[the_old_crowd] The case for Dudley, the latent wizard

JoAnna Wahlund pt4ever at pt4ever.yahoo.invalid
Wed Oct 29 15:27:04 UTC 2003

What about in Philosopher's stone, when the Dursleys decide to put Harry in the second bedroom?  Dudley throws a tantrum and chucks his turtle through the greenhouse window (I don't have my copy available so I'm paraphrasing), but to no avail.  Also, in GoF, Dudley is forced, against his will, to follow a diet.  Don't you think these situations might be catalyst enough to "force" some magic out of him?

Though I would have to agree with you that Dudley seems the most likely candidate for showing magic later in life.  I also hope JKR can someday enlighten us as to what Dudley's worst memories were relived when he encountered the dementors (maybe having to follow the diet?  LOL!).

He is a teenager, and however indulged he is at home, he isn't
truthful to his parents, and by lying to them already shows the
potential to rebel. Power and potency is something that matters to
Dudley. He is a bully, he likes to control, he likes to win. He has
in the past shown a marked lack of self-control. I think if he were
now to realise that he possessed magic powers he would be unable to
resist the temptation of trying to use them. I think that the effect
on Petunia would be momentous.


William Shakespeare walks into a London pub.  The bartender takes one look at him and says, "I'm sorry, sir, we can't serve you here.  You're bard."

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