JUST PLAIN FUN!  This is how my daughter first became hooked:

She heard me reading CoS aloud to my son (Harry's detention with 
Lockhart, when he's helping with the fan mail) and all of Lockhart's 
dialogue and JKR's descriptions of him simply put her into hysterics 
(must have been the delivery, she said modestly <g>).  It was 
specifically hearing it READ ALOUD that roped her in (she was ROFL, 
and for once that's not hyperbole).  Now she's read the first four 
books ten times each (some of that is having them read to her) and 
OotP three times.  (She's working on catching up to her count for 
the other books). 

I can only say that it's his loss.  He doesn't know what he's 
missing, and he obviously doesn't care.


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